The Positive - Negative Ratio

The Parenting Game

Good parenting means paying attention to the ness of each child.

Eleven Fingers

It's not about give and take; it's about give and give.

Out of Control Parenting

Two basic rules to good parenting.

Raise Your Kids without Raising Your Voice

Proven strategies that reduce the need for discipline.


Emotional Intimacy

Bring the closeness of a vacation together into everyday life.

Motivating an Underachiever

Effective strategies on how to get your child to do better in school.

Single Minded

Why aren't we all matchmakers?

The Stolen Hour

They were stealing the only hour in the entire week that was mine.

Do It Now

Sometimes there are no second chances.

The Quickie Divorce

Some people avoid marriage due to the likelihood of divorce. Here's how to reverse the trend.

8 Ways to a More Peaceful Home

This Chanukah, banish the cloud of negativity in your home.

Family Planning

Adoption is a journey of faith.

My Child, the Thief

Practical advice for parents of children who steal.

The Good Wife

Am I on my way to becoming a Stepford Wife?

Dating Survival Guide

A brief guide on finding the right relationship, keeping a proper perspective and remaining optimistic throughout a sometimes grueling process.

Teen Substance Abuse

A first aid guide for parents.

There's a Monster Under My Bed!

Helping your preschoolers cope with nocturnal fears.

Helping Your Teenager Cope with Cliques

Practical dos and don'ts to navigate the often stressful social scene.

Lion Taming

How to deal with your spouse's anger.

Born to Carpool

On being "just" a mother.

Adopting Ilana

Plucked from a bleak Russian orphanage, one Jewish family welcomes their new daughter home.

20 Ways to Bring Out the Best in Your Children

An inspiring, practical list from a relationships expert.

Preventing Adolescent Suicide

Statistics show that 8 out of 10 people who committed suicide gave some warning before taking their lives.

Choosing Homeschooling

It isn't for everyone, but homeschooling our son is giving him a strong Jewish education that fits his needs.

How to Be a Hero to Your Kid

Planting and pruning: the two essential modes in parenting.

Under God's Canopy

In about 10 hours you will be a married man and Mommy and I will be doing the whimpering thing.

Seeing God in Your Rearview Mirror

Like many singles, I poured my heart out to God, tried to have faith, and waited… and waited. Surely, God would reward me for all my dedication and hard work, right?

How to talk to your kids about smoking: the Jewish perspective

How parents can prevent their children from smoking.

Tolstoy in Kindergarten

I assumed that if I got in early, our daughter would be in full literary swing by the time she reached nursery school. Was I ever wrong.

Gimme Shelter

How I learned to stop worrying and love sending my children to Jewish Day School.

The 24 Hour Rule

Bite your tongue if necessary, and wait a day before rebutting your spouse on any controversial or emotionally charged topic.

Where Credit is Due

When my son walks in the door, my first thoughts go upward.

Obesity in Children

What parents should do -- and not do -- to meet the challenge.

The Dating Guy: The Wedding Day (3 of 3)

A play-by-play description of the happiest day of my life.

Honey, Just Listen!

How to finally get your spouse to truly hear you.

The Heavenly Report Card

Maybe you're not such a bad parent (spouse/friend/person) after all.

The Dating Guy: Popping the Question (2 of 3)

After searching for my soul mate for so long, there was only one thing that I could do when I found her: propose. Not as easy as it sounds.

Learning How to Talk to Your Spouse

Four communication skills essential for success in marriage.

My Son's Yarmulka

As a child of Holocaust survivor, it's hard for me to imagine that my child will openly declare his Jewishness to everyone.

The Dating Guy: My Last Blind Date (1 of 3)

It's hard keeping your spirits up while going through the seemingly never-ending journey of dating. But don't panic - your soul mate is out there.

A House of Matches

In Jerusalem you can feel the very trees conspiring to marry off its inhabitants.


Days after we got married, we suddenly found ourselves with nowhere to live. How do you build the home of your dreams in a hotel room?

Negotiating with Your Teen

Disagreements, clashes, struggles are an inevitable part of growing up. Whether they result in animosity or deepened relationships is in our hands.

Eat This

You never know when something as simple as a kid who won't eat his vegetables will bring you to one of life's little epiphanies.

Cutting Loose

My daughter's haircut taught me a lot about letting go.

The 'We' Relationship

Attaining oneness and love in marriage.

Teens at Risk: Stressors and Signs

A guide for knowing when it's time to get help.

Sick Days

It's hard finding quiet time alone with your child. A stomach ache may be just what the doctor ordered.

The Buck Stops Here

Teaching our adolescents responsibility.

Next Steps