Pandemic Stress: Repairing Damage to a Relationship


Now's the Time to Reveal Your True Identity

Stop hiding behind your mask and be the person you're meant to be.

Queen Esther's 6 Lessons for Today

Timeless messages that Esther wanted every man, woman and child to hear.

Developing Patience: The Foundation for All Relationships

Patience with people is an absolute necessity for a fulfilling life.

How to Stop Feeling Like a Victim

Dr. Edith Eger's tool to break free from the grip of painful experiences.


Missing the Doomed Flight

God isn't out to get us; He has a plan and is orchestrating everything for our good.

Yes, Moses Speaks Directly to Me

I am not just connected to my roots. I am living them.

Sisu the Day: How Small, Swift Acts of Courage Can Prevent a Lifetime of Regrets

How many times have you wished you acted but didn’t, and then the opportunity was gone, sometimes forever?


Why Does God Keep Sending Me This Frustrating Challenge?

When you can't change your situation, you're challenged to change yourself.

10 Ways to Get a Grip on Worry

Here are some of the most effective anti-worry tools.

Four Lessons from Tom Brady

The greatest of all time can teach us a thing or two about what it takes to surpass expectations and attain unimaginable success.

Breaking Free from Perfectionism and Shame

You’ll never be the same after making a mistake – you can be better.

Living a Life Permeated with Joy and Meaning

Let's use this difficult time to harness the joy of being alive.

Jews Aren't Alcoholics and Other Misconceptions about Drinking

Before I could make the admission that I had a problem, I had to understand what the true meaning alcoholism.


How to Get Out of a Rut

The best way to uplift yourself is to uplift someone else. A lesson from my 8-year-old daughter.


Inspiring Quotes by Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski

The prolific rabbi left behind a legacy of insight and inspiration.

What Would Petey Do?

What Would Petey Do?

After losing her husband, Sarah Weintraub created something new and beautiful to celebrate his life and character.


The Chinese Bamboo and Tu B'Shvat

Real growth sometimes happens beneath the surface where no one can see.

What Would Rabbi Noah Weinberg Say?

For our turbulent times, a voice from above.


What You're Looking For Isn't Around You – It's Within You

You have what it takes. Just look inside.

The Obstacle is the Way

Sonia Vallabh was 27 when she discovered that she inherited the genetic mutation that killed her mother at age 51. Instead of crippling her, the news motivated her.


Grow Like the Trees

In honor of Tu B’Shvat, 6 lessons on how to grow.


Don't Let Fear Stop You from Trying

Because true success is in the trying.


Waking Up from a Coma

Believe it: sometimes miracles do happen.

Losing Weight While Gaining Perspective

Some helpful thoughts on my weight loss journey.

Fighting Reality: A Psychologist’s Journey Through Covid-19

I was insisting that everything should revert back to normal rather than accept and make peace with my new reality.

8 Memorable Jewish Quotes from 2020

Select quotes from a tumultuous year.


Squeeze My Hand

You are not alone in your pain.

Effective Resolutions: Behavioral Insights on Creating Positive Change

Practical tips from behavioral science that can help us bring forth positive change in the new year.

Saying Goodbye to 2020

How can we use this most difficult year to better ourselves and the world?


Every Morning Tell Yourself: There Is No One Like Me In the World

Out of 7 billion people in the world, no one has your unique soul.

Dr. Eger’s 10 Insights on How to Live Life Fully

An Auschwitz survivor shares her life-affirming wisdom.

Is Zoom a Window or a Mirror?

Plastic surgery for the soul.

This Hanukkah, Think about Fred

Anyone can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.


Our Modern-Day Hanukkah Story

Hanukkah reminds us that even amidst a dark pandemic, nothing is left to chance.

Cultivating Spiritual Resilience

Strategies to encourage belief in a higher purpose, hope for the future, gratitude for our lives, and the meaning we construct from our suffering.

Three Ways to Find Your Inner Light

Hanukkah is a unique time for accessing the sparks of light within and thereby light up the world.

Hanukkah and the Miracle of Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a daily uphill battle where modern-day miracles are being performed throughout the recovery process.


Hanukkah and Hope

Hope is the underlying story the Jewish people.

Genius Is Born and 6 Other Lies about Learning

Jim Kwik's 7 common lies that limit our ability to learn and reach our potential.

How to Build Resilience during the Pandemic

Five evidence-based strategies to help you cultivate resilience.


Jacob's Ladder: How to Rise Up When You're Down

A lesson in how to get through tough challenges.


Don’t Give Up the Fight

Life is full of struggle. Never give up.

Five Ways to Build Your Gratitude Muscles

This has never been more important than it is now when so much seems to be going wrong in the world and in our lives.


Shake Off the Dust and Get Up

Sometimes our challenges that we feel are burying us can be precursors for growth.


Inspiring Quotes by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

A small selection of meaningful quotes from Rabbi Sacks, of blessed memory.

Overeating: Hungry Body or Starving Soul?

When we're overeating, it's not our bodies that are hungry – it’s our souls.

Choosing Hope: Finding Light in Times of Despair

Spiritual immunization for the pandemic and political unrest.


The Most Crucial Part of This Election

And it isn't Trump or Biden.

Next Steps