The Stolen Hour

Family Planning

Adoption is a journey of faith.

Teen Substance Abuse

A first aid guide for parents.

There's a Monster Under My Bed!

Helping your preschoolers cope with nocturnal fears.

Helping Your Teenager Cope with Cliques

Practical dos and don'ts to navigate the often stressful social scene.

20 Ways to Bring Out the Best in Your Children

An inspiring, practical list from a relationships expert.

Preventing Adolescent Suicide

Statistics show that 8 out of 10 people who committed suicide gave some warning before taking their lives.

Choosing Homeschooling

It isn't for everyone, but homeschooling our son is giving him a strong Jewish education that fits his needs.

How to Be a Hero to Your Kid

Planting and pruning: the two essential modes in parenting.

Under God's Canopy

In about 10 hours you will be a married man and Mommy and I will be doing the whimpering thing.

How to talk to your kids about smoking: the Jewish perspective

How parents can prevent their children from smoking.

Where Credit is Due

When my son walks in the door, my first thoughts go upward.

The Heavenly Report Card

Maybe you're not such a bad parent (spouse/friend/person) after all.

Negotiating with Your Teen

Disagreements, clashes, struggles are an inevitable part of growing up. Whether they result in animosity or deepened relationships is in our hands.

Eat This

You never know when something as simple as a kid who won't eat his vegetables will bring you to one of life's little epiphanies.

Cutting Loose

My daughter's haircut taught me a lot about letting go.

Teens at Risk: Stressors and Signs

A guide for knowing when it's time to get help.

Sick Days

It's hard finding quiet time alone with your child. A stomach ache may be just what the doctor ordered.

The Buck Stops Here

Teaching our adolescents responsibility.

Letting Go One More Time

Sometimes the more you let go, the tighter you become.

One Dollar an Hour

A surprising encounter got me thinking: what am I teaching my children about money?

Teenagers: Handle With Care

A parents' survival guide to the terrible teens.

Shortcut Parenting

More than any technique, your child needs your time, your concern and your caring.

The Over-Protected Child

Give up the illusion: we can't fight our children's battles, nor should we.

The Dog Ate It

Homework doesn't have to be a major source of struggle between parents and children.

Relinquishing Control

The difficult art of letting go.

The Mommy Chronicles: Back to School and Shul

Getting ready to go back to school and getting ready for the High Holidays have a lot in common.

The Mommy Chronicles: One Small Red Lego

Why do we desire whatever belongs to someone else?

The Mommy Chronicles: Potty Training and Diet Advice

In my attempts to teach my three-year-old some self-control, I lost mine.

The Mommy Chronicles: A Clean House

I'm my own version of superwoman. I do it all, but I don't clean the bathroom, and I'm okay with that.

Summer Vacation

How I learned to enjoy summer and the kids without tearing my hair out.

How to be a Parent: A Father's Day Special

Koby Mandell wrote this article on parenting the year before he was brutally murdered by terrorists.

Son, Skydiving is Dangerous

Teaching our children the rewards of patience.

Helping Kids Cope with Terror

How do we educate our children to feel the pain of the Jewish People without overwhelming them?

Listening to Your Teenager

How to really listen to your teen who has somehow managed to reduce her vocabulary to "whatever" and some eye rolling.

Talking Teenagers

Why teenagers aren't talking to parents and what you can do about it.

Different Kids, Same School

Parents of children with learning disabilities have their own challenges. Start by accepting your children for who they are and focusing on their very real strengths.

Cold Turkey

After some bouts of panic, a family decides to kick the TV habit.

My Son, The Artist

Expectations for a child with Down Syndrome.

In the Blink of an Eye

My little daughter is growing up way too fast.

Coming Home

Coming home after a long day is fraught with expectations and surprises. Some tips for damage control.

Miracle at Dodger Stadium

Effort and prayer combine to beat impossible odds.

Flying Solo

My middle son has a couple of hard acts to follow. He's doing it his own special way.

The Good Parent

If we want to raise ethical children, we have no choice but to work on developing our character.

The Teenager Challenge

It's easy to push off the task of working on our character. But just wait till you have teenagers.

Bill Bennett's Vice

Accusations of hypocrisy leveled at the author of "The Book of Virtues" teach us an important lesson about how we instill values in our children.

Tell Your Children

Explaining the war -- and Passover -- to a six-year-old.

Where did grandma go when she died?

Q: Where did grandma go when she died?

The Gift of ADHD

ADHD has taught my daughter that nothing comes without working very hard and that you don't take good friends for granted.

(Lack of) Parenting Expertise

The longer I parent, the less I feel I know. But here are a few basic principles that I try to live by.

Next Steps