12. Will We Ever Grasp G-d?

11. G-d's Expressions in This World

Which anthropomorphisms are appropriate?

10. No Conflicting Interests

Though we cannot describe G-d, we can describe our perceptive experience.

9. The Unity Paradox

Any way we describe G-d appears to limit Him.

8. Existence as an Act of Will

G-d's existence does not depend on anything else at all.

7. Primal Existence

Understanding G-d's independence.

6. The Big Bang

A world that is getting older has to have a starting point.

5. First Cause

Why something infinite had to create the finite universe.

4. Unimaginable Perfection

Grasping the nature of a being that is beyond our finite understanding.

3. The Way of G-d: The Infinite

Three terms that describe the Infinite Being.

2. The Way of G-d: Belief and Knowledge

Defining faith, belief and knowledge.

1. The Way of G-d: Introduction

Read each word carefully... and all its secrets will be within your grasp.

The Names of God

Exploring the meaning of God's two most essentials names: An excerpt from R. Weisz's new book PrayerWorks.

Good without God

Reason alone is not enough to keep human beings humane.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Why Celebrate with Bitter Herbs?

Yes, God took us out of Egypt, but He put us there in the first place!

God and Jewish Belief

God is both the Force of creation, and the Director of history.

Hashem: The Jewish Name Of God

Why do some Jews refer to God as "Hashem"?

Bad Things Don't Happen

Finding light in the darkness.

Sin Is Not What It Seems

The word "sin" has no connection with endless guilt and eternal damnation. But it does have a lot to do with archery.

Your 10 Guiding Principles for Life

A tool for staying focused on what's really important in life.

God's Masterplan

The world is one long chain of events, dating all the way back to Adam.

Random Suffering?

Not a chance. Adversity -- wherever it strikes, whomever it takes and whomever its spares -- always has a reason, even when it cannot be discerned.

Understanding God

The Creator of space and time is from all existence.

Belief in God

Strengthening one's intellectual understanding and emotional connection to the Divine.

Maimonides #13 - Resurrection of the Dead

Why is it necessary to bring the body and soul together for ultimate eternal reward?

Maimonides #12 - The Messianic Era

Waiting for the Messiah means knowing that he will bring the world to the recognition of the Almighty and at last fulfill the national mission of Israel.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

When Bad Things Happen

If God is good, why is the world so bad?

Maimonides #10-11 - God's Omniscience

Rosh Hashana instills the awareness that God judges and rewards my actions, which gives meaning, purpose, and justification to life.

Maimonides #9 - The Uniqueness of Torah

With the understanding that Torah is absolute, there is no time when it becomes inappropriate or irrelevant.

Maimonides #8 - Divinity of the Torah

Every letter of the Written and Oral Torah transmitted through Moshe Rabbeinu was of Divine origin.

Maimonides #7 - Prophecy of Moses

The ness of the Siniatic experience differentiates the Jewish faith from all others.

Maimonides #6 - Prophecy

Divine inspiration cannot provide a sufficient basis for an authoritative Torah.

Maimonides #5 - Service of God

The roots of idolatry and free will.

Maimonides #4 - Creation Ex Nihilo

With this Principle, the Rambam parts company with Aristotle and describes a God who necessarily preceded Creation and is free to choose to create.

Maimonides #3 - God's Incorporeality

If one believes that God is physical, inevitably he will feel capable of escaping Him.

Maimonides #2 - God's Unity

Pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow all have one Source.

Maimonides #1 - God as Creator

Why should an affirmation of God's absolute existence determine one's ability to fulfill Torah?

Suffering and Consolation: A Father's Perspective

My daughter's battle with leukemia taught me how to find consolation even in the midst of terrible pain.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Exodus: What's the Big Deal?

Every component of the Exodus was meant to reveal another facet of how God is involved in the world.

World of Love #8 - Physical-Spiritual Unity

The greatest satisfaction is accomplishing in a world where God is hidden.

World of Love #7 - The Possibility of Evil

God may make it difficult for us to approach Him in order to increase our eventual reward.

World of Love #6 - Doing Good Unto Others

Doing good unto others is a key component of spiritual health.

World of Love #5 - Closeness to God

The existence of good and evil allows man to make the right choice, and merit greater closeness to God.

World of Love #4 - Glow of Accomplishment

One of the highest human pleasures is that of accomplishment -- completing a job well done.

World of Love #3 - Uniqueness of Mankind

The gift of a Divine soul separates man from the rest of God's creatures.

World of Love #2 - Perceiving the Infinite

What ultimate good does God offer His creations? Our ability to connect to Him.

World of Love #1 - Purpose of Creation

God's motivation for creating the world sheds light on our own life goals.

If You Were God

We often question God's ways. But given the chance, how would we do things differently?

The Gender of God

By understanding God's manifestations in both male and female imagery, we can begin to unify our connection to the transcendence reality.

Wrestling with Suffering

Jewish philosophical approaches to one of life's fundamental questions.



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