Rediscovering the Revelation

Rational Belief

Should acceptance of the Torah be based more on evidence, or more on faith? The answer: It depends.

God's Words

No day in history comes even close in the magnitude of its significance. It was a day when all the assumptions concerning life and its purpose were altered irrevocably.

The Jewish Ethicist: Offsetting Loss Through False Claims

Is it ethical to make a false claim to get money you rightly deserve?

Dating Advice #99 - "The Ticking Clock"

At age 31, she wants to finish her education before getting married. Is that a mistake?

Biscotti: Mandelbrot Revisited

My search for the perfect mandelbrot.

The Forgotten Weapon

Military prowess and diplomatic maneuvering have not helped. Maybe it's time to look 'up.'

Early Hopes

Being a parent of a preemie entails many challenges. The first one is hope.

Shavuot Recipes

There is a universal Jewish tradition of eating dairy foods on Shavuot. Here are some of the most mouth-watering recipes.

Shavuot Family Parsha

A story and discussion questions for parents and kids about Shavuot and the importance of unity.

Shavuos Cheesecake Deluxe

What's Shavuot without cheesecake?'s 4 best cheesecake recipes.

The Jewish Ethicist: Is Business Ethical?

Isn't the Biblical ideal to engage in productive activity, not in trade where each person tries to take advantage of the other?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Arriving At Sinai

One woman's search for her life's compass.

Anti-Semitic Awakening

Why does such vile enmity wrack Europe, while America not only remains free of it but persists in standing by Israel in the present clash with the Palestinians?

Real Jewish Mothers

Mother's Day is not a Jewish holiday; it's a brilliantly contrived marketing tool. But try telling that to my mother.

Gluckel of Hameln: A Mother for the Ages

Gluckel understood a childrearing mystery: Why don't our kids love us more?

Jenin: The Truth

The "Jenin massacre" is more than a fiction. It is a hoax, perpetrated in a world of monstrous moral inversion.

The Jewish Ethicist: Cheating the Cheater

If I demand a receipt for a "cash-only" job, who's cheating whom?

Dating Advice 98 - The Tall Handsome Doctor

He's got a promising medical career, but is lost in the dating maze.

The UN Won't Investigate the Real Tragedy

There is no justice to be had in the UN for the Jewish state.

Israel Spiritual Symposium: Assumptions and Reality

The Mideast conflict is about eradicating false assumptions and joining forces with Ultimate Truth.

Mother's Day Fantasy

Think precious metals, and remember: I already have a Dustbuster.

The Soul #2 - What Do Souls Look Like?

Understanding the five levels of soul and how they relate to man and creation.

My response to Anti-Semitism

The cause of anti-Semitism is also the solution.

The Selfish Shabbat

I hardly believed in God's existence when I started to observe Shabbat. My observance began for one reason only: I was selfish.

Professional Confidentiality in Jewish Law

When a patient has a medical condition that will endanger others, should the doctor tell?

The Numbers Game

There is more than one way to define a large family.

Women At Work

Let's get something perfectly clear: Jewish women work. One of my neighbors is a nuclear physicist. I'm a zoo veterinarian.

Europe's War Against the Jews

Europe hates it when Jews fight back.

Rallying the Good

The Washington rally: good or bad?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The True Face of Israeli Youth

A new poll reveals surprises that undermine the stereotype.

May "The Place" Comfort You

The traditional Jewish words in comforting a mourner can go to the deepest place.

Israeli Premonition

A 1968 essay about Israel and the world sounds eerily prophetic for the situation today.

The Root Cause of Terrorism

It's not the deprivation of rights; it's totalitarianism.

Chef's Secrets: Salad Dressing

A fun, easy way to save money and win raves.

The Jewish Ethicist: Unwarranted Warranty

Is it ethical to market pricey extended warranties that most people don't need?

Daily Omer Meditation

A practical guide to becoming great in 49 days.

Cry of A Nation

Getting out of this mess is less of an individual challenge, and more of a national unity project.

Dating Advice 97 - Shaving Off 10 Years

He lied about his age in the dating profile, and has yet to fess up. Should she call him on it?

Bethlehem: Where is the Outrage?

Palestinian gunmen occupy the Church of the Nativity, as Israeli troops keep watch outside. Who's crossed the line?

A Business Approach to Charity

A Beverly Hills insurance broker applies savvy techniques to charitable giving.

Today We Buried Gedalia

As we remember the great sacrifice of the soldiers who were killed defending Israel, the following is a tribute to one of the latest heroes of Israel.

Active Learning: Pirkei Avot 1:4

To truly understand Torah, philosophical principles need to be translated into action.

The Gift of Singlehood

In preparation for meeting your soul mate, now is the time to develop the burning desire to give.

Choosing Life

Despite doctors' dire warnings of a problematic pregnancy, a couple decides to go full term.

From Soups to Nuts

Recipes from the East Coast.

Israel Spiritual Symposium: Israel Independence Day: Pain and Blessings

Yom Ha'Atzma'ut will be rather painful this year, especially for those of us fortunate enough to live in Israel.

Jews At War

An Israeli soldier in the reserves describes what it is like to wage war in a ly Jewish army.

The Jewish Ethicist: Lax Lawyer

Do I have to pay first-rate prices for second-rate service?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Israel Spiritual Symposium: What Are We Dying For For?

Israel's moment of truth forces Jews worldwide to identify themselves.

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