Why Is an Award-Winning Russian Journalist Fighting for Ukraine?

Madeleine Albright’s Secret Jewish Past

The former Secretary of State, who has just died, discovered she was Jewish at age 59.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Six Million People Have Died from Covid

OP-ED: Let’s mark this haunting milestone by strengthening our resolve to fill our lives with meaning and love.

Putin has Zombified My Good Friends Back in Russia

With ironclad control of media, Putin wants Russians to forget their history so he can repeat it.

Queen Esther’s Love Letter to Her People Is Just What We Need

With everything going on in the world, we need to inculcate her message now more than ever.

We Have to Talk About Charvona

Why do we have to remember the most forgettable guy in the whole Purim story?

Who Needs “Denazification”?

Russia invaded Ukraine for its own imperialist reasons. Ukraine, like other sovereign nations, has the right to chart its own destiny.

Helping Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

In Krakow, Rabbi Avi Baumol is aiding Ukrainian refugees.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky: Six Facts

Ukraine’s youthful and unconventional Jewish president is inspiring his nation.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

The Frightening Parallels of Covid and War

Let’s heed the lessons of the pandemic and apply them to the threat of war.

Dispatch from Ukraine

No one teaches you what to do in a war. Rebbetzin Miriam Moskovitz shares what it’s like in Ukraine right now.

A Refugee’s Secret Act of Kindness

Having fled Italy in 1939, Isaac Kinek was very sensitive to the needs of the underdog.

Nazi Salute Stirs Controversy in Alabama

Jewish student posts footage from class and opens opportunity for community dialogue, education.

The Uyghurs: The Essential Facts Everyone Should Know

China has been accused of committing genocide against the Uyghurs. Here’s what you need to know, and what you can do about it.

Judaism and Privacy

The more valuable and treasured something is, the more private and protected we keep it.


Jews and the Civil Rights Movement

The Black community continued to face discrimination under the racist Jim Crow laws in the South which led to the civil rights movement. Jews across the United States, by overwhelming majority, joined the cause to end segregation and supported the civil rights cause.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Whoopie, What Were You Thinking?

Whoopie Goldberg isn’t an antisemite; she’s ignorant.

Banning Maus, a Holocaust Graphic Novel, from Schools Is a Mistake

A Tennessee school board’s decision to remove the Pulitzer-prize winning book from its curriculum furthers the ever-increasing ignorance about the Holocaust.

The American Couple who Risked Everything to Help Holocaust Refugees

Only five Americans were honored by Yad Vashem as Righteous of the Nations. This is the story of two of them.


Not Safe Anymore: Rapper Responds to Texas Terror Attack

We fight for humans but at the same time, attacks on Jews are more than half of the hate crimes.

On the Other Side of Hate: A Former Nazi Speaks Out

After the synagogue attack in Texas, former Nazi TM Garret says we can rise above fear.

The Other Side of the Physician’s Desk

With her daughter failing to thrive, a pediatrician is submerged in a world of uncertainty, support groups and advocacy.

Why are People Accusing Jews of Genocide?

When Bob Saget Wrote Me a Letter and Rocked My World

The kind actor personally responded to my letter and taught me a valuable lesson that I’ve always remembered.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

“Covid Rage” and the Breakdown of Civil Behavior

The accumulated tension, stress and fear of Covid has given rise to a seething anger that has gripped a significant part of the population.

In the Wake of Deadly Tornadoes, NY Jews Go to Kentucky to Provide Relief

For many, it was their first time meeting a Jew.

The First Religious Jew Drafted to the MLB: An Exclusive Interview with Jacob Steinmetz

The pitcher spent a few weeks of his off-season learning at Aish in Jerusalem, Israel.

5 Steps to Making Effective New Year’s Resolutions

A psychologist’s insights on creating a path for real change.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Politics or Spirituality: What Is an Antidote to Youth Suicide?

Jamie Raskin’s son had everything going for him. What was missing?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

The Curse of Social Distancing

Chief Editor's Blog

"Welcome to Holland" and the Cosmic Travel Agent

Having a special needs child has been compared to planning a vacation to Italy and somehow landing in Holland. What happens if you're too distraught to leave the plane?

Marijuana and Judaism: What Does Jewish Law Say about the Subject?

Medical marijuana is permissible, but recreational use prevents us from being our best selves.

The Angels in Hell

“On a scale of one to 10, how would you rank your pain?” the nurse asked. “Ten thousand,” I said.

The One-Woman Battle Against Pro-Nazi Bias on Wikipedia

For years Ksenia Coffman has been fighting to correct pro-Nazi distortions on Wikipedia.

Returning $1,000 Floating in the Air

Two Chicago teens found $1,000 blowing in the wind outside their Jewish school.


Is Hanukkah Overrated?: This Video Will Make Your Holiday More Meaningful

Why do we go all out thanking God for the small miracle of the oil?

The Kyle Scheele Meale: Changing the World through TikTok, Cardboard and a Dream

The clever viral campaign shows the power of irrepressible creativity, taking initiative, and doing good for others, with a dash of marketing genius.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

There's a Reason Why It's Called Thanksgiving

The remarkable interplay between giving and receiving.

Why Bring Kids into a World as Messed Up as Ours?

Because hope is a Jewish value.

In Defense of Having Babies

Child-freedom combines the freedom from responsibility of being a child with the independence and means of being an adult. But can you really have your cake and eat it, too?

America's Lost Boys and Me

I suspect I’m the only student at Cambridge University who lived out of garbage bags as a child. Here’s why I didn’t live the life I was meant to.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Katie Couric and The Other Racism

Ageism, the denigration and mistreatment of the elderly, is becoming recognized as a problem as serious as racism.


I, Pencil: The Movie

Can a single individual, working independently and from scratch, create an ordinary yellow pencil?

A Lesson in Compassion from Fauda’s Lior Raz

What could I do for someone who knew he would die soon? I knew Len loved Raz and so I decided to ask the Israeli actor for a favor.

People Love Dead Jews

Dara Horn's new book offers marvelous daggers of acerbic observations about being Jewish today.

To All Those Who Doubt You, Including Yourself

You don't have to listen to that voice that weighs you down, holds you back, or causes you to give up on your dreams.

Four Mood-Elevating Acts of Kindness My Friend Taught Me

Because good energy begets more good energy.

Military Vets Find Solace and Faith in Israel

Through Heroes to Heroes soldiers open up about their experience and move onto a path of spiritual healing.

For Those in Recovery, Be a Blessing

Take whatever blessing you have and use it to become a blessing in other people’s lives.

The Facebook / WhatsApp / Instagram Outage and the Flood

How are we using the gift of increased time?

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