The Classroom Bully

Are Chinese Parents Superior?

A Jewish response to Amy Chua's extreme parenting.

Coming to Terms with Your Parents

Why should a perfectly competent adult suddenly revert to the fetal position in the presence of her parents?

Family Vacation Tips

Three crucial tips for going away with your children.

Little People, Big Mistakes

Four priceless lessons.

Don't Scream, Sing!

A text from the Middle Ages yields effective parenting advice.

Discipline 911

Don't be afraid to discipline your child.

The Doubting Mother

Do my kids measure up?

Giving In

Is my son excelling at helping others or lacking assertiveness?

A Different Kind of Mother

I worry that there is something sharp and harsh about me that will hurt my children the way I was hurt.

Seeing the Stars

Holidays are not about escaping reality. They are about finding the inner beauty of our lives.

Sticky Situation

A High Holiday ethical dilemma to read and discuss with your kids.

Mothering with Maturity

Waking up from the dream of our own omnipotence.

My New Dad

Real change is possible after 50. I know because I saw it happen.

Eight Great Chanukah Gifts for Kids

Being a role model for Jewish values is truly the gift of a lifetime.

Love: It's All in the Ratio

Love is the only real power a parent has.

Raise Your Kids without Raising Your Voice

Proven strategies that reduce the need for discipline.

Motivating an Underachiever

Effective strategies on how to get your child to do better in school.

My Child, the Thief

Practical advice for parents of children who steal.

Tolstoy in Kindergarten

I assumed that if I got in early, our daughter would be in full literary swing by the time she reached nursery school. Was I ever wrong.

Obesity in Children

What parents should do -- and not do -- to meet the challenge.

Building Self-Esteem in Children

To help your children attain self-esteem, you need to develop your own self-esteem.

The Mommy Chronicles: Honorable Mentions

Honor is found in the boardroom, the locker-room, the courtroom, and even the star's dressing room, but not in my kids' playroom.


As rough as those teenage years are, nothing quite prepares us for the major event that occurs when they finish high school: leaving home.

The Gift of the Past Present

The biggest gift our family has ever received is the absence of presents.

Loving Your New Brother

After an international adoption process that dragged on for nearly two years, the day Micah finally came home was one of the happiest our family has known.

From the Heart of a Child

How my 5-year-old daughter taught me the true meaning of giving.

Marching to a Quicker Drummer

A brief report on ADHD in Jerusalem.

Why does God Make People Sick?

Q: Why does God make people sick?

Take Back the Night

A user-friendly guide to parent-teacher conferences.

Mothers and Daughters

The delicate and sometimes painful balancing act.

The At-Risk Teen

Some frequently asked questions in parenting pre-teens and teenagers, especially those at-risk.

Real Jewish Mothers

Mother's Day is not a Jewish holiday; it's a brilliantly contrived marketing tool. But try telling that to my mother.

Teaching Children Responsibility

Bailing your child out of a difficult situation may not be doing him a favor at all.

Life is for Love

Raising emotionally healthy children requires plenty of attention and affection. Easier said than done.

Two Parents, One Voice

Presenting a united front and speaking to our children with one voice is essential for effective parenting.

Building Your Child's Positive Self-Image: Part 1

A down-to-earth Jewish primer on raising kids with healthy self-esteem.

Letting Go

When others have harmed our lives, it is easy to adopt an attitude of blame. We need to realize that the ultimate solution must come from inside of ourselves.

Combating Jealousy

"Joshua got a bigger piece of cake than me!" How can we replace our children's fear of being shortchanged with a secure feeling that they have all they need?

Gaining Respect

Treating your kids with respect is the best way to teach them to respect you. Think you can pull it off?

A Lesson in Self Esteem

Teaching our kids who they really are and what makes them special.

Why doesn't God answer me?

Q: Why doesn't God answer me?

Will Your Child Grow Up To Be A Thief?

Acceptable stealing -- such as lying about a child's age to gain cheaper admission -- communicates an indelible lesson.

How do I talk to my kids about the fact of life?

Q: How do I talk to my kids about the facts of life, from a Jewish perspective?

Wild Boys

Help! My kids are out of control and I'm a stress case because of it!

Serve Warm

How to give constructive criticism to your children.

A Family Spiritual Countdown

Infusing your children with the essence of the Omer.


Teaching children how to communicate respectfully no matter what they are feeling.

9 Lessons My Baby Taught Me about God

My new paradigm for relating to God.

Next Steps