About the Author

Dr. Yvette Alt Miller

Dr. Yvette Alt Miller holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics and has taught at Northwestern University, London Business School, and lectured around the world. Her most recent book, Portraits of Valor: Heroic Jewish Women You Should Know describes the lives of 40 remarkable women who inhabited different eras and lands, giving readers a sense of the vast diversity of Jewish history and experience. It's been praised as inspirational, fascinating, fun and educational.

Moving Beyond the Election: 5 Ways to Erase the Bitterness

How we can come together and move past the hatred and rancor that have marked the past year.

A Letter to the Western Wall

Thank you for inspiring me, for comforting me, for unifying our people.

Jews and Japan: 7 Interesting Facts

Seven fascinating facts about Jewish links with the Land of the Rising Sun.

The Chicago Cubs’ Curse

The team hasn’t won a World Series in 108 years. Is it really due to a curse, as many people believe?

China’s Crackdown on the Jewish Community of Kaifeng

The descendants of China's miniscule Jewish community face persecution today.

Shimon Peres: The Face of Israel

Remembering the indefatigable Jewish leader whose life embodied the saga of the Jewish state.

Inspiring Jewish Quotes for Rosh Hashanah

Some inspiring Jewish quotes to help guide you in your resolutions for the New Year.

Moving into a Religious Community

For years our fears and comfort prevented us from selling our home to move into a more vibrant Jewish community.

Oldest Man Alive to Celebrate his Bar Mitzvah

Yisrael Kristal is turning 113 years old. Mazel tov!

8 Little-Known Facts about Jewish Pirates

Some Jews turned to piracy as a way to fight against Spain and Portugal, the hosts of the brutal Inquisition.

Anti-Israel Bias in Academia on Campus

Academics are increasingly calling for the end of the Jewish state with impunity.

Travis Rudolph and How Small Acts Can Make a Huge Difference

Our seemingly small actions aren’t so small after all.

Non-Jews Fighting Anti-Semitism on Campus

Milan Chatterjee, former student president of UCLA, is the most recent non-Jew leaving his school due to anti-Semitism. There are others.

Me and the Burkini Debate

As France debates the Islamic-style burkini, I’m delighted with my choice to wear modest swimwear.

30 Strangers at a Funeral

A group of Jews perform the ultimate kindness for a woman who was going to have no mourners at her funeral.

Jews at the Rio Olympics: 10 Fascinating Facts

Israel sent its largest ever delegation of athletes: 47 athletes, competing in 17 events.

Jews at the Rio Olympics: 10 Fascinating Facts

Israel sent its largest ever delegation of athletes: 47 athletes, competing in 17 events.

Jews in the Wild West

10 surprising facts about Jews in the American Frontier.

Glamorizing Hitler

Fighting “Hitler Chic” isn’t just an issue of taste. It’s protecting the dignity of the six million Jews murdered and battling resurgent anti-Semitism today.

Carnage in Dallas

The shooter had connections with a radical group that promotes violence against white people and Jews.

Hallel Ariel's Despicable Murder

Don't let the media minimize her horrific death. Imagine if God forbid it was your child brutally killed.

Elie Wiesel Changed My Life

The Nobel Prize winner has died at the age of 87. His passion for life and Judaism left its indelible mark on me.

Britain and the Jews

As England goes to the polls for a historic referendum, here are some little-known facts about Jews in the United Kingdom.

The Orlando Terror Attack

We must feel the horror of every terror attack, whether it’s Tel Aviv or Orlando.

Jews of Jamaica

Eight little-known facts.

Getting Rid of Toxic Phrases in the Home

15 negative phrases to avoid and their hopeful alternatives.

The Billionaire who Won't Leave his Kids a Penny

The connection between wealth and happiness isn't what you think.

Saying Goodbye to Our Big House

Learning to live with less.

Connecting with Lone Soldiers in Israel

A Chicago organization connects school children to lone soldiers in Israel, giving them a glimpse of their dedication and bravery.

5 Ways to Ensure Your Kids Love Being Jewish

Backed up by modern research and over 3,000 years of Jewish wisdom.

Harassing Jews at UC Santa Cruz

Faculty members speak out about the climate of anti-Semitism and intimidation. An exclusive Aish.com interview.

Dark Days for Jews in Brussels

The terror attacks and subsequent lockdown are having a devastating effect on the community of 15,000 Jews.

Jew Nominated to the Supreme Court

Judge Merrick Garland gave an emotional tribute to his Jewish grandparents who paved the path that enabled him to reach this milestone.

“You Killed Jesus!”

The recent Boston incident reminded me when I first discovered a deep contempt for me as a Jew that I hadn’t realized was there.

Taylor Force: American Hero Murdered in Israel

The war veteran served in Iraq and Afghanistan. His murder was celebrated in the Arab press.

The Jews of Italy

8 little-known facts about the unique community of Italian Jews.

Jews in Early American Politics

Little-known facts about Jews in American politics.

Syrian Refugee Thanks Israel

Aboud Dandachi wants the world to know how remarkable Israel is.

Poland, Guilt and the Holocaust

Making it a crime to imply any Polish culpability for Nazi crimes denies the historical record.

Justice Antonin Scalia and the Jews

Five little-known facts about the late Justice Scalia and his relationship with the Jewish community.

The Pajama Debate

A principal's request for mothers to stop wearing sleepwear while dropping off their kids creates a backlash. She happens to be right.

5 Fascinating Facts about Jews in India

Little-known facts about this ancient Jewish community.

Lord George Weidenfeld’s Legacy

He died this week at age 96, leaving behind a legacy from which we can all learn.

Wearing a Kippah in France

Jews in France are being advised to remove their kippah in public and hide their Jewishness. Should they?

Online Incitement

Social media has become a new frontline in the war on terror.

No Jews or Israelis Allowed

Kuwait Airways cancels its route rather than do business with Israelis. This discrimination isn’t the only recent example.

Our Family’s First Trip to Israel Changed Our Lives

Seven surprising lessons.

Muslims and Jews Saving Each Other

10 true instances when Jews and Muslims – at times risking everything – saved each other's lives.

Tell Me Who Are the Jews Or Die

An American sergeant in WWII risks his life ordering 1000 POWs to say they are all Jews.

Can You Pass this Israel Literacy Test?

Do you know more about Israel than the average Birthright applicant?

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