Difficult Mother-in-Law

Alone in Lenox Hill

In my grandmother's room, it was as silent as death.

Dread Coming Home

After being away 10 days, there is no place like home.

Tragedy in Mumbai

Words may fail us, but actions cannot.


Not for Seniors Only

What will you do when you retire?


All or Nothing

A philosophy that just doesn't work.


Reality hit, along with depression. No job. And worse, no chances of finding a new one either.

Dating Advice #272 - Weekend Clash

She wants to observe Shabbat; he wants to take road trips.

The Jewish Ethicist: Warehouse and Home

You can get rid of supplies left in your house, but do it thoughtfully.

The Jewish Ethicist: Seeking Lost Owner, Part 2

You have to keep lost objects a while, but not forever.

Think & Act Your Wisest and Best

Get Smart!

Think Before Taking Action

How to prevent avoidable mistakes.

The Magnificent Life Transforming Formula

Take Action Now!

Cookie Perfect

The results of my search for the best cookie recipes that use oil and not margarine.

Mastering the Habit of Taking Action

Overcome the habit of procrastination.

All Action is in the Present

You are always in the Here and Now.

Meaningful Goals Create a Meaningful Life

Clarity of Goals

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

Enjoy these delicious recipes for Thanksgiving and all year round!


God's Complete World

Every person is unique and matters.


In the News

Why do I need to follow the news?


Corner the Market

Pick one mitzvah you're going to do to the ultimate.

The Jewish Ethicist: Seeking Lost Owner

Lost object? Seek a forum likely familiar to the unknown owner.

A Knock on the Window

Sometimes it's the small gestures that penetrate most deeply.

Long Live Thank You Notes

If we can't be bothered to write a real thank you note, how grateful are we really?

Affording Jewish Day Schools

A long overdue program to lower day school costs gives hope for the future.

The Awesome Power of Joyful Willpower

Wise Choices


The Bailout

Does anyone know what to do?

Dating Advice #271 - Gut Feeling

"On paper," she has everything he's looking for.

The Jewish Ethicist - Is It Charity?

Kindness to others shouldn't be limited to the poor and needy.


Taking God for a Ride

The new anti-God ad campaign.

Kosher By Design: Lightens Up

Lean and luscious: Susie Fishbein's new cookbook promotes a healthier lifestyle.


Matchmaker! Matchmaker!

Make the effort. After all, you're just the messenger.

Ordained by the Holocaust

Hundreds of Holocaust survivors never returned to Judaism and joined the Christian clergy.

Parenting's Most Essential Trait

And it's not something we learn from books and classes.


Anti-Semitism in Greece

A vile reaction to Obama's win.

The Jewish Ethicist - Working with Difficult People

An incompatible co-worker can be an unbearable challenge.

Shopping with My Daughter

God has a sense of humor. Why else would He give seven daughters to a woman who hates to go shopping?

The Aliyah Chronicles #5: My American Children in Israel

Moving to Israel has been a great lesson in parenting.

Life on a Mountaintop

Intimacy is a magical God-given energy, with the potential for abuse, as one young wife painfully found out.

Dating Advice #270 - Popping the Question

She's afraid to bring up the M word.


Praying for Someone You Don't Like

Try it -- you'll be surprised by the results.


Thank You, Mark

A lesson in gratitude.

The Jewish Ethicist - Pay Up!

Avoid gratuitously harassing an indigent debtor.


The Pope: Pius or Not?

Where was he during the Holocaust?

A Parent's Love

A miracle in hardwiring.

Dating Advice #3 - Don't Scare Her Away

He found The One -- but did his exuberance cause her to flee in the opposite direction? Rosie and Sherry discuss dating at unsafe speeds.

Dating maze #269 - The Art of Compromise

What can you safely cross off your checklist?

The Jewish Ethicist - Snitch

Constructive disclosures need to have constructive intentions as well.

Against All Odds

Leo Fettman's life and death wish during the Holocaust.

Talking Politics

Why is it next to impossible?



Next Steps