About the Author

Lori Palatnik

Lori Palatnik is a writer and Jewish educator who has appeared on television and radio. She is the Founding Director of Momentum (formerly the JWRP) an international initiative that together with Israel's Ministry of Diaspora Affairs and over 300 partnering organizations worldwide, brings thousands of Jewish mothers (and now fathers) to Israel each year for a highly subsidized, 8-day transformational experience with a one-year follow-up program in their home cities. (www.momentumunlimited.org). She is a much sought-after international speaker based in Jerusalem. Follow Lori on Facebook, Instagram: @loripalatnik and Twitter: @LoriAlmostLive

Think Before You Speak

Who gossips more: men or women?

Leah and the Lesson of Gratitude

Being a Jew is synonymous with expressing gratitude. Our matriarch Leah taught us to see everything in life as a gift.

American Idol

Why I find America's #1 show so disturbing.


It's no wonder that going against the grain is part of the essence of being Jewish. Abraham was the world's first Jewish radical.

Loving Your Neighbor

Where does God fit into the picture?


Teaching Your Husband

Be smart. Build your husband, don't deflate him.

My Great Grandmother

Greatness leaves an imprint.


Tell me what you honestly think... Should you?

My Husband's Kodak Moment

Relationships go up and down. Here's how to keep the picture looking positive.

Where's My Father?

My daughter taught me an important lesson about prayer.

The Non-Jewish World of Disney

A Jewish princess does not wait for her prince.

Eight Great Chanukah Gifts for Kids

Being a role model for Jewish values is truly the gift of a lifetime.

Gossip: A 3-min Film

A little gossip never hurts anyone, right? Wrong!

The Magic of Havdalah

Shabbat comes to a close in a most dramatic and touching way.

Rules & Laws of Shabbat

What, how, why and where do all these laws come from?

Shabbat in One Hour (Or So)

How to whip up a yummy, nutritious Shabbat in no time flat.

Classic Menus

Quick overview of all the food you'll need for an awesome Shabbat.

Shabbat Songs Inspiration

Understanding the mystical attraction of song.

Friday Night Kiddush - Inspiration

Act I, Scene I. Kiddush.

Candlelighting - Inspiration

Personal accounts of the power and beauty of Shabbat candles.

Shabbat Challenges

Candid thoughts on getting adjusted.

Best Things About Shabbat

Personal thoughts on what makes Shabbat the highlight of every week.

Havdalah - How To

What is Havdalah? Wines, spices and candle. Easy as 1-2-3.

Grace After Meals - Text

Text of the Grace After Meals

Shabbat Checklist and Basic Laws

Your handy guide to prepare and organize for a spectacular Shabbat.

Preparing for Shabbat

Personal reflections on preparing ahead -- so that it all comes together.

Judging Others - And Yourself

We should always give others – and ourselves – the benefit of the doubt.

Who Is Honored? (part four)

Focusing on what is special about each person.

Who Is Rich? (part three)

The tool for being happy right now.

Who Is Brave? (part two)

Sometimes you gotta stand up and do what's right.

Who is Wise? (part 1)

The first of a 4-part series on character development.


Family Gathering

How to enjoy your family this Passover.


Passover Drawers

When we clean out the stuff, we're cleaning out ourselves.



Choose your social pressure wisely.


Baseball Hero

'"I was young and stupid." Were you really?

Honoring Parents

Honoring parents is one of the hardest commandments in the Torah. Must you do everything they say? What if you disagree with them?


Out of Faith

What it takes to ensure your granchildren will marry Jewish.


Parents in Movies

Are they going to be dead or divorced?


TV or no TV

Why we decided no.



Beware of those rational lies.


The 24-Hour Rule

Sometimes it's best to go to sleep angry.



Don't pretend the energy isn't there.

Brace for Impact

My emergency landing changed my life.


Answering Israel's Call

Would you send your husband or son to the front lines to fight for the Jewish People?


First Day On the Job

New beginnings are hard for all of us.


Friends & Acquaintances

It's no accident that the Hebrew word for friend means 'attachment' – because a real friend is bound to you through thick and thin.


Getting Married

Two important insights about marriage.


Chanukah's Glow

'Tis the season to know what it means to be a Jew.


What's Bugging You?

My battle with bed bugs.


God's Complete World

Every person is unique and matters.

Next Steps