About the Author

Rabbi Shraga Simmons

Rabbi Shraga Simmons is the co-founder of Aish.com, and co-author of "48 Ways to Wisdom" (ArtScroll). He is Founder and Director of Aish.com's advanced learning site. He is co-founder of HonestReporting.com, and author of "David & Goliath", the definitive account of anti-Israel media bias. Originally from Buffalo, New York, he holds a degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. He lives with his wife and children in the Modi'in region of Israel.

What are Tefillin?

All about those powerful black boxes, placed on the head and arm.

ABC's of Elul

The last month of the Jewish calendar is actually the most important – serving as preparation for the High Holidays.

Blessings in Judaism

The opportunity to touch base with God dozens of times a day.

Parsha: Priorities

Reuben and Gad and the power of distraction.

Daily Prayer in Judaism

Prayer is our opportunity to speak directly to God.

The Obligation to Return a Lost Object

"Finders keepers, losers weepers" is not a Jewish concept.

The Unified Nation Theory

Thoughts from the funeral of the three teens.

Honoring Parents

In Judaism, every day is Mother's Day and Father's Day.

Isaiah Austin's New Beginning

A devastating medical diagnosis produces a double-dose of inspiration.

Laws of Raising Jewish Children

How to raise the next generation.

The Six Constant Commandments in Judaism

Living with the reality of God's existence.

The Buck Stops Here

Life fulfillment starts with taking responsibility.

Parsha: Humility & Mt. Sinai

It's no accident that Torah was revealed on that particular mountain.

Introduction to the laws of Daily Living in Judaism

Judaism is not merely a body of law. It is a mindset, a way of life.

Sinai’s Big Bang

An unparalleled boom of spiritual light and energy.

What Are Tisha B'Av & the Three Weeks?

The Jewish national period of mourning.

IDF Integrates Special Needs Soldiers

A foiled terror attack provides the inspiration for new levels of inclusion.

Parsha: Why Things Happen

How to rise up to life’s challenges.

Protecting Jews in Ukraine

Odessa's Jewish community leader speaks out on threats of violence. An Aish.com exclusive.

Iran’s Cry for Freedom

A mother and daughter are giving a voice to 77 million Iranians being denied their freedom.

What is the Omer?

The significance, customs and mechanics of counting the Omer.

What Is Purim?

Summing up the Purim holiday: They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.

What’s a Former Christian, Orthodox Woman Doing as Dean of an Israeli University?

Malka Schaps, a world-renowned professor of mathematics, is smashing glass ceilings.

5 Things I Learned from Rabbi Noah Weinberg

Insights into fixing oneself and fixing the world.

Parsha: God? Who is God!?

The purpose of the Ten Plagues.

Activist on Skates

Champion of academics, athletics and the arts, Loren Galler Rabinowitz is focused on her role as a third-generation Holocaust survivor.

Parsha: Blessing of Ephraim & Menashe

Why do we bless our sons to be like Ephraim and Menashe?

Parsha: Don't Add or Subtract

The strength of Judaism is its consistency through the generations.

The Iranian Mystery Man

Dr. Daniel Dana’s incredible journey from Muslim Shiite to proud Israeli citizen.

Parsha: Essential Vitamins

Powerful potions in pleasurable packaging.

Living with Clarity

The death of 12-year-old Shoshie Stern reveals her parents’ spiritual greatness.

Learning from Shoshie

Rabbi Mike Stern reflects on the tragic death of his 12-year-old daughter.

Parsha: Shabbos: Tabernacle of Time

A total mind-body immersive experience.


Yes, winning is everything. But how do you define “winning?”

Ayelet’s Enduring Spirit

Hindy Poupko Galena’s heart-rending story of inspiration and tragedy.

When Enough is Enough

Remodeling our kitchen provided an extreme makeover – in an unexpected way.

The Voice of History

Rabbi Berel Wein's compelling views on Jewish destiny.

A Hero in Connecticut

Where did a first grade teacher get the strength to perform her extraordinary act of bravery?

Stevie Wonder Scorns the IDF

Pop star stands on the “wrong side” of history.

Gaza: The Spiritual Response

How you can join the battle.


Left-right, blue-red, rich-poor. With the U.S. elections over, how can the healing begin?

Seder Conclusion

Next Year in Jerusalem!

Bitter Herbs and Korech Sandwich

The why's and how's of eating bitter herbs on Seder night.

Eating the Matzah

It is a Torah mitzvah to eat matzah on Seder night.

The Hearts of Kings

The presidential election looms. Does it really matter who wins?

Introduction to the Bible

Understanding the origins and purpose of the Five Books of Moses.

The Iranian Cloud

Celebrating Sukkot on the brink of a nuclear Iran.

Pesach Offering

Why did our ancestors eat the Passover offering at the Holy Temple?

Dayenu! Many Plagues

The number of plagues was 5-fold, corresponding to the 5-letter Name of God which represents justice.

God Brought Us Out

"In all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment... I am God and no other."

Next Steps