About the Author

Rabbi Mordechai Blumenfeld

Maimonides #13 - Resurrection of the Dead

Why is it necessary to bring the body and soul together for ultimate eternal reward?

Maimonides #12 - The Messianic Era

Waiting for the Messiah means knowing that he will bring the world to the recognition of the Almighty and at last fulfill the national mission of Israel.

Maimonides #10-11 - God's Omniscience

Rosh Hashana instills the awareness that God judges and rewards my actions, which gives meaning, purpose, and justification to life.

Maimonides #9 - The Uniqueness of Torah

With the understanding that Torah is absolute, there is no time when it becomes inappropriate or irrelevant.

Maimonides #8 - Divinity of the Torah

Every letter of the Written and Oral Torah transmitted through Moshe Rabbeinu was of Divine origin.

Maimonides #7 - Prophecy of Moses

The ness of the Siniatic experience differentiates the Jewish faith from all others.

Maimonides #6 - Prophecy

Divine inspiration cannot provide a sufficient basis for an authoritative Torah.

Maimonides #5 - Service of God

The roots of idolatry and free will.

Maimonides #4 - Creation Ex Nihilo

With this Principle, the Rambam parts company with Aristotle and describes a God who necessarily preceded Creation and is free to choose to create.

Maimonides #3 - God's Incorporeality

If one believes that God is physical, inevitably he will feel capable of escaping Him.

Maimonides #2 - God's Unity

Pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow all have one Source.

Maimonides #1 - God as Creator

Why should an affirmation of God's absolute existence determine one's ability to fulfill Torah?

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