About the Author

Tzivia Reiter

Tzivia Reiter is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and the Director of Children's Services at OHEL. Her many articles on topics impacting the Jewish community, including Trauma, Mental Health and Disabilities, have appeared in major Jewish publications. A working mother of a growing family, her efforts to find the elusive balance between family, work and community inspired her to write the ultimate guide for observant Jewish working mothers: Briefcases and baby Bottles: The working mothers guide to nurturing a Jewish home. A life-long multi-generational resident of the Lower East Side of Manhattan, she currently lives in Passaic, NJ with her family.

An Irreplaceable Doctor: A Tribute to Dr. Elliot Samet

Our beloved community doctor died due to Covid-19.

No Complaints

My father’s unwavering faith in the shadow of cancer.

When Grandfather Died

Helping my young children navigate their loss.

The Myth of Work/Family Balance

Finding your own rhythm in the work/family dance.

Making a Match

How we can help reverse the loneliness of those single looking to be married.

Israeli Courage

What is it that allows so many Israelis to display courage and resilience in the face of tremendous challenge and difficulty?

Who's Rallying For Whom?

After meeting so many Israelis who displayed remarkable courage in the face of Israel's collective pain, it was our spirits that were uplifted.

9 Lessons My Baby Taught Me about God

My new paradigm for relating to God.

Next Steps