Grant Proposal for Self Improvement

It's Not My Fault

A strategy for a meaningful Yom Kippur.

Step Right Up

A Rosh Hashana Story

Mission Possible

There can be no greater joy than successfully answering the question, "Who are you?"

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Submitting Your Annual Report

This Rosh Hashana, celebrate your spiritual accomplishments.

Eli Whitney's Rosh Hashanah Resolution

This Rosh Hashanah make sure your resolutions are S.M.A.R.T.

Think Globally, Act Locally

Despite my sincere desire to save the world, I never managed to move past rhetoric and idealism to meaningful action. Then I started learning about Judaism.

Who is God to Judge?

I often felt resentful toward God, until I discovered that Rosh Hashanah is about empowerment, not guilt.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Other People's Tears

Breaking the empathy barrier this Yom Kippur.

The Way Home

Yes you can go home again.

The GPS and Yom Kippur

Lost? Relax. Here's the way to get back on route.

No Baggage

This Yom Kippur, leave the guilt at home.


Could it be that uttering some well-chosen mantras can really change your life?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Keep Your Eye on the Expert

This Rosh Hashana, become the person you wish you were.

Apples and Honey

Discovering the traditional origins and meaning of Rosh Hashanah's most famous foods.

The Sound of Freedom

The primal cry of the shofar expresses the deepest core of a person that words alone cannot reach.

The Spiritual Workout

When life's challenges feel like an Olympic training program.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

For God's Sake

The challenge of our age: not to desecrate God's holy name with acts that profane all that He stands for.

My Strange Request

In Elul anything is possible, even finding your soul mate.

To Become Like Angels

On Yom Kippur we can taste spiritual perfection by relinquishing our innate ability to choose as we attempt to blend our own will with that of God's.

Dieting and Yom Kippur

Dieting as a paradigm for spiritual elevation.

Seizing Change

By seizing change today, we might avoid the seizure tomorrow.

Shifting the Blame

Accepting personal responsibility for our actions is the cornerstone for lasting change.

Fasting on Yom Kippur

Guidelines for children and sick people who need to eat.

Hiding from God

Who is the master of your universe? A Rosh Hashanah meditation.

A Womb for the Soul

Inscribing ourselves in the book of life or death.

All About Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah

Cast your baggage into the river.

Laws of the Festive Meals

Symbolic foods and lots of honey, too.

Why Round Challah?

Some surprising spiritual insights from the Rosh Hashanah challah.

Your First Rosh Hashanah?

A few inspiring words for the uninitiated.

The Human Touch

A letter jolted me out of my complacency, reminding me that real change is truly possible.

Climbing to the Top

Answering Rosh Hashana's question: Did you do as much as you could with the gifts the Almighty gave you?

Go for the Gold

Achieving your personal victory this Rosh Hashana.

Nine Plus One

What does animal tithing have to do with Rosh Hashanah? Everything.

Understanding the High Holidays

The overarching theme of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is "change:" to change from what we were before and to become new individuals.

Hearing the Shofar's Call

The shofar arouses the divine voice within, calling us back to our Source.

Habits for a Highly Effective Yom Kippur

Take one step in breaking free from the entanglements of negative habits and you're guaranteed assistance from the Almighty.

Becoming You

On Rosh Hashana, we pledge not to remain a cheap imitation of our 'old self.'

Blasting the Worm

Being hit with a major computer virus is no way to start the NewYear...or is it?

The Liberating Experience of Judgment

Yes these are Days of Awe, but they are days of exhilaration too.

Three Steps to Genuine Change

Getting free from our self-erected prison.

On Anger

Anger, which can work so powerfully against happiness, is the very tool we've been given to get a handle on our invisible, elusive inner selves.

Amos the Righteous: A Yom Kippur Fable

Those who believe in the power of good deeds love to tell his story.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Football Victory: A Yom Kippur Story

Not all wins take place on the playing field.

Fixing the World: Rosh Hashana Family Parsha

In our story a girl makes a change for the better, and is glad she did.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Whom We Hurt: A Yom Kippur Preparation

Most interactions are with people whose private pain is hidden from us. How can we make sure that we do not add to their distress with a harsh word?

Flying Low

Rebuilding your inner confidence in making -- and keeping! -- New Year's resolutions.

Fun Activities

Have fun with these mazes, puzzles, word search and more!


A variety of salads to compliment your main dish.

High Holidays Quiz for Kids

How well are you prepared for the High Holidays?

Next Steps