Age of the Universe: One Approach

Did Life Start by Accident? The Missing Pieces

Was the Universe continually creating massive numbers of random combinations of atoms until it generated life?

11 Surprising Facts about Rain

Things to know while praying for rain.

4 Core Jewish Values at the End of Life

Guiding our health care decisions according to Jewish law.

Creation: A Convergence of Torah and Science

Once unthinkable, the accounts of creation by Torah and science are converging.

Death with Dignity?

As a doctor and as a Jew, I am against physician-assisted suicide.

Biblical Archeology: Bringing the Bible to Life

Independent sources confirm many of the major and minor characters of the Bible.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Stephen Hawking and the Golem

A cautionary tale about artificial intelligence.

Brain Scams

The latest neuro-nonsense is part of a larger drive towards reductionism in science.

Echoes of the Big Bang

The recent discovery of primordial gravitational waves supports the Torah’s account of creation, and may shed light on the age of the universe enigma.

The Great Ocean of Truth

Despite the staggering discoveries made by science, the universe is still shrouded in awesome mystery.

Is Anybody There?

New studies demonstrate how people thought to be in an irreversible “vegetative” state showed signs of full consciousness.

The Magic Eye

Sometime we need to learn how to see.

Will Your Cell Phone Kill You?

A Jewish approach to risk evaluation.

The Alphabet of Life

DNA is one of the most powerful clues we have of the existence of a spiritual reality.

Stephen Hawking & God

Is God needed to create the universe?

The Natural Order

Approaching the boundaries of nature with trepidation.

It's Your Universe

Our planet is truly a miracle.

Hospice: A Jewish View

Angel of mercy or angel of death? A cautionary tale.

Someone's There

Patients thought to be in a vegetative state were demonstrated to be hearing and thinking.

Egyptology in the Torah: Biblical Archeology

Contrary to popular Egyptologist belief, the Torah does contain numerous hints of contemporary life in ancient Egypt.

The Origins of Life

One reason why I know there is a God active in our world.

8 Tips for Getting Fit

How to keep your resolution to get fit and healthy.

Lose It!

How to lose weight and keep it off.

Swine Flu Ethics

A Jewish response to the potential swine flu pandemic.

An Atheist Turns

Unable to disprove the message, The NY Times tries to discredit the messenger.

A Lesson of Love

Long live the lichen!

Sanctity of the Human Body

Do we own our bodies, or are they only on loan?

Not a Doctor's Decision

An assault on the concept of the sanctity of life.


How do we balance respecting the dead with the need to help the living?

Altering Genes

Would it be good if we could genetically alter human characteristics like IQ and height?

Man of Science, Man of Faith

Religious inquiry and scientific investigation can complement each other.


Thou shalt not vacuum thy fellow.

Partial - Birth "Abortion"

Do you know what act the law is addressing?

Genetic Screening for Breast Cancer Genes

Angelina Jolie's decision: weighing the pros and cons.

The Wonder of Thunder

What's the deeper meaning behind the creation of a loud smack right in the middle of a heavy rainstorm?

Judaism and Cosmetic Surgery

A comprehensive overview on plastic surgery in Jewish law.

"Virtually Brain Dead"

When is a person no longer considered alive?

Live Organ Donation

Does Jewish law permit donating a kidney? What about selling one?

Killing Me Softly

Has the sanctity of human life become passe?

Charlie Darwin's Angels

Who says the theory of evolution is scientific?

Abraham's Chromosomes?

In search of the historical Abraham.

Evolution: Rationality vs. Randomness

An M.I.T. trained scientist takes a look at Darwin, the fossil record, and the likelihood of random evolution.

A Timeless Argument about Creation

Eighty years ago, the thought controllers wanted no Darwin; today's thought controllers want only Darwin.

The Circle of Life

An ancient text reveals how everything in the natural world is a tapestry of spiritual lessons for life.

Going Extinct?

It has long been our environmental duty to save species from extinction. Will genetic engineering change all that?

The Branding of a Heretic

Are religious scientists unwelcome at the Smithsonian?

The Ethics of Genetic Screening

A Jewish perspective on issues related to screening for Tay-Sachs disease.

Judaism and Modern Technology

From cloned sheep to implantable chips in human beings, are we moving too fast through uncharted territory?

Why Jewish Medical Ethics

An introduction to the system of Jewish Law.

Next Steps