Lennon's Imagine

Waking Up Thirsty

For the first time in many years, you feel the sensation of being of alive. A songwriter's meditation.


God Isn’t Out to Get You

Get rid of childish images of God that stifle your happiness and spiritual growth.

The Jews, 50 Years from Now

What will be the condition of the Jewish community 50 years from now?


Finding God

Exploring the Jewish definition of God.

God Says Hello

Understanding the meaning of coincidences.

Chief Editor's Blog

5 Surprising Facts about Judaism

Including you don’t need to be Jewish to get to Heaven.

Know How to Answer Christian Missionaries

Exploring sin, sacrifices and atonement, common themes used by missionaries.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Explaining Hitler, Again

Beware of explanations which project our own preconceptions and agendas.


Why I Am a Jew

The most fateful moment in my life came when I asked myself, “Who am I?” This is my answer.

Why I Don’t Touch Men

Because touch is sacred and my body is sacred. And sacred things should be saved for sacred moments.

Joy & Tisha B’Av

In the terrible, wonderful paradox of the Jew in exile, we are permanently, gratefully, happy. And temporarily, terribly sad.

Isn’t Judging Favorably Naïve?

Judge others with the same measuring rod you judge yourself.

The Goering Brothers: Heredity is Not Destiny

While Herman Goering was killing Jews, his brother worked tirelessly to save them.

The Evil Eye

We bring it upon ourselves through hubris, self-centeredness and insensitivity to others.

The Debate over Jewish Achievement

As a non-Jew, I’m fascinated that a people which constitute less than 1% of the world’s population has made such enormous contributions to humanity.

The Choice of Self-esteem

Our constant struggle between reality and denial.


Religion, Police & Functioning of Democracy

Is religion necessary for following societal rules?

Nepal: A Jewish Duty

Avalanche in Nepal? Starvation in Biafra? Tsunami in Thailand? Why does Israel always send humanitarian aid?


The Kosher Song

A must-see rap song about keeping kosher.

Biblical Hebrew: A Story of Survival

A new book explores the unique nature and incredible survival of the world’s holiest language.


Feeling Good Vs. Being Good

What really drives you?

Hanukkah & the Essence of True Beauty

Why did Judaism pose such a great threat to ancient Greece?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Miracles, Human and Divine

Like the days of Hanukkah, we are witnessing miracles today.

Obsessed with the Holocaust

It’s crazy, I know, but I often imagine another Holocaust is right around the corner.

Choosing a Jewish Burial

My sister was having second thoughts about her decision to be cremated.

Witchcraft and Judaism

If magic and the occult do exist, why are they so evil?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Money, Sukkot & Affluenza

Sukkot and the sabbatical year teach us the Jewish perspective on wealth and happiness.

The Long Road to Heaven

If God loves us, why did He place us in such a dark and evil world?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Robin Williams’ Suicide

A Jewish perspective on the tragedy of suicide.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Jew Hatred: Understanding the World’s Insanity

Anti-Semitism renders irrelevant the justice of Israel’s war in Gaza.

Why So Much Suffering?

Creating freedom without anarchy, order without tyranny.


Who's Protecting Israel?

It’s not just the Iron Dome we have to thank.

10 Ideas Judaism Gave the World

Some revolutionary concepts found in the Torah.

English Words with Hebrew Origins

These common English words have their origins in Hebrew and Jewish thought.

Chief Editor's Blog

Could You Ignore a Holocaust?

Without this quality, it's likely you would. With it, we can remain united.

God Does Not Work For Us

I thank God for bringing the boys back home.

Looks Could Kill

How the Hebrew month of Tammuz parallels the faculty of sight.

The Indomitable Jewish Spirit

Instead of breaking us, this horrific act of terror has brought us all together.

Darwinism, Morality and Free Choice

Evolutionary biology’s corrosive impact on the foundations of human society.

Chief Editor's Blog

Cardinal O’Connor Was a Jew

Does it really matter?


Accepting Torah: Burden or Opportunity?

Why did we take on these restrictive commandments after finally becoming free?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

The 10 Commandments Today

Why we need them now more than ever.

Anti-Semitism Adapts and Thrives

The oldest hatred has assumed a new form for a new age: hostility to Zionism and Israel.

How You Can Perform a Miracle Today

God split the sea. Here's a miracle you can do.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Passover and the Zodiac

Slaughtering the Pascal lamb represented breaking free from predetermined forces beyond our control.

God Is in the Details

Why do Jews obsess about details, and why do we need so many mitzvot anyway?


The film Noah has been banned by some Islamic authorities for depicting a prophet of God. What is the Jewish view of prophecy?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Purim and Serendipity

How to find God.

Why Reincarnation?

Exploring the mystical underpinnings of this misunderstood concept.

Next Steps