House Alter Ego

The Beverly Hills' Lemonade Stand

How our children took responsibility for the welfare of someone halfway around the world.


Heavenly Healing

Should a Doctor pray for his patients?

All Hail the Chief

How a black Jewish Texan cleaned up an old confederate city.

9 Lessons My Baby Taught Me about God

My new paradigm for relating to God.


Short and Sharp: Raising Kids without Raising Your Voice

Help! My two-year-old is biting!

Caring for My Aging Mother

Charity does, indeed, begin at home. And it isn't easy.

Be Grateful for your Body

Your body is a miraculous gift.

Being Grateful Part 2

Negativity of others.

Being Grateful

What are you grateful for?

My Greatest Role Models

The art of imaginary interviews.

Abundance Mindset Part 3

Expanding your perspective.

Developing and Abundance Mindset

Are you aware of your abundance?

The Great Network of People

Contemplate how much you gain from other people.

The Four Key Elements

How to make the most of each day.

Self Talk on Shabbos

The day of serenity and gratitude.


David Letterman, It's All Wrong

Lowering the morality bar.

All for the Kids

Bradley Cohen is trekking across Israel to raise funds for needy children.

The Jewish Ethicist - Pay Day

Make the extra effort to pay workers on time.

Healthy Cooking

I'm finally learning how to cook healthy. Come join me.

Six Degrees of Eddie Brill

According to the warm up comedian for David Letterman, comedians are the truth tellers of the world.


The Power of Touch

Protecting the sanctity of marriage.

Five Lessons in Dating for Marriage

Women share their advice gleaned from years of challenging dating.

You've Got a Friend

How to buy friends.

The Rabbi and the Minister

An expired driver's license results in a magical Shabbat experience.


Spying on our Kids

Invasion or responsibility?


Each one of us in that waiting room had something in common: in silence, we awaited an anguished moment of terrifying truth.

You Think You're Sick?

Flu season is over, but I can't shake the feeling I've got some sort of virus – like the Ebola virus.

Spitzer & the Power of Temptation

No one -- not even the righteous -- is free from temptation.

Saving the Ship

Are we just rearranging the deck chairs?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The Atheist Crusade

A Jewish rebuttal to Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion

The Jewish Ethicist - Getting Emotional

In negotiations, when all else fails, cry.


What to do in case of an earthquake and other household emergencies.

Purim and Nature

Understanding the Hebrew word "teva" sheds light on the story of Purim.


What Dreams May Come

How can we see God when He is hidden from us?

Our Purim Legacy

Each of us is writing our own personal megillah story.

Torn from the Heart

When there are no words, we can reach out through tears.

Purim: On the Brink

How far would you go to save your child?


Purim: To Booze or Not to Booze

How to get really high.

Remember Amalek

A lesson on Divine Providence in memory of the fallen Torah students of Mercaz HaRav, hy"d.

Remember Amalek

A lesson on Divine Providence in memory of the fallen Torah students of Mercaz HaRav, hy"d.

The Necklace

The true meaning of loving your fellow Jew.

The Jewish Ethicist - Rebate or Kickback?

Can we keep rebates when we purchase on someone else's behalf?

Dating Maze #252 -Length of Courtship

The pressure to become engaged can cause an unhappy marriage, or an unnecessary break-up.

Purim Headlines

What the Jewish newspapers would look like if the world was upside down.

Purim & the Secret of Sunsets

How do we find joy after experiencing such an enormous tragedy?


The Worth of a Man

Three ways to know if this is the right guy..


The Thank You People

Where does the word "Jewish" come from?

Eliot Spitzer's Downfall

Before we engage in schadenfreude, let's be sure our own behavior and character could withstand the scrutiny.

Queen Esther and the Nazis

I never doubted that the God who watched over my grandmother in Nazi Germany would watch over me as well.

Next Steps