Israel Now

Two Parents, One Voice

Presenting a united front and speaking to our children with one voice is essential for effective parenting.

History Crash Course #50: Reformation and the Jews

The Reformation exposed the corruption of the Church. For the Jews it meant more bad news.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Real and Enduring Freedom

We can all become heroes.

Trembling Before G-d

A new film examines the dichotomy of the Orthodox homosexual.

History Crash Course #49: The Jews of Poland

King Boleslav of Poland invited the Jews, granting them unprecedented rights and privileges.

Climax of History - Current Events and Kabbalah: Part 3

The flow of world events, highlighted by the September 11 attacks, point to the dramatic culmination of history.

Resurrecting an Ancient Face of Evil

Virulent anti-Semitism is alive and well, and proliferates across the Arab world.

5 Steps to a Great Marriage #5: Be Masters of Growth and Healing

A crucial task of marriage is to allow yourself to discover your weaknesses and take responsibility for working on and correcting them.

Defining and Defeating Terror

The founder of Aish HaTorah lays out a 3-point plan to restore sanity and defeat the evil scourge.

Birthday for the Bereaved

The mother of a terror victim grapples with a meaningful way to commemorate her son's birthday.

Devaluing the Prize

This was not the year to recognize the United Nations and its secretary-general for their roles in "achieving peace and security in the world."

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The Day Rechavam Ze'evi Was Assassinated

For me, Wednesday, October 17, was a day that started in tragedy and ended in celebration.

The Jewish Ethicist: Intrusive Sales Pitches

Is it unethical to slam the receiver on an annoying salesperson?

History Crash Course #48: The Inquisition

The Inquisition sought to expose Jews who converted to Christianity but were still secretly Jewish.

Dating Advice #83 - Too Good To Be True

Projecting an image that is too cool and successful, may send your dates running away.

Faith and the Mideast Problem

All leaders draw their power from faith. The only question is where that faith is directed. In times of national crisis, that decision is critically important.

Cancer's Surprising Gift

When my wife was diagnosed with cancer, something odd happened. Her anger at God went away.

The "Terrorist" Within

The war on terrorism needs to be waged on all fronts. We may not have the power to determine world policy, but we can take charge of our internal landscape.

Learning How To Speak To Generation X

Lack of knowledge and an ingrained sense of moral relativism make it difficult for Jewish college students to fully identify with Israel.

From the Desert to the Holy Land - Current Events and Kabbalah: Part 2

The Jews in Moses' time chose the barren desert over the Holy Land. Jews today are faced with the same fateful decision.

Seeking Peace

Let us say to our enemies: We do not seek our freedom at the cost of yours; therefore do not seek yours at the cost of ours.

Dating Advice #82 - Glaring Red Flags

He may be a narcissist, or a control freak. In the meantime, he treats her like a queen and she doesn't want it to end. What's the long-term prognosis?

History Crash Course #47: The Black Death

The Europeans didn't know what caused the bubonic plague, but had no trouble blaming the Jews.

Looking for God

God is intimately involved in all that happens in our lives. And if what happens is cancer, then not only does He know about it, He makes it happen.

Secret to Personal Renewal

The world around us renews itself constantly. The most important aspect is learning how to tap into it for yourself.

The Jewish Ethicist: Getting Undeserved Goodwill

Is it wrong to get credit for something you didn't do?

The Infertility Angel

A top doctor in the field of male infertility speaks about professional success, medical ethics, and his Jewish passion.

Of Bombings and Hope

The Jewish people know what it's like to endure vicious attacks. And we can learn how to avoid them, too.

Pro Sports in the Terrorist World

America's favorite pastime may never be the same again. What's even worse, it may always stay the same.

The Jewish Ethicist: The Black Truth About White Lies

Do seemingly justifiable white lies set a bad example for children?

Going Back to Work

With the world changed so dramatically, how can I go back to business as usual?

Hero of Flight 93

Jeremy Glick joins a line of courageous Jewish heroes.

5 Steps to a Great Marriage #4: Be King and Queen

Your spouse is your number one priority. Becoming queen and king means creating an unshakable alliance between husband and wife.

Apocalypse Now?

The terrorist's power is psychological. What will happen to the Western world when its bubble of security and control is pricked?

History Crash Course #46: Blood Libel

Christian accusations leveled against the Jews were extreme and irrational.

Turning 30

As one young man leaves his 20s behind, idealism gives way to practicality. Almost.

How To Win The War Against Terrorism

The former Israeli prime minister outlines the critical steps needed to eradicate the threat of terrorism. What's at stake is nothing less than the survival of Western civilization.

Capital-R Reality

We are witnessing events that shake us and cause a seismic shift in perception. Attaining clarity of what it all means is our goal on Yom Kippur.

Celebration of Terror

When Palestinians celebrate terror attacks, the media is strong-armed into suppressing its coverage. Here's why.

The Tightrope of Life

Terrorists aim to destroy the survivors as well by instilling a sense of paralyzing fear. We must not let them win the war against our nerves.

Preparing for War

While President Bush prepares America for war against the forces of evil, with the advent of Yom Kippur Jews are preparing for an additional war against an implacable foe.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Whom We Hurt: A Yom Kippur Preparation

Most interactions are with people whose private pain is hidden from us. How can we make sure that we do not add to their distress with a harsh word?

Dating Advice #81 - Pre-Occupation Hazards

When someone is pre-occupied with an outside relationship, is there room for dating to fit in?

Coping with Retirement

Retirement often makes people feel useless and worthless, but a change of perspective can turn that around.

Commitment: A Four Letter Word

Fear of commitment is epidemic. But you need to face that fear and conquer it.

Cowboy Natie's Eggless Challa

Bubby Irma shares her family's delicious challa recipe.

The Day the World Changed

Our situation has rarely looked so desperate.

The Jewish Ethicist: Accepting Responsibility for Mistakes

Even the Jewish Ethicist needs to make some corrections and clarifications.

Talking to Our Children About the Tragedies

Our children are looking to us for calm and compassion, faith and hope.

Next Steps