The Love Mirror

Sparing the Rod

Most of us hit our children when we are angry or frustrated. We are not educating. We are venting.

Love Is Not Enough

Demonstrating love doesn't always come naturally. Parents need to know how to cuddle, kiss and hug their children.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Eating together as a family, even just once a week, yields tremendous benefits.

Tears of Pain and Joy

When our daughter was born, the feelings of joy were suddenly interrupted with the doctor's statement that she had Down's syndrome and possibly a severe congenital heart defect.

Green is a Jewish Color

In the quieter moments, the questions the children ask and the statements they make are well worth hearing.

The Graduates

A different kind of school. A different kind of graduation.

Hide and Seek

Suddenly, my son and I were once again embroiled in a power struggle.

Early Hopes

Being a parent of a preemie entails many challenges. The first one is hope.

Throw Away the Xerox Machine

Face it: Your child is not perfect. So try to appreciate their challenges and enjoy their strengths.

The Committed Life

My first Sabbath taught me an important lesson about training the palate to enjoy the sweet flavor of success.

Spice of Life

Children are as varied as we are. Appreciating their ness will add immeasurably to your pleasure -- and sanity.

Threats, Bribes, and Punishments

In trying to instill discipline, positive encouragement will get you a lot farther.

Talking to Our Children About the Tragedies

Our children are looking to us for calm and compassion, faith and hope.

Parenting Teenagers: The Agony and the Ecstasy

Mature, childish. Detached, clingy. Selfish, caring. Respect us, scorn us. Stop the insanity! Some practical tips on raising teenagers.

Taking Charge: How To Discipline with Love

Too much permissiveness is a sure-fire way to raise spoiled, unruly children. But how to enforce the rules and still communicate unending love?


Combating jealousy begins with the realization that God gives everyone just what exactly what he needs.

Cultivating Kindness

Tools for inspiring our kids to stretch beyond their comfort zones and become givers.

Respecting Your Child's Emotional Reality

How to take your children's emotional reality seriously.

The Dangers of Criticism

There is a big difference between lashing out with insensitive criticism and admonishing with respect and love.

Just a Slight Adjustment of Focus

Raising happy children sometimes depends only on a kind word and a moment's extra attention.

Mirroring Parents

What lessons are your kids picking up by watching your day-to-day behavior?

Who's Minding the Kids?

Our child's self concept is being built every day. Who's the primary person doing the imprinting?

A Self Fulfilling Prophecy - Part 2 - Building Positive Self Esteem In Children

Parents are like a mirror, reflecting back their children's self-image. What your children see is what you'll get.

Helping Children Cope With Difficulties

Failing a test, being unpopular, coping with divorce and worse. Children face many difficulties. What can we do to strengthen our children for life's challenges?

Stopping Lashon Hara

A primer on how to raise our children to look at the positive and speak well about others.

Family Holiday Guides

Let Shrilly the Shofar take you and your family on a guided tour of the High Holidays, uncovering the deeper meanings of the most awesome days in the Jewish year!

Married (A Second Time) With Children

Forget the Brady Bunch. Here are six tools for coping with some of the challenges step-families present.

Understanding Your Child

Good parents, help their children develop a roadmap to their own personalities. To do that, you've got to really know your child.

Disciplining Kids Effectively

Effective discipline begins long before you need to correct anything. It depends on the trusting relationship between the parent and child.

The Gratitude Attitude

Do not underestimate the power of "Thank You" notes to help kids learn to appreciate the good that others do for them.

Judging Others Favorably

Giving people the benefit of the doubt applies to children too. In fact judging our children favorably is the most effective tool for teaching them this powerful commandment.

Love Thy Principal

Teachers are human too. A little bit of effort on your part can go a long way to helping your child in the classroom.

Is God a Man or a Woman?

Q. My four-year-old daughter has begun to ask about God. Is God a man or a woman? What is God? What should I tell her?

Coping With Fear

How to teach your children to cope with living in a scary, sometimes unjust world.

Opening Our Homes: What's In It For Our Kids

A home is your castle, but is also a tool for teaching your children sharing, hospitality, and caring about others.


Children who fly into temper tantrums may be modeling their behavior on parents who use anger as a teaching tool.

Why Are There So Many Rules In Judaism?

What's wrong with having some fun?

Instilling Humility in Children

Don't equate humility with weakness. The truly humble person is the strongest of all, as the example of Moses aptly demonstrates.

Going Up?

Using positive communication with our children.

Talking to Your Kids About Divorce

Q: What does it mean when people get divorced?

The Grateful Child

How do I teach my ungrateful daughter to be thankful?


My son wasn't the only one who got lost that night

Surviving Your Adolescent

7 important tools for navigating this trying phase.

8 Nights, 8 Heroes

Inspiring stories to share around the Chanukah lights.

Blended Love

Blended is a misnomer for our family. We are a lumpy family -- chunks remain, and pieces need chewing before we can swallow.

iPod's for Chanukah?

How to balance your kids' high tech hankerings.

Does being Jewish mean I'm different from my friends?

Q: Does being Jewish mean I'm different from my friends?

Being an Imperfect Parent

Perfectionists are living in the wrong world. Teach your children how to avoid this debilitating habit.

An Open Letter to Sarah Palin

From one parent of a child with Down syndrome to another.

Next Steps