About the Author

Ilene S. Cohen, Ph. D.

Dr. Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D., is a licensed marriage and family therapist, author, and mother to two young girls. She is recognized as one of the leading voices in the psychology of people-pleasing and in navigating the challenges of living an intentional life while maintaining fulfilling relationships. Learn more about her and her award-winning books at https://doctorilene.com/.

My Friend’s Sudden Death Gave Me an Unwanted Crash Course in Grief

Judaism’s rituals of mourning showed me a way through this uncharted territory.

Living In A Prolonged Nightmare

How to find strength in a troubled world.

Embracing Joy

Joy unfolds as a byproduct of living a life steeped in meaning and authenticity.

Jews and Anxiety

Given the Jewish people’s traumatic history and the spike in antisemitism worldwide, it’s normal to feel anxious. Here’s what you can do about it.

From Skeptic to Believer

My interest in science initially fueled my skepticism towards religion. But as I matured and experienced challenges in life, I came to understand the impact of spirituality on mental health.

Stress Management: Techniques from Modern Psychology and Ancient Jewish Wisdom

Practical advice on how to navigate through life's stormy seas with increased grace and grit.

Combating the Stigma of Mental Illness

Mental illness is a disease, not a choice. Shame, denial, and superficial advice are not solutions.

Jewish Roots in Psychology: From Freud to the Modern Era

Why have so many Jewish psychologists been pioneers in the field of psychology?

How to Stop Taking Things Personally

Learning to care less about what people think and strengthen your self-worth and resilience.

Judaism and Genuine Self-Worth

Your self-esteem comes from looking within and recognizing your inherent value.

Jews Aren't People Pleasers

Throughout history, the Jewish People have held onto their identity, resisting external pressures and preserving their beliefs and values.

Jewish Approaches to Dealing with Anger

Practical Jewish wisdom on anger management.

The Psychology of Jewish Conspiracy Theories

A deep dive into the intricate psychology behind mass antisemitism.

Healthy Responses to Jewish Trauma

Resilience and overachievement can lead to outward success, but it may not necessarily lead to inner peace or healing from trauma.

Next Steps