Get Your Paws on the Ultimate Secret to Max Greenfield's Love for Cooking and Dogs!


Near Death Experience Panel

Does consciousness outlive our bodies? Join us for a live panel discussion with two leading experts in the field and two NDE survivors to find out!

Use Only Your Pleasant Voice

Focus On What's Right

Joy: The Natural State

Your Tone is a Tune

Wiser Choices

Influencing Others

A Pure Heart

The Power of Thoughts

Disagree Respectfully

Thinking Good About Others

For the Sake of Peace

The Positive Energy of Hope

Mastering Gratitude

Your Value as a Human

Connecting with the Infinite

Change Yourself, Change The World

Good Traits are Easier Than You Think

Joy In Mitzvahs Greater Than This World

Purposefulness Lightens Suffering

Our Bodies are not Our Selves

Concentrate on your Next Step

Deal With Others as They are Now

Cleave to the Almighty in Prayer

Humility Eliminates Many Problems

Have the Strength to Remain Silent

Honesty Brings Respect


Lebron James, Michael Jordan and Moshe

The fire of ANGER can burn the house down. Will you LET IT?



We hate it when it happens to us...but then sometimes we do exactly the same thing! How do we change this pattern?


I Can't Get No Satisfaction... Sometimes

Do you ever feel like it's never enough? Is that a good or bad thing?


To Give Is to Live

How can we give with an open heart?


What to Do When You’re STUCK

We've all been paralyzed by indecision. How do you tackle those difficult moments and escape them?

Think Love: 8 Tips to Rekindle Love

New studies show that you can increase your love by using your mind.

I Am a Forgotten Jew

Encourage People to Repeat These Eight Words: "Joyful Thoughts, Joyful Feelings, Joyful Words, Joyful Actions"

See Yourself as Someone Who Encourages Others in Positive Ways

Encourage People to Refrain From Causing Pain With Their Words

Encourage People to Transform "I Can't" into "I Can!"

Ariel's Checklist Could Save Lives

After the tragic death of their son, Mark and Ellen Newman are doing everything possible to ensure no other parents suffer what they have.


How You Can Make the Future Brighter

Encourage People to Reflect on What They Would Want Written on Their Tombstone

When People Don't Want Your Encouragement

Encourage Making and Reaching Meaningful Goals

Encourage "One Day At A Time" Thinking

Encourage People to Repeat the Words: "My Thoughts Create Me"

Encourage People To Read Inspiring Books

Use Your Imagination

Encourage People To Attend Inspirational Lectures

Encourage People to Utilize Their Full Spiritual Potential


Our weekly email is chockful of interesting and relevant insights into Jewish history, food, philosophy, current events, holidays and more.

Next Steps