Unlocking Ancient Wisdom - Pirkei Avot 1:1

Intellectual Honesty

Acknowledging and admitting one's limits is a sign of greatness, not weakness.

Thanksgiving Blessings

After losing my son, I began to understand what it means to be grateful.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Real and Enduring Freedom

We can all become heroes.

Secret to Personal Renewal

The world around us renews itself constantly. The most important aspect is learning how to tap into it for yourself.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Whom We Hurt: A Yom Kippur Preparation

Most interactions are with people whose private pain is hidden from us. How can we make sure that we do not add to their distress with a harsh word?

The Day After

Don't let this "wake-up" call turn into the "snooze" button.

Our Weakness - the Key to Greatness

We all have negative character traits. What counts is how we use them.

The New New Year

Do you arrive at Rosh Hashanah stunned to discover that you're making the same resolutions as the year before? Here's how to break the pattern.

Confessions of a Worrywart

If I had a magic wand, I'd make my life worry-free. But would that be the best thing for me?

Falling in Love With God, Step 4 - Service: Payback Time

Judaism offers a solution to the spiritual dilemma of how to payback God.

Positive States

We all have moments of positive inspiration. The trick is to capture them for easy access in the future.

Of Earthquakes and Abortion

We are willing to extend Herculean efforts to save a life, even when the possibility is remote. Why should limiting abortion on demand be any different?

Legalizing Assisted Suicide

Last week, the Dutch Parliament officially legalized what has been common practice in the Netherlands for many years: the killing of patients by doctors.

Getting and Giving the Love You Need

Valentine's Day and our ambivalence about love.

The Ruchama Project

Enlist in an army of good-deed-doers who are ready to change the world -- and the life of a teenage girl.

Falling In Love With God, Step 3: Indebtedness

To experience God deeply, we must face the undeniable truth that we are hugely indebted to our Creator.

Getting In Touch With Our Inner Slaves

Everybody is enslaved to something. The only question is -- who is your master?

Mastering The Gratitude Attitude

It begins with getting rid of the entitlement attitude, which puts "my rights" ahead of everything else.

Hot Air

Passover cleaning can liberate us from our most dangerous enemy -- our fragile egos.

I Can't Wait for the Day When...

What are the most fervent dreams of America's young execs? You are in for a surprise.

Falling In Love With God – Part 1

To enjoy the greatest pleasure in life, we need to embrace the half of the glass that's full and the half that's empty.

Courage Versus Chutzpah

Boldness and brazenness are two sides of the same coin. What leads to great acts of courage, the other can render great harm. But both can be turned to do good.

Life is Beautiful

About two years ago, we had an unplanned growth in our family -- a large cancerous tumor.

Bad Attitude: A True Story For Yom Kippur

"My career was still stuck in neutral. I wasn't working. I wasn't doing anything to get things going either, except blaming my roomate for ruining my life with his success."

Micros and Macros

How do we face the challenges of these most significant days?

Principles of the Soul: #13 - The Communication Lie

Spouses don't feel alienated from each other because they can't communicate; they feel alienated because all they are communicating is negativity.

Soul Matters: #5 Prayer Made Practical

Prayer can be difficult. Here are some practical exercises on how to use it to our advantage.

We Are What We Say

Appreciating the immense impact of those little words we utter.

Happiness: the Fuel for a Meaningful Life

How to find happiness by living in the present and anticipating the future. An excerpt from the new book "Powers of the Soul".

Soul Matters: #4 - Worlds and Levels of Soul

The levels of soul transform prayer into a spiritual elevator that takes us up into the presence of God.

Principle of the Soul: #12 - The Deeper Meaning of Physical Intimacy

It has the potential for intense holiness and intense corruption, depending who's at the helm -- your soul or your ego.

Principles of the Soul: #11 - Marriage and True Intimacy

Intimacy is ever-present and waiting to emerge as soon as the ego gets out of the way.

Soul Matters: #3 - Souls and Prayer

Connecting with the five levels of soul during prayer draws down different aspects of spiritual energy and transforms the prayer experience.

Principles of the Soul #10: The Mystical Art of Passover Cleaning

Finding and burning the chametz is akin to finding and purging the ego to let the soul shine through.

Principles of the Soul: #9 - Content vs. Context

One of Judaism's secrets to having healthy marriage: Step away from angry content to relate to your partner in context.

Soul Matters: #2 - Unifying Souls

The five levels of soul channel the light of God into us, but our actions effect the flow of spiritual energy.

On Becoming A Kind Person

Small acts of kindness bring fulfillment and joy to the doer, but most importantly they have life-transforming potential.

Soul Matters: #1 - Real Soul Brothers

The soul is a complex spiritual entity made up of five intricately connected parts, which may explain why at times we feel different degrees of spirituality.

Principles of the Soul: #8 - Your Soul and Your Soulmate

The challenge of marriage is to come to a constant recognition that you are actually one unit.

Principles of the Soul: #7 - Purim, Soul and Your Role in History

Purim teaches us that nothing is random, and that every soul has a role to play in the Divine tapestry called history.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Battle Plans

Strategies for winning your inner struggles.

Losing Weight this Passover

Passover's solution to why diets don't work.


Beyond the Rules

How Judaism is a vehicle for spiritual self-expression.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

God vs. Prozac

Prominent scientists show the efficacy of trust in God to treat anxiety.

Principle of the Soul: #6 - Don't Wreck Your Life

When you are caught up in your ego -- whether you are scared, angry, nervous, or frustrated -- you are incapable of making a sane decision.

Jewish Assertiveness Training

Finding the balance between confrontation and pulling away.

Surviving a Spiritual Recession

How to get through life's ups and downs.

Nothing is Random: Ethics of the Fathers, 4:3

Thor Heyerdahl, Rosa Parks and Ben Azzai's great lesson.

Care Packages

Did it matter that I was being wrongfully accused? The bond between us was still broken.

Next Steps