About the Author

Dr. Alan Singer

Dr. Alan Singer has been a family therapist in New Jersey and New York since 1980. He has an eighty-percent success rate in saving marriages of couples on the brink of divorce. He coordinates reconciliation for family estrangement, is a Certified Discernment Counselor, and serves on the Registry of Marriage-Friendly Therapists. He is a recovery specialist for the Beyond Affairs Network. He counsels via Zoom, blogs at FamilyThinking.com, and is the author of Creating Your Perfect Family Size (Wiley). His mantra: I’ll be the last person in the room to give up on your marriage. Married forty-three years, he and his wife are the parents of four grown children. He was a presenter at the NEFESH International Conferences of 2018 & 2019 and at the first NARME conference. His essays are featured in AISH.com, Jerusalem Post, and the Central New Jersey Home News Tribune. He can be reached at dralansinger@gmail.com or (732) 572-2707

Research on How Covid is Impacting Marriage

Overall, 29% of relationships improved during Covid, 29% of relationships got worse, 30% of relationships remained status quo and 8% were mixed.

Marital Survival Guide: Last Letters

In this final installment, more practical wisdom for marriage.

Marital Survival Guide: From Q to T

From quarreling to trust, more practical advice on improving your marriage.

Marital Survival Guide: From M to P

A therapist's practical advice on improving your marriage.

Marital Survival Guide: From I to L

From in-laws to laughter, more practical advice on improving your marriage.

Marital Survival Guide: From E to H

From empathy to hope, more practical advice on improving your marriage.

Your Fifty-Day Marital Survival Guide

Short and blunt ABC's of sustaining your marriage during the next fifty days of the pandemic.

Next Steps