About the Author

Dr. Yvette Alt Miller

Dr. Yvette Alt Miller holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics and has taught at Northwestern University, London Business School, and lectured around the world. Her most recent book, Portraits of Valor: Heroic Jewish Women You Should Know describes the lives of 40 remarkable women who inhabited different eras and lands, giving readers a sense of the vast diversity of Jewish history and experience. It's been praised as inspirational, fascinating, fun and educational.

4 Jewish Lessons from Lion King

The hit movie draws on timeless Jewish values and stories.

The Non-Jew who Drove 99 Jewish Teenage Boys

A bus driver was told Jewish kids would be ill-behaved; instead they inspired her to take a stand against anti-Semitism.

The Moon: 7 Jewish Facts

The moon is central in Jewish tradition.

Rabbi Reuven Bauman, Hero

The teacher died trying to save a student from drowning in rough seas.

Lucette Lagnado’s Lost Egyptian Jewish World

The award-winning journalist brought the Cairo Jewish community of her childhood to life.

Photographing the Lodz Ghetto

Henryk Ross risked his life to document Nazi atrocities in the Lodz Ghetto.

Ice Cream: 6 Jewish Facts

Fun Jewish facts in time for National Ice Cream Day.

World War II Hero Speaks Out

Robert Hilliard wants us to follow his courageous example of standing up for what’s right.

5 Toxic Conversation Starters

How to bring back civility and respect in our conversation.

Hong Kong and the Jews: 6 Facts

Hong Kong’s vibrant Jewish community mirrors the growth of the city.

Keanu Reeves Doesn’t Touch Women

In photo after photo a viral post shows the actor not touching women.

The Teen Who Got Oregon to Mandate Teaching the Holocaust

Thanks to a 14 year old student and a Holocaust survivor who became her mentor, Oregon schools have a new mandate to teach the Holocaust.


Western Wall Facts & Figures

In celebration of Jerusalem Day.

Holocaust Survivors’ Torment After Liberation

Shocked by the horrific manner U.S. troops were treating survivors, two Jewish American soldiers took matters in their own hands.

The Meaning of Some More Jewish Last Names

Common Jewish names can tell us a great deal about Jewish history and values.

Exploiting a Tragedy to Accuse Israel

Social media posts are distorting a girl’s death to accuse Israel of heartless cruelty.

Herman Wouk and Jewish Tradition

The bestselling author was a staunch defender of Jewish life. He recently passed away at the age of 103.


Rejection Letters to Famous Authors

Even J.K. Rowling was told to give up writing. But she realized that the only path to success is through failure.

The Jewish “King” of Lampedusa

The longest-running Yiddish play featured the incredible true story of a British Jewish hero of WWII.

5 Ways Judaism Honors Mothers

Mothers are honored all year round in Jewish tradition.

Jewish Wishes for the Royal Baby

A Bishop welcomes the newest royal baby with a Jewish twist.

Inspirational Quotes about Jews and Israel

By non-Jewish writers, philosophers and politicians.

Instagram and the Holocaust

An Instagram campaign is bringing home the death of one girl -- and six million other Jews - one compelling post at a time.

Cinco de Mayo and Jewish Freedom

The holiday marks Mexico’s evolution into a haven for persecuted Jews.

Doing Jewish and Responding to Terror

Jews around the world are pledging to do more Jewish acts after the shooting in California.

Passover Shooting in California Synagogue

A gunman opened fire on Jews at prayer on the last day of Passover.

Audrey Hepburn, Teenage Spy

A new book sheds light on the Hollywood star’s heroic wartime activities.

Notre Dame’s Surprising Jewish Treasures

The destroyed cathedral still retains priceless art depicting Jewish heritage in France.

10 Ways Israel is Saving Planet Earth

This Earth Day, a look into how Israeli advances are helping battle climate change and pollution around the world.

Passover and the Spanish Inquisition

Generations of secret Jews defied the Spanish Inquisition to celebrate Passover and other holidays.

Bananas: 5 Surprising Jewish Facts

In celebration of World Banana Day, discover the Jewish connection to this delicious fruit.

Interview with Man who Saved a Life on a New York Bridge

Tuli Abraham’s quick actions saved a man about to jump to his death.

5 Jewish Bedtime Rituals to Try Today

Transform your kids’ bedtime routine into a powerful spiritual moment.

Lost World of Yiddish Theater

Broadway’s Fiddler on the Roof in Yiddish recalls a world of thriving Yiddish theater in New York and beyond.

The Heroic Pilot who Stayed with Entebbe’s Jewish Hostages

Capt. Michel Bacos recently died at age 94.

The Nazi Boycott, 86 Years Ago & Today

Echoes of the April 1, 1933 boycott continue to linger today.

Photographing 830 Holocaust Survivors

John and Amy Israel Pregulman have made it their mission to help elderly Holocaust survivors.

The Golan Heights: 5 Facts

A short guide to the history and strategic value of the Golan Heights.

Oxford’s Surprising Jewish History

The renowned university town was home to a vibrant Jewish community that is all but forgotten today.

UK Government Office Slanders the Bible

Far from being bloodthirsty, the Biblical passages cited by a British office show a humane world view.

Jews of Venice’s Ghetto

Confined to a tiny island, Venice’s Jews put on magnificent Purim shows for the whole city.

After the New Zealand Massacre: A Letter to the Muslim Community

We all must condemn hate.

The College Admissions Scandal

Don’t let the cynicism at the heart of this corruption scandal extinguish kids’ hope.

Rabbi Yitzchak Abarbanel, Renaissance Man

An advisor to kings, Rabbi Don Yitzchak Abarbanel dedicated his life to helping Jews in Europe.

Belgium's Anti-Jewish Parade Float

The grotesquely anti-Semitic float in Belgium reflects growing anti-Jewish feeling.

How to Have a Meaningful Shabbat Dinner

In addition to great food, wine and friends, the Shabbat meal has deep spiritual meaning as well.

Bella Abramovna and the Jewish People's University

This Soviet mathematician founded an underground Jewish university and was likely assassinated by the KGB.

British MPs Confronting Jew-Hatred

After years of rising anti-Semitism, British MPs are leaving the Labour political party.

No One Wants the Jews: Remembering the St. Louis

The ship set sail with over 900 Jewish refugees and was rebuffed by the United States and Canada.

Horrific Murder in Jerusalem

Ori Ansbacher’s brutal murder by an Arab terrorist has been ignored by much of the world’s press.

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