The Nazi’s Jewish Son

Judaism and Genuine Self-Worth

Your self-esteem comes from looking within and recognizing your inherent value.

7 Ways to Connect with Your Spouse in 30 Seconds or Less

These quick acts can work wonders to improve the quality of your marriage.

Miracle Morning

Hal Elrod’s morning practices get your day started off right. Most of them are part of daily Jewish life.

Why I Am Suing Harvard

Harvard has allowed an atmosphere of antisemitism to fester within its academic community, creating an environment that is hostile to Jewish students.


Secrets of Jewish Matchmaking

Everything you need to know about Jewish matchmaking -- from bashert to shidduch dating.

Jews Aren't People Pleasers

Throughout history, the Jewish People have held onto their identity, resisting external pressures and preserving their beliefs and values.

5 Keys to Harness Your Inner Potential

Insights on how to tap into your hidden potential and climb towards the light.

A Martyred Angel in Israel

Yosef Malachi Guedalia was killed in battle against Hamas terrorists. His 23-year-old wife is using his memory to do good in the world.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: 5 Facts, including His Fraught Relationship with Judaism

Five facts about the tortured genius who developed the nuclear bomb.

The Dalai Lama and the Exodus

As long as we never lose our story, we will never lose our identity.

Chief Editor's Blog

The 6 Ways Rabbi Noah Weinberg Changed My Life

Want to understand what it takes to be a great Jewish leader? Learn from Rabbi Noah Weinberg.

At the Church of Latter-Day Saints, My Mother’s Moment of Truth

My mother had very little Jewish upbringing. Her life changed when she had to take a public stand for what she believed.

Rocking My Crown: Highs and Lows of Covering My Hair

I walk around in this world with a constant awareness of who I am as a married Jewish woman – off limits to other intimate relationships.

What Is Love?

Many believe love is a sensation that magically generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears. No wonder so many people are single.

Queen Esther and 6 Other Extraordinary Jewish Women

Jewish history abounds with strong Jewish women who ensured the survival of the Jewish people.

Splitting Your Sea

Life is not about the calm. It’s about the waves.

Purim Teaches Us How to Respond to Anti-Semitism

Bond in unity and stand up as proud Jews.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

5 Life-Changing Lessons From the Super Bowl

Because sports are human life in microcosm.

Deeper Meaning of 9 Common Jewish Words

Do you know the origins of these Jewish terms?

In His Hands

How one man faced the ultimate moment of truth: life or death.

Traveling Light

The guidelines for a good vacation are also great tools for the good life.


The Meaning of Jewish Wedding Traditions

Learn about Jewish wedding traditions that commonly take place at Jewish weddings such as breaking a glass, a chuppah, ketubah, and more.

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