Ancient Coins Tell the Story of the Jewish People

Three Fascinating Haggadahs: The Oldest, The Most Beautiful, and The One Written by Heart

Each one has an incredible story to tell.

The Pope, Abraham and the Significance of Ur

The Pope’s pilgrimage to the city of Abraham’s birth sparks the question: what is the Jewish significance of this ancient city?

6 Little-Known Jewish Languages

Jewish communities around the world created their own language.


What is the Mishnah?

With the destruction of the Second Temple, the rabbis feared for the survival of Jewish life and practice. The Oral Law was written down for the first time to ensure it would always endure.

Lilith: The Real Story

Why it's a mistake to make Lilith an icon of Jewish feminism.

Cleopatra and the Jews

7 little known facts about Cleopatra and the Jewish communities she ruled.

Jewish Symbols

And the history behind these common Jewish emblems.

The Burnt House in Jerusalem's Old City

The museum, near the Western Wall, shows a priestly house that was destroyed along with the Temple.

Evidence for the Exodus

Examining the historicity of the biblical exodus.


The First Quarantine in Egypt

Why the Jewish people could not leave their homes Passover night.

King David: Four Relevant Takeaways for Today

As Yom Kippur approaches, here are inspiring lessons from this seminal figure.


All Jewish History in Under 18 Minutes

Jewish history for ridiculously busy people.

January 1: Five Jewish Facts

Five little-known facts about the January 1 “New Year” holiday, and its meaning for Jews.

What is a Dreidel? - History and Meaning of Dreidels: 8 Interesting Facts

Dreidels symbolize deep spiritual concepts and have a fascinating history.

Abraham: Altering the Course of History

Our forefather changed the way the world thought about itself, life and especially the Creator.


What is Zionism?

The connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel has been an integral part of the Jewish story for at least 3,000 years.

Bible Era Seal Unearthed below Jerusalem Car Park

The tiny clay impression dates back over 2,600 years and bears the name, mentioned in the Bible, of a royal aide to King Josiah.

5 Amazing Hanukkah Artifacts

Touching history in Israel.

Dramatic New Archeological Finds at Tel Beit Shemesh

The impressive discoveries shed light on a core biblical concept: brit, or covenant.


Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: What Jerusalem Means to Me

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of reunification.

Some Amazing Facts about Jewish History

You'll never look at these stats and figures the same way.

British Museum & Evidence of Israelite Slavery in Egypt

A mud brick with straw, stamped with a royal seal that says “House of Ramses ll,” and other cool artifacts.

Rediscovering the City of David

Amazing discoveries that clearly show the Jewish connection to Jerusalem.

Archeology & Jewish Life in Ancient Babylonia

An exciting exhibit presents direct evidence of the Jewish community in Babylonia right before and after the destruction of the First Temple.

Jerusalem of Gold: Archeology Update

Biblical archaeology sees golden age in Israel, dark age in rest of Middle East.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Why Celebrate Jerusalem Day?

The two-millennia love affair of the Jewish People.

Temple Mount Gold

Ancient gold treasure from 6th century discovered in Jerusalem.

Evidence of the Jewish People’s Roots in Israel

The vast array of evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible.


Jerusalem: 4,000 Years in 5 Minutes

Throughout history only Israel has protected the freedom of all peoples and faiths in Jerusalem.

The Big Lie: The Muslims, Jerusalem and Archaeology, Part 2

Millennia of artifacts with Hebrew inscriptions prove the Jewish presence.

The Big Lie: The Muslims, Jerusalem and Archaeology, Part 1

The Arab onslaught to erase the Jewish people's historical connection with the Temple Mount.

Reclaiming Biblical Jerusalem

The world of archeology is rocked by evidence of King David's palace unearthed in Jerusalem.

Archaeology and the Bible - Part 2

Is there archaeological evidence that supports the Bible?

Jerusalem: Jewish and Muslim Claims to the Holy City

Jerusalem is at the center of the Arab-Israeli conflict. What are the spiritual, historical and political claims – from both sides?

Archaeology and the Exodus

What role does archaeology play in verifying Biblical events?

Kaifeng's Jews

Descendants of centuries-old Jewish community in China's Kaifeng rediscover Jewish heritage after near complete assimilation in their local community.

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