About the Author

Rabbi Shraga Simmons

Rabbi Shraga Simmons is the co-founder of Aish.com, and co-author of "48 Ways to Wisdom" (ArtScroll). He is Founder and Director of Aish.com's advanced learning site. He is co-founder of HonestReporting.com, and author of "David & Goliath", the definitive account of anti-Israel media bias. Originally from Buffalo, New York, he holds a degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. He lives with his wife and children in the Modi'in region of Israel.

22. Soups & Cereals

A hodge-podge of ingredients produces some complex rules.

23. Unauthorized Brachot

An unnecessary bracha is a problem of "saying God's Name in vain."

24. Honor for Brachot

How to ensure that brachot are said with the correct spiritual intent.

17. Sequence of Brachot – Part 2

When two foods have different brachot, which bracha is said first?

18. Including Other Foods – Part 1

A bracha includes whatever foods you intend to eat at the time you said the bracha.

19. Including Other Foods – Part 2

The bracha said at the beginning of the meal covers all foods normally consumed in a meal.

20. Primary and Secondary Foods

A bracha on the primary food also covers the secondary food.

16. Sequence of Brachot – Part 1

When eating two foods that have the same bracha, we say the bracha over the more important food.

14. Fruit During a Meal

Fruit can be eaten as a main course, an appetizer, or for dessert.

15. Drinks During a Meal

When you drink during a bread meal, when is a bracha required and when is it not?

13. Other Foods at a Bread Meal

Generally, when other foods are eaten with bread, the only bracha recited is Hamotzee.

12. Non-Hamotzee Bread

Altering the state of bread can sometimes "downgrade" the bracha from Hamotzee to Mezonot.

11. The Mezonot Meal

When eaten as meal, cake attains the status of bread and its bracha is Hamotzee.

10. Three Mezonot Categories

How bread differs from cake, and how cake differs from pasta.

9. Introduction to Mezonot

The special bracha said on satiating and nutritious grains.

8. Ha'gafen Covers All Drinks

Two key conditions for Ha'gafen to cover other beverages.

7. Fruit Juice & Wine

Juice is considered a separate entity from the fruit.

6. Altered States

Altering the state of a food can also change its bracha.

5. Six Types

Getting practical: The six basic brachot said on food.

4. Eating without a Bracha?!

It is worse to eat without a bracha than it is to waste food.

3. When is a Bracha Not Required?

Since eating is an act of pleasure, some situations are exempt from a bracha.

Calling Charles Schumer a Traitor

The Jews are being blamed again.

2. Text and Meaning

Deconstructing the basic components of a bracha.

1. What is a Bracha?

The philosophy and inspiration behind the blessings.

Permission to Destroy the Jews

With the Iran nuclear deal, we must not let history repeat itself.

Parsha: Bilaam Versus Abraham

Three essential differences between Abraham and Bilaam.

Parsha: Sabbatical and Sinai

An argument for the Divine authorship of the Torah.

Parsha: Too Close for Comfort

On the importance of boundaries.

Tortured in Iran

Ahmad Batebi bears witness to a brutal, untrustworthy regime.

Jewish Holidays: Hanukkah, Tu B'Shvat and Purim

An overview of the Jewish Holidays of Hanukkah and Purim. Video of How to Light the Hanukkah Menorah.

Jewish Holidays: Tu B'Av, High Holidays and Sukkot

An overview of the Jewish Holidays of Tu B'Av, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.

Jewish Holidays: Shavuot, and Modern Israeli Holidays

The Omer, Shavuot, modern Israeli holidays, Tisha B'Av and the Three Weeks.

The Jewish Months and All About Passover

The Hebrew Months and the laws and customs of Passover

Canada's Ambassador to Israel

Decades later, the pro-Israel Vivian Bercovici returns home. Aish.com exclusive.

Blessings and Customs of Shabbat

One of the holiest days, comes around every week.

Star of David (Magen David): Origins & Meaning of the Jewish Star

From the Holocaust to the Israeli flag, what is the deeper meaning of this six-pointed Jewish symbol?

The Brian Williams Controversy

The pressures of high-stakes entertainment news.

Friday Night 1-2-3

Not sure how to begin? Look no further!

What is a Mezuzah?

The complete guide to a Jewish doorpost and how to put up a Mezuzah.

What is Kosher Food?

All about kosher food. And why keep kosher in the first place?

Parsha: Jump Into the Sea

What it takes to be the first one to jump in.

Spreading the Light

For Dovid Winiarz, life was an outpouring of love and joy. His loss leaves a gaping hole in American Jewry.

The Rabbi from Shanghai

Born in a Chinese refugee ghetto, Rabbi Chaim Walkin is today a legendary Jewish educator.

Sony's Capitulation

Is America letting the terrorists win?

Ambassador for Israel

A tribute to Charley Levine, the Israeli-Texan PR giant.

Campus Mezuzah Attacks

At one California college, anti-Semitism repeatedly rears its ugly head.

Parsha: Noah's Ark

Pivotal lessons from this week’s enigmatic parsha.

How to Achieve a High Holiday Breakthrough

You are the CEO of your life. It’s time to start acting like it.

Stars of David: Jon Voight

The clear-thinking, Academy Award-winning defender of Israel shares his thoughts with Aish.com.

What are Tefillin?

All about those powerful black boxes, placed on the head and arm.

Next Steps