About the Author

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy

Rabbi Dr. Benji Levy is a cofounder of the philanthropic advisory Israel Impact Partners, Keshev mental health center, and an Al summarizing start-up called Tanna. He is the former CEO of Mosaic United and Dean of Moriah College, and he teaches globally in person and online at @RabbiBenji. For more information visit www.rabbibenji.com


Ben Zussman's Final Letter to His Family

The Israeli soldier wrote this letter to his family in case he got killed or kidnapped.

Why Menachem Begin Was the First World Leader to Accept Vietnamese Refugees

Even though Israel was barely able to support its own economy, he felt it was the right thing to do.

Embracing the Sadness: Why We Mourn on Tisha B’Av

On Tisha B’Av, we don’t distract ourselves from the pain. We acknowledge, accept, and grieve, which propels us towards healing and hope.

4 Converts to Judaism

And the timely lessons they’ve bequeathed to us.

7 Insights from the Passover Haggadah

Important points you can share at your Seder.

7 Steps to Increase Happiness

Time-tested Jewish ideas to attain happiness.

Meet the 19th Century Radical who Revolutionized Jewish Scholarship

How Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin created the first model of a yeshiva.

The Existential Blues

Can you be too smart for your own good?

The Maharal: Savior of the Jews

The greatness and wisdom of Rabbi Judah ben Bezalel Loew far exceeds the dubious story of the Golem.

Yehuda HaLevi: A Glittering Jewel of the Golden Age

An illustrious poet-philosopher from Spain’s “Golden Age”, Yehuda HaLevi gave us the Kuzari, a systematic and remarkably enduring defense of the Jewish faith. But why did he write it?

Are Humans Hopelessly Corrupt?

Can the human heart be tamed through education or is humanity permanently enslaved to their passions?


The Western Wall: The Heart of the World

Some people have hearts of stone, but these stones have the hearts of people.

Dylan, Kierkegaard, and the Binding of Isaac

However you slice it, the binding of Isaac is a story that begs for interpretation.

Hillel and Aristotle, Shammai and Plato

There are always two ways to approach life - top down and bottom up. Which one is better?

Is There a Moral Code in a Virtual World?

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the world and our place in it. Are there any real rules in a virtual universe?

Can a Moral Truth Ever Change?

Can a moral truth ever change or does morality need constant upgrading to be truly moral?

The Strange Face of Change

Is change a fundamental feature of existence that is always occurring or is it simply an illusion?

Free Will: The Choice to Choose

How much of your decision-making are you actually responsible for? When it comes to making a choice, how much of it is actually in our hands?


What's the Difference between Happiness and Pleasure?

While pleasure is in the moment, happiness lasts a lifetime.


Passover: Keeping Our Ancient Story Young

You are only 20 shared Seder Nights away from the exodus from Egypt.

Parsha: The Selfish Benefit of Selflessness

Parsha: The Reality of Perception

Parsha: Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

Parsha: When in Rome

Parsha: Israel: Birth of a Name, Seeds of a Nation

Parsha: I Probably Should Have

Parsha: Wells of Meaning

Parsha: Blessed with Everything

Parsha: Fight, Flight or Freeze

Parsha: Gaining Perspective

Parsha: Noah vs. Moses: The Path to an Elevated Existence

Parsha: A Life Worth Sharing

Parsha: Invest Wisely

Parsha: Ideals and Reality - Two Strands of One Thread

Parsha: Lessons in Leadership

Parsha: From Heaven to Earth and Back Again

Parsha: Increasing Good is the Antidote to Evil

Parsha: Treating Animals Properly

Parsha: The Fear of Fear

Parsha: Telescopic Tzedaka

Parsha: Sometimes Less is More

Parsha: Yitro, the Anonymous Messenger

Parsha: A Journeying Nation

Parsha: Running Away from Who We’re Not

Parsha: Consistent Passion

Parsha: Drawing Lines

Parsha: A Time to Strike & A Time to Speak

Parsha: When Perception Becomes Reality

Parsha: Look Who’s Talking

Parsha: Image is Nothing – Taste is Everything

Next Steps