I'm the Parent and I'm in Charge

Beatrice the Butterfly: A Covid-19 Story for Children

Remembering what makes life magical.

Summer Fun: Simple Sensory Activities

Super easy activities that stimulate your children’s senses.

Respecting Fathers

When did the word “dad” become synonymous with out of touch and irrelevant?

Practical Communication Techniques to Create a Peaceful Home

Knowing when, how and what to say can be a lifesaver during this time.

My Big Win

At times I think I'm the worst mother in the world. Then something like this happens.

Give Me Your Kvetch

How externalization techniques help me be a better parent.

Short Bedtime Coloring Story: Helpful Hindy

Discuss the Jewish value of giving with your children.

DIY Tour of Jerusalem

For Jerusalem Day, a ready-to-use-at-home activity guide for the entire family.

Short Bedtime Coloring Story: Forgetful Fanny

A short bedtime story and coloring book on the value of remembering.

Short Bedtime Coloring Story: ''Freddy-Fix-It'''

A short bedtime story and coloring book on the value of helping people.

Coronavirus and the Challenging Child

5 reasonable tips to make lockdown more manageable and increase positivity in your home.

The Real Home Schooling Isn't through Zoom

Your kids are learning far more watching how you and your spouse interact.

The Need to Make Your Kids Happy is Destroying Them

We want to teach our children to live a life of meaning and success, not just be happy.

Covid 19 Family Guidebook: Do-It-Home Activities and Coping Skills

Over 200 activities and fun ideas for the entire family. No computer required.

Yes...and Also: Dealing with Mixed Emotions

During quarantine we can enjoy time with our family members and also feel quite overwhelmed or irritated by their constant presence.

9 At-Home Passover Activities

Easy, do-at-home Passover activities to help keep the family entertained, happy and provide a family-bonding experience.

Giving Your Kids Structure During Your “Coronacation”

Structure provides a sense of security, normalcy and even comfort, particularly in these uncertain and stressful times.

Home with Your Kids: 8 Ways to Manage COVID-19

How to keep sane and positive at home during this pandemic.

How to Help Kids Learn when Hebrew School’s Cancelled

Four strategies to help kids learn even when Hebrew School is cancelled.

There's No “I” in Hannah

My 14-year-old daughter showed me what it means to be part of a team.

PODCAST: Parenting with Enthusiasm

Rabbi David Schoonmaker on the importance of enthusiasm and joy in the home.

Jewish Summer Camp’s Incredible Lasting Impact

Sending kids to Jewish summer camp fosters a love of being Jewish throughout their lives.

How to Say No to Your Kids

Kids need to be told "no." Here are some effective tools to get that message across.

Is My Child a Natural-born Leader?

Rabbi Berel Wein on teaching leadership skills to our children.

Gotta Love Millennials

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky on the Boomer-Millennial generation gap.

Talking to Your Kids About Rising Anti-Semitism

Six tools to respond to our children’s fear.

New Hazards Your Kids are Facing Online

And what you can do about it.

Hanukkah Safety Tips for the Whole Family

Chaya Malka Abramson talks about fire prevention and treating burns


The Anonymous Hero of Hanukkah: A Story for Parents and Kids

Why don’t we know the name of this Chanukah hero?

The Maccabees, Heroism and Your Children

This Hanukkah, teach your kids how to identify with true heroism.


Be a Lamp Lighter: A Hanukkah Story for Parents and Kids

Filling emptiness with light.

PODCAST: Helping Our Children Speak with Confidence

Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser on overcoming social anxiety and negative beliefs.

Hanging with Jason, My Autistic Nephew

As a pediatrician for many families with children on the autism spectrum, I thought I knew what it entailed to raise an autistic child. How wrong I was.

Discovering My Child has Dyslexia (and ADD)

My child is an angel when he sleeps. Why is he such a terror when he's awake?

PODCAST: Why Kids Lie

Rabbi Menachem Nissel on why children and teens lie, and what parents can do about it.

4 Strategies to Help Your Children Develop Good Character

You can teach your kids everything they need for life.

My Daughter and Her Duck

I braced myself for my daughter's usual blowup. Then something amazing happened.

One of the Best Pieces of Parenting Advice I've Ever Heard

Thanks to Rebbetzin Feige Twerski.

PODCAST: Getting Our House in Order

Rabbi David Schoonmaker’s tips for improving our organizational skills at home.

Keeping Your Sanity Over the Holiday Season

And your kids' sanity too!

My Single Greatest Achievement

Thoughts as I send off my 18-year-old son.

How to Make Your Shabbat Table a Place Kids Will Want to Be

The incredible power of a good, thought-provoking question.

Why Every Child Needs to Hear Stories about the Holocaust

If we don't know where we’ve come from, we don't know what we are made of nor where we are going.

PODCAST: Rabbi Berel Wein on the Secret Life of Grandparents

With their love, grandparents can influence the entire family.

Planting and Building in Parenting

Keep the big picture in mind. Just because your child isn't listening today doesn't mean things won't change.

Helping Your Child to Learn How to Control their Emotions

How parents can help their child learn to get in control of their outbursts and frustrations.

PODCAST: How to Protect Pre-teens and Teens from Undesirable Relationships

Rabbi Menachem Nissel’s guide to setting boundaries, rules and curfews.

Trust in Parenting

Believe it and then you'll see it.

PODCAST: How Parents Can Use Improv Comedy Techniques to Get Through the Summer

With Debbie Hirsch’s tips, there’s no reason to freak out now that school’s out.

Next Steps