Contending With the Holocaust

Sara Yoheved Rigler

I’ve Been Here Before: Holocaust and Reincarnation

When souls of the Holocaust return in our generation.

The Kindertransport: What Really Happened

A new book reveals the darker side of the operation that rescued 10,000 children from Nazi Germany.

The Remarkable Rosh Hashanah Rescue of Denmark’s Jews

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, September 29, 1943, the Danish resistance carried out one of World War II’s most notable acts of heroism.

Anschluss: When Germany Annexed Austria

Without a single shot being fired, Hitler marched into Austria, greeted by cheering crowds eager to see their Jewish compatriots go.

The US and the Holocaust: “We Did Nothing to Prevent It”

In a powerful film, Ken Burns chronicles America's abandonment of the Jews during the Holocaust.

Death at Sea: The Tragedy of the Struma

In 1942, the dilapidated ship carrying 769 desperate Jewish refugees en route to Palestine, was blown up. There was one sole survivor.

5 Facts About Babi Yar

The Babi Yar massacre, among the worst Nazi crimes, occurred 80 years ago.

Denmark & the Holocaust

One country saved its Jews. Were they just better people?

The Last Two Nazis on Trial

Two upcoming trials in Germany are likely the last trials of Nazi camp workers.


A Child’s Shoe: The Story of Hinda Cohen

The fate of the two-year-old daughter of Dov and Tziprah Cohen from Lithuania is traced through a surviving artifact – her shoe.

Internment Camps in Scotland

A little-known network of internment camps operated in Scotland during World War II.

Like Sheep: Why Didn't You Fight?

A survivor's gives his personal answer to this often-asked question.

Synagogue at Babi Yar

There are new plans to build a synagogue at the site of a horrific Nazi massacre of Jews.


Kristallnacht – The Night of Broken Glass: An Overview

On November 9, 1938 hundreds of synagogues were destroyed, 91 Jews were murdered, 30,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps and 7,000 Jewish businesses were ruined.

The Eichmann Files

Sixty years after Eichmann's capture, the evidence used against him is revealed.

The Survivors’ Talmud: When the US Army Printed the Talmud

With the help of the US Army, Jewish Holocaust survivors printed copies of the Talmud.

Misrepresenting the Jewish Refugee Rescue in the Philippines

Historical fallacies about this story are currently circulating. It's important to set the record straight.

Auschwitz 75 Years Later: Universal Lessons

With the global resurgence of anti-Semitic incitement, violence and terror, these are the crucial lessons we must take to heart.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Indifference or Collaboration: Which One is the Road to Auschwitz?

Does indifference to evil make you complicit?

Does the Holocaust Still Matter?

Crucial lessons for humanity to remember always.

The Holocaust and Sephardic Jews

Are Sephardic and Mideastern Holocaust victims being forgotten?

The Shofar of Auschwitz

In a Nazi labor camp, Jewish prisoners blew the shofar on Rosh Hashanah.

Archaeology of the Holocaust

New technology unearths old Jewish secrets.

Love, Hate and the Holocaust

An acclaimed exhibit about Auschwitz is stirring debate about essential lessons of the Holocaust.

Holocaust Survivors’ Torment After Liberation

Shocked by the horrific manner U.S. troops were treating survivors, two Jewish American soldiers took matters in their own hands.


Rabbi Sacks on the Holocaust

Two thought provoking videos on faith after the Holocaust.

The Nazi Boycott, 86 Years Ago & Today

Echoes of the April 1, 1933 boycott continue to linger today.

March of Life: Descendants of Nazis Remember the Holocaust

Remembrance, reconciliation and fighting anti-Semitism.

7 Lessons from the Holocaust

While the Holocaust was “uniquely unique,” there are important universal lessons to be acted upon.

No One Wants the Jews: Remembering the St. Louis

The ship set sail with over 900 Jewish refugees and was rebuffed by the United States and Canada.

Egyptian Slavery, Desensitization and the Holocaust

Like Pharaoh, Hitler didn’t just start killing Jews; he used the process of desensitization by gradually worsening the persecution.

Kristallnacht's Chilling Lesson

Raw evil was unmasked and unashamed, a chilling harbinger for the destruction of European Jewry.

Why the Jews – Part 1

Understanding the root of the world's longest hatred.

Stateless: When Germany Deported Thousands of Polish Jews in 1938

The Polenaktion was a precursor to sudden arrests, roundups, deportations, violence, seizure of property and countries making clear Jews were not welcome.


The Last Nazi Trials: The Case Of Auschwitz Guard Reinhold Hanning

The 94-year-old former SS guard was prosecuted more than 70 years after the Holocaust. Irene Weiss, an Auschwitz survivor, explains why she testified against him.

Children of Nazis

A new book delves into the lives of the sons and daughters of the Third Reich’s most notorious henchmen.

Confronting General Eisenhower Over Allies’ Refusal to Bomb Auschwitz

In a direct and sharp rebuke, the Klausenberger Rebbe said the Americans and England shared in the guilt along with Hitler.

Aiding Nazis in Mass Killing of Jews

Father Desbois is on a mission to expose the Holocaust’s hidden crimes.

Nazi Concentration Camps on British Soil

Jewish slave laborers were worked to death in Alderney, a small Channel Island.

France & the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup

In July, 1942, over 13,000 Jews, including 4,000 children, were arrested and placed in hellish conditions in the Paris Velodrome to be delivered to the Nazi killing machine.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Distorting the Holocaust

The de-Judaization of the Holocaust renders it devoid of its major message.

J.K. Rowling, Voldemort and Hitler

At what age is it appropriate to start teaching young children about the Holocaust?

Love Letters of the Holocaust

Elizabeth Luz sent back and forth over 1,000 letters between hidden children and their parents during the Holocaust.

Forgetting the Holocaust

Eventually, everything is forgotten. Even the worst crime in history.

Shoes on the Danube

A moving sculpture memorializes Jews who were murdered in broad daylight along the river.

Poland, Guilt and the Holocaust

Making it a crime to imply any Polish culpability for Nazi crimes denies the historical record.

Operation Texas: LBJ’s Mysterious Mission to Save Jews

Did Lyndon B. Johnson secretly rescue hundreds of Jews on the eve of the Holocaust?

Was the Holocaust a Uniquely Jewish Tragedy?

The extermination of the Jews was not a means to any end; it was an end in itself.

The Nuremburg Trials: 70 Years Later

A brief primer on the historic War Crime Trials.

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