Crash Course in Yiddish Texting, Part II

Crash Course in Yiddish Texting

Forget LOL” How about WAICL for “What am I, chopped liver”?

Type A Men and the Women Who Love Them

Why is it that when men get sick, even the manliest among them morph into sissies?

Under the Knife

I’m deaf and going in for surgery for a cochlear implant. Send kosher Chinese – please!

Saudi Arabia’s New Torture Techniques

Jewlarious has obtained a leaked document of alternate torture methods under discussion by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Gefilte Tank: Part Two

Suze Essenfeld bought into the Krankheiter – a thermometer that tells you when you are not sick.

Back in Pain

I’ve got back pain so I guess that means mazal tov to me, I am old now.

Judaic Hall of Marketing Shame

Least-successful Jewish celebrity-branded products like Paul Simon’s “I am a Sock.”

The Differences Between Jewish and Non-Jewish New Year’s Resolutions

“Spend more time with family & friends.” Um… for 3500 Jews have been nailing this one.

An Open letter to Kim Jung Un

Sony may be afraid of you, but Jewlarious is not.

If Christmas Songs were Written about Hanukkah

Many Christmas songs were written by Jews. If instead they wrote their songs for Hanukkah, this is what they’d look like.

Mordechai’s Chanukah Gift Guide

How about the Back-Scratch Shirt which comes with a grid on the back, like in battleship, so you can direct the scratcher to the specific itch with lightening precision.

Gefilte Tank

We Jews need our own “Shark Tank.” Meet “Gefilte Tank.”

8 Out of the Box Candidates for Israeli Prime Minister

Prime Minister Sean Hannity?!

5 Things Jews Shouldn’t Do at the Office Holiday Party

If you can’t sing, tell jokes, don’t make the office party your debut.

The 3000 Year Old Jewish Woman, Part 3

Meet Sylvia. She’s been around for 3000 years, the last 1200 of which with an enormous bunion. But does she complain? No.

5 Questions Not to Ask a Prospective Jewish Boss

“Listen, if this interview is going on much longer, can we at least bring in a nosh?”

The Return of the Grown-Up Kids

What’s better: empty nest or full house? I’m conflicted.

Through the Roof

Today’s topic: how to save on home-heating costs.

Confessions of a Clutterphile

I thought of going on one of those “Hoarding” reality shows, except they’d make me throw out my stuff. And my stuff is important.

The Angst of Online Grocery Shopping

Goodbye grocery store, hello newfound freedom!

Ten Differences Between the Klinghoffer Opera Protests and the Danish Cartoon Protests

Klinghoffer protestors stopped by Zabar’s for rugelach 8 times in 3 hours.

Most Embarrassing Jewish Stories that Went Viral

Did you hear about the kosher deli owner who was thinking about becoming a vegan? Let’s just say it wasn’t great for business.


We Jews love to laugh at ourselves. So let’s do that with some “Jewpers” – or Bloopers involving Jews.

Losing Sleep

When I go to sleep I’m out like a light. My wife though takes a bit longer and then blames me for it, like there’s a certain amount of sleep to go around, and I’m using all of it up.

10 Zingers Cut from Netanyahu’s Speeches

Did you hear Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Derek Jeter zinger during his UN speech? Here are 10 more zingers that didn’t make the cut.

THE 3000 Year Old Jewish Woman: Part Two

Archeologists discovered a 3000 year old woman in the Negev desert named Sylvia. After she woke up from her nap, she had more to say.

The 3000 Year Old Jewish Woman

Archeologists just found a 3000 year old woman in the Negev. And her name is Sylvia.

Personal Growth

As Rosh Hashanah approaches, I have been tackling my personal growth. And by that, I mean weight gain.

10 Things We’d Like to See in 5775

An open letter to 5775 from the Jewish people.

New Jewish Superheroes

Wholesaleman puts back in people’s pockets what those over-priced department store goniffs are stealing with their fancy-shmancy labels.

The Yiddish and English Quiz

Can you tell if it sounds like what it means? Take this quiz and find out.

7 Things School Teaches Kids About Real Life

As a teacher my students always ask me what school teaches them about real life. Here’s what.

Traveling Light

Gas prices keep going up. Here are my tips to keep your costs down.

8 Alternatives to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenges

Why dump a bucket of ice on your head when you can…

Blame It On the Jews

Anti-Jewish Media Bias Through the Ages including: Egyptian Pharoh claims 10 plagues completely disproportionate response to slavery.

The Jewish Food Personality Test

What do your Jewish food preferences say about you?

The 9 Best Moments in On Air Israel Defense

Israel is fighting in two battles: one on the field and the other in the world of public opinion. Here are 9 small victories.

Car Talk

We’re in the market for a new car. This is not going to be fun.

Stuck On You

Here’s a sure fire tip if you want to be remembered for posterity: do something really embarrassing. Humanity promises not to forget.

Marnie’s Guide to Unique Jewish Diseases II

Part 2 of the abbreviated dictionary of Jewish diseases.

Ten Ways the IDF is More Humane Than…

...your mother-in-law and 9 others you never considered.

Organic Escapades

Success and failure in my back yard organic garden.

Marnie’s Guide to Unique Jewish Diseases

The abbreviated dictionary of Jewish diseases.

Look Up

Meet Shmeel. He’s a volunteer first responder for Emergency Medical Services in Jerusalem. And he’s got some stories to tell.

Put Me In Coach!

A manual to coaching Little League, or in my case, Yiddle League.

Frayed Clothing and the Men Who Love Them

My husband is like Mr. Sustainability when it comes to his clothes, using them up until they are utterly and incontrovertibly no longer usable.

A Nice Jewish Boy

Five stereotypes of Nice Jewish Boys. Is there any truth to them?

Sports and Me

My struggle to understand my nephews’ obsession with football provided me with a spiritual touchdown of sorts.

Pain in the Mouth

God has given me perfect health, but to make up for it, I have really bad teeth. Really bad.

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