Your Mission for the Coming New Year


Poland Video Log Part 3: Warsaw Ghetto

The systematic destruction of Poland's largest Jewish community.

Don't Re-Write History

Why Dairy on Shavuot?

Seven fascinating reasons for this popular custom.

What is the Purpose of the Torah?

God does not expect us to be perfect. In fact, that's why the Torah wasn't given to angels.

What Is Lag B'Omer?

Lag B'Omer marks the date of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's death. So why is it such a celebration?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The Beauty Wars

Why the Hanukkah battle isn't over yet.

Stealing from Starbucks

Is my friend a hero?

Four Deal-Breakers

The non-negotiable factors in finding the Right One.

Noach 5766

Facing the CEO

Renewing your contract for the upcoming year.

Weight Loss and Teshuva

Getting in shape, physically and spiritually.

Ten Rules for Effective Communication

How to speak so your spouse will listen.

In the Eyes of Man and God

The impact of our actions on others.

Perfect Travels

God and Nature

All events, large and small, ultimately result from God's will.

Plan B

Relax. Just because our plans don't work out, doesn't mean that failure and disappointment are inevitable.

Gifts of a Convert

The metamorphosis of Ahuvah Gray, a black American who was once a Christian minister and is now an Orthodox Jew.

Chanukah Specialties

Selected Chanukah recipes from "Kosher by Design Entertains."

Hanukkah Celebrates the Opposite of Cultural Assimilation

Hanukkah is anything but the "Jewish Christmas."

Noach 5765

Four Free Days

Do not separate From the community

Yom Kippur: Confession and Redemption

Understanding the function of verbal confession in the teshuva process.

First and Foremost

The importance of building a strong foundation.

Fundamentals of Education

A Perspective on Fear

The Rooster, Redemption and the Sea

A Story for Tisha Ba'av

The Love of Kindness

Loving the Convert

Why does the Torah give us this special commandment?

Double Sin, Double Comfort

Torah as the Totality of God's Will

The Function of a Leader

The Essence of the Jewish People

Reasons and Tastes

The Pre-Messianic Era

A burst in technology, a drop in morality, and the Jewish return to Israel are all predicted as precursors to the Messiah.

Peace and Strife

The Jewish definition of peace.

Consistency and Faithfulness

Abortion in Jewish Law

The traditional Jewish view does not fit conveniently into the major "camps" in the current debate.

The Nazir: a Holy Sinner

Toiling in Torah

Striving For Perfection

The Individual and the Group

Noach 5764

Yom Kippur Gratitude

Yom Kippur is all about remorse, contrition, and repentance. Where does gratitude fit into the picture?

Entering the Palace of the King

The gates are open, but the time is short. How do we merit the privilege of the king's presence?

Give Me Liberty; Give Me Death

America and Jewish Values

The Bible's major role in the creation of the United States and its democracy.

Noach 5763

Everyone Loves Shnitzel

Four great recipes, without any of the oil.

Next Steps