When It’s Time to Say Goodbye to the Wrong Person

PODCAST: Wanting My Child to Treat Me Like a Friend

Rabbi Zev Leff on blurring the line between being an authority figure and peer.

The After School Meltdown

What you need to know to navigate this common tantrum.

5 Harmful Habits that Impede Children from Creating Healthy Relationships

How parents unknowingly hinder children’s abilities to form strong relationships later in life.

PODCAST: When You Suspect Your Child has a Mental illness

Dr. Jacob Freedman’s guide to overcoming the stigma and getting proper treatment.

PODCAST: Everlasting Secrets to a Successful Marriage

Rosie Einhorn and Sherry Zimmerman’s guide to giving and getting the most from your marriage.

Can a Video Game Ruin a Marriage?

The addictive game Fortnite is being blamed for hundreds of divorces. They have it backwards.

Five Reasons Every Jewish Family should Celebrate Sukkot and Simchat Torah

One of the best ways to embrace being Jewish with joy and to transmit that love for being Jewish to our children.

How to Maintain Your Independence in a Healthy Relationship

And not lose yourself or your relationship.

INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Phrases to Help Create a Peaceful Home

Because everyone needs to take a deep breath once in a while.

How Do I Know if I’m Ready for Marriage?

Shifting your view of marriage from an opportunity to take to an opportunity to give.

Recommitting to My Marriage, This New Year

The High Holidays are an opportunity to go all in.

10 Parenting Lessons in 20 Years

They grow up and mature, and turn into great adults. It really happens.

How to Make the Back-to-School Transition Easier

Practical advice on lowering tensions in the morning and beating the back to school blues.

Am I Being Too Picky?

Hold on to what's important and let go of the super detailed image you have in your mind.

PODCAST: Why is My Teenager So Defiant?

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky on positive parenting through teen angst.

What Kind of Father Do I Want to Be?

I am realizing that my love for investing can dangerously conflict with my love for my family.

How to Experience Connection in Your Marriage

Stop focusing on what's wrong, learn how to have safe conversations, and experience joy together.

PODCAST: Help! I’m Dating my Opposite!

Aleeza Ben Shalom on why some odd couples end up happily married.

8 Habits Every Relationship Needs

Creating and adapting positive relationship habits that will increase satisfaction and stability in your relationship.

INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Phrases that Stop Backtalk

Take a deep breath and practice these statements.

PODCAST: Little Kids; Chronically Ill Parent

How Orit Esther Riter and her family adjust to her physical limitations.

Making Marriage Work

Four strategies to help couples maintain a successful connection throughout the years.

4 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Love One Another

This week is a perfect time to work on fostering kindness and love in your home.

PODCAST: Those Maddening Power Struggles at Home

Dr. Lisa Aiken on the root causes of anger and what to do about it.

The 7 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make

These are the serious ones that emotionally harm our children.

The STD Test

“We are religious couple. There’s no way my husband had an affair and I know I was not with another man.”

The Absurdity of Being Jealous of One’s Spouse

My husband and I are one. Being jealous of him is like being jealous of my arm.

How to Talk to Your Teen

The art to keeping connected to teens.

5 Common Relationship Complaints

And the best way to start working on each one.

3 Ways to Become a More Attractive Spouse

Listen, laugh and love.

Mikveh and Miscarriage

I was overcome with a pronounced feeling of unfairness. I wasn’t supposed to be here tonight.

PODCAST: Stuck at Home While Your Spouse is Away on Business Trips

Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser on how couples can fortify their marriage despite frequent traveling for work.

Why Do I Treat a Roommate Better than My Husband?

A week of rooming with my friend highlighted the discrepancy and showed me a roadmap for improvement.

Respect Your Kids and They’ll Respect You

5 ways to model respect through action and speech without giving up your authority.


How to have a Happier Marriage

It’s all in the details. Identify.

Moms, Give the Father of Your Kids the Appreciation They Deserve

Five ways to appreciate your husband’s role as father of the house.

Over-Zealous Parenting is Harming our Children

How to raise independent kids in today ‘s world.


Do You and Your Spouse Ever Argue? Watch This

How to achieve unity in your marriage without uniformity.

4 Ways to Create a Strong Relationship

Four core things you need to do to build a meaningful and happy relationship.

INFOGRAPHIC: Ways to Stop Sibling Rivalry

6 simple tools for every home.

Motivating the Addict in the Family to Seek Help

Dr. Jacob Freedman on the warning signs of addiction and treatment.

How to be a Spiritual Role Model to Your Children

The four key steps to being a spiritual exemplar in your family.

PODCAST: Marriage: When Tension Mounts

Dr. Lisa Aiken on putting out marital fires with humor, diplomacy, and love

PODCAST: Are My Pre-Wedding Jitters the Sign of a Doomed Marriage?

Rosie Einhorn and Sherry Zimmerman clarify normal nervousness vs. disaster.

8 Common Relationship Mistakes

These eight mistakes can damage a healthy relationship. Pay attention now before you fall into a common pattern.


The Deep Meaning Behind An Orthodox Jewish Wedding

Meet Hadassa and Ze'ev, a young couple who unite their souls in the holy mitzvah of marriage before they've even held hands.

5 Marriage Mantras to Live By

Practical insights to help you keep your head above water and not get locked in conflict.

I Like You Because: 30 Sentence Starters for Dating

A practical tool to help you get clarity about your thoughts and feelings, and take your relationship to the next level.

6 Lessons that Made Me a Better Mom

Practical advice that made a big difference.

Next Steps