About the Author

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Sara Yoheved Rigler’s YouTube channel is "From Within the Walls of Jerusalem", where she relates stories, presents gems of Jewish wisdom, and teaches practical life tools. Her newest book, I’ve Been Here Before: When Souls of the Holocaust Return, is the product of 8 years of research into reincarnated souls from the Holocaust. She is also the author of six best-sellers: Holy Woman; Lights from Jerusalem; Battle Plans: How to Fight the Yetzer Hara (with Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller); G-d Winked: Tales and Lessons from My Spiritual Adventures; Heavenprints; and Emunah with Love and Chicken Soup. She gives a weekly Marriage Webinar for Jewish Workshops on a spiritual approach to marriage, with hundreds of members throughout the world. She lives in the Old City of Jerusalem. Her website is: sararigler.com.

The Spy Who's Locked Into the Cold

It's time to release Jonathan Pollard.

Teddy Bears for the Wounded

The terrorists want to make us feel powerless. Performing an important mitzvah like visiting the sick empowers.

Henny's Secret

There is no limit to how much love and compassion can emanate from one human heart.

A Taste of Heaven

An incredible Jerusalem family brings the beauty of Shabbat to the world.

After the Inferno: Survivors Speak

Survivors of one of Israel's most grisly terrorist attacks speak to Jews of the world -- with words and actions.

Not So Small Miracles

God is always communicating with us. Sometimes it takes a miracle for us to get the message.

Football Victory: A Yom Kippur Story

Not all wins take place on the playing field.

Whom We Hurt: A Yom Kippur Preparation

Most interactions are with people whose private pain is hidden from us. How can we make sure that we do not add to their distress with a harsh word?

The Dead End of Jewish Culture

One-quarter of American Jews have rejected watered-down Judaism in favor of full-strength Christianity. Why?

A Tale of Two Families

The destinies of two families converge in the wave of terror.

Voices from the Valley of Death

A message to the Jews of the world from bereaved families during shiva.

"Lightly Injured"

Terrorism's toll is far greater than we think.

Arriving At Sinai

One woman's search for her life's compass.

The True Face of Israeli Youth

A new poll reveals surprises that undermine the stereotype.

Israel Spiritual Symposium: What Are We Dying For For?

Israel's moment of truth forces Jews worldwide to identify themselves.

Can The Whole World Be Wrong?

The whole world condemns Israel. What else is new?

Exodus: What's the Big Deal?

Every component of the Exodus was meant to reveal another facet of how God is involved in the world.

The Terrorist and the Builder

How to feel good amidst catastrophe.


If the quality of integrity is absent in the person, how can it be present in his or her ideas?

A Zionist Manifesto

Is Israel fighting a losing battle?

How To Work Miracles - The God Factor: Part 2

The distinction between the natural and the miraculous is only one of human perception. Everything that occurs is really a miracle.

The God Factor: Part 1

Chanukah comes to teach us how history can take the most unlikely turns and produce the most improbable victors.

Terror First Hand

On a bus targeted by a terrorist, a 16-year-old girl faces death.

Real and Enduring Freedom

We can all become heroes.

The Day Rechavam Ze'evi Was Assassinated

For me, Wednesday, October 17, was a day that started in tragedy and ended in celebration.

Whom We Hurt: A Yom Kippur Preparation

Most interactions are with people whose private pain is hidden from us. How can we make sure that we do not add to their distress with a harsh word?

Children of Death, Children of Life

Terrorist bombs kill innocent people. They also leave wounds for life.

Heroes: A True Story

God becomes believable when life becomes unbelievable. *

To Baby or Not To Baby

One woman's struggle with the fateful decision whether to have children.

Night of the Sirens

How does one respond to Israel's recent tragedies?

Trusting God

When reading reports of hair-raising cruelty, trusting God means knowing that the answers to why Israel is under attack are there, even if they are not obvious at the moment.

Confessions of a Creationist

I always thought creationists were Bible-belt fundamentalists. Denying evolution would put me on their side, and jeopardize my self-image as an East coast Jewish intellectual...

Spirituality Without God

We are finally recognizing that reality includes a spiritual dimension. But somehow God has gotten lost in the shuffle.

It's So Hard!

It's today's mantra. But there are times when even super-human effort isn't hard. How do we get over that hurdle?

Big Families: Desired or Undesirable?

A frank discussion with a mother of 11 on the pros and cons of large families.

Buddhism, Judaism, and The Great Cheerio Fiasco

Many Jews turn to Buddhism to rise to spiritual heights. Judaism says, "Take the whole world up with you."

Breaking the Comfort Barrier

Forget the holiday hike. A real spiritual path is steep and challenging.

Holy Fire

When Esh Kodesh was a boy, he wished his kindergarten teacher: "May they not kill you. May you not die young." Last month, he died at age 25, gunned down by an Arab terrorist.

Alice's Cake

Israel is traumatized when a terrorist bomb maims three children, but one woman is catapulted to a new level of gratitude.

The Jigsaw Puzzle

Living with a new sense of palpable fear, a resident of the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem's Old City describes how she soothes her over-wrought nerves.

Mataji vs. Mother Teresa

Cocooned in the blissful spirituality of an ashram, a Jewish soul still yearns to help others in need. But what to do when the guru forbids it?


An encounter with a hidden Jewish holy woman turns the world of a devotee to Eastern religions upside down.

Battle Plans

Strategies for winning your inner struggles.

Passover's Promise

The current turmoil and the memory of miraculous redemption.

God vs. Prozac

Prominent scientists show the efficacy of trust in God to treat anxiety.

My Father, The Alchemist

How did my father transform himself into gold?

Loving Those Jews

The urgent imperative of Jewish unity.

I Wanted that Fire

Rav Noach himself was the living embodiment of the fire of Torah.

Why TIME is Right... and Wrong

How the Jews can win when we can't win.

Fighting the War with Our Mouths

A day on the home front.

Next Steps