The 5 Best Hanukkah Gifts to Give to Your Children

A Timeless Gift for Hanukkah

For eight days, the glow of our menorah will be augmented by the darkness of my smartphone.

Unconditional Acceptance versus Boundaries

Each strategy is critical for different tasks: to regulate a child’s behavior and to build a child’s emotional health.

Seven Common Parenting Mistakes

Because a wise parent learns from the mistakes of others.

5 Life Lessons I Learned from My Teenagers

My teen kids have been at sleepover camp for one week and I actually miss them to pieces.

A Father’s Promises

A reminder for fathers everywhere.

How to Help Your Kids to Stop Worrying

5 simple stress busters for kids.

How to Raise a Creative Child

Ignite their passion and respect their individuality.

9 Ways to be a Great Parent

The fundamental things you need to know to raise children in a positive, healthy way.

3 Simple Ways to Teach Your Children to Love Others

Love without judgment starts at home.

Why be a Parent?

Unsuccessful fertility treatments forced the existential question.

The Myth of Perfect Parenting

Three ways to let go of impossible expectations and embrace imperfection.

The Spiritual Child

Do kids need spirituality?

Not Gifted: Get Over It

How we can stop raising a generation of narcissists.

Raising Happy Kids by Letting them be Sad

Don’t equate your child’s happiness with being a good parent.

The Power of the Pencil

A lesson in how to positively influence children.

Raising Independent Children

How to encourage your kids to let go and fly.

Weak Processing Control

Why does my child have such a hard time understanding the material?

4 Simple Ways to Create a Happy Home

How to create the environment your kids want to come home to.

From Confrontation to Cooperation: Real Solutions for Defiant Children

How to handle the explosive child.

Top Ten Gifts for Children

The greatest gift we can give our children is to recognize their unique light they can bring to the world.

Mom, Why Are We Alive?

Explaining the meaning of life to my son.

Why I Want a Large Family

The blessing of growing up in a home with many siblings.

My Eight Favorite Parenting Lines

And why I credit Judaism for all of them.

Five Crucial Things Children Need from their Father

Nothing can replace a father’s love.

Raising Confident Children

We cannot shield our children from hard work and eventual disappointments. The same goes for parenting.

Unconditionally Mom

Why your mom doesn't hate you even though she should.

Discipline with Harmony

Parenting and counting the Omer.

Spoiled Child Syndrome

How to make sure you’re not raising a brat.

Raising Children & Tu B'Shvat

Embracing the mission to nurture the inherent potential of our children.

4 Ways to Teach Kids to be Grateful

How parents can teach their kids to curb their drive to acquire and appreciate what they have.

Helping Children Overcome Fear

Cultivating trust in God.

Teenage Rebel

Why do so many teenagers rebel against their parents?

The Greatest Graduation Present

The power of saying thank you.

Raising Millennials

How to instill empathy and sensitivity in an age of narcissism and entitlement.

The Angry Child

10 tips to empower parents.

Should We Tell the Children?

Talking to your kids about the Connecticut school shooting.

The Nanny Nightmare

Three essential lessons.

Teaching Kids about the High Holidays

Practical ways to transmit the beauty of our heritage.

Ask the Rabbi/Psychologist: Fighting Daughters

How do I get my daughters to stop fighting with each other?

Being Mom Enough

Is Time magazine over the line with its cover photo of a mother breastfeeding her toddler son?

The Blessing of Enough

How to raise happy kids.

6 Questions for Mother’s Day

Using the day to reflect on the goals you have for your family.

Parenting Fundamentals

Parenting is complicated. Here are some of the crucial tenets to keep your eye on.

Five Ideas I Hope to Pass On to My Children

Here’s my list. What's yours?

Worst Parent in the World

Protecting the welfare of our children supersedes the need to be considered their best-buddy.

And the Winner Is…

My son is running against his best friend and I'm afraid.

The Manipulative Child

Red flags and how to break the cycle.

Bringing Children to a Funeral

Was I wrong to bring our 10-year-old daughter to her grandfather's funeral?

Nurturing My Special Needs Child

When faced with zero educational options for her autistic son, one mother created her own.

Next Steps