What is Hanukkah?: History, Blessings, & Menorah

How to Tap into the Spiritual Energy of the Hebrew Month of Sivan

Giving through receiving: a self-full approach to self-care.

What Is Rosh Hashanah?: Meaning, Customs, & Prayers

A handy checklist of everything you need to know for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.

Why Candles Are a Must for the Ultimate Shabbat Experience

The hows and whys behind lighting Shabbat candles.


Leaving the Comfort Zone

Changing and becoming more than we are is one of the most difficult things in the world.


Why Jews are the People of the Moon

What is the deeper meaning behind the small moon looking as big as the vast sun?


Respect For Others - The Month of Iyar

Why the Jewish month of Iyar is a time for us to work on improving respect for others.


Unmasked: Purim and the Meaning of Anti-Semitism

Esther hid her Jewish identity. Revealing it saved the Jewish nation.


Shevat: Gateway to Eternal Life

How does winter symbolize the bursting forth of life? Exploring the depth of Tu B'Shvat


Deep Connection between Art and Judaism: Seasons of the Moon – Tevet

Art is inspiration wrestling with constriction.


Hush!: The Month of Cheshvan

Now is the time to reflect and integrate the spiritual insights gleaned from the holiday season.


The Hum of the Universe: The Month of Tishrei

According to the Jewish mystics, everything in the world is singing.

The Meaning of Tu B'av

Six events occurred on Tu B'Av, the 15th of Av, making it a festive day in the Jewish calendar.


Seasons of the Moon: Av– IBM and The Nazis

How were the Nazis able to carry out the Holocaust - something extremely complex - without a computer?


Seasons of the Moon: Tammuz – The Burning of the Torah

Where one burns books one will in the end burn people.


Seasons of the Moon: Sivan - Hearing is Believing

Why do we say, "Hear O Israel!" rather than "See O Israel"?


Seasons of the Moon: Iyar – The Power of Connectivity

A mystical look at the meaning of this Jewish month.

The Moon: 7 Jewish Facts

The moon is central in Jewish tradition.

What is Passover?

An overview of the history and laws of the holiday of Passover (Pesach).


Q&A: The Jewish Calendar

Why is it different and what is its significance?


Cheshvan: Turning the Bitter into Greatness

The spiritual growth we’ve harnessed this past month is available throughout the year.

Cheshvan: Facing the Ordinary

Now is the time to put into action all the hopes, prayers and resolutions we made at the start of the Jewish New Year.

What Is Sukkot? Customs, Blessings, & Lulav & Etrog

Guidelines for the joyous Jewish outdoor festival of Sukkot.

Elul: The Time for Closeness

With only 30 days left in the year, Elul is a time of yearning, forgiveness and return.

The Tenth of Tevet

One day commemorates a variety of Jewish tragedies.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

The Jewish Year

Using the 12 months of the Hebrew calendar as a map for personal growth.

Shabbat Songs

Become an expert with these audio and text versions.

ABC's of Elul

The last month of the Jewish calendar is actually the most important – serving as preparation for the High Holidays.

What is the Omer?

The significance, customs and mechanics of counting the Omer.

What Is Purim?

Summing up the Purim holiday: They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.

The Choice of Adar

Purim teaches us to appreciate the world's awesome beauty, amidst so much chaos and horror.

Shvat: Filling the Bucket

The spiritual significance of the month of Shvat.

The Incredible Month of Tishrei

Looking at the world from its inner spiritual core outward.

Tammuz: Forces of Nature

What can happen when we see everything as being fully within our grasp and under our control.

Sivan: The Mystical Power of Three

At Sinai we moved above and beyond, where the whole truth dwells.

The Radiance of Iyar

The power of turning the bitter into sweet, sickness into healing.

Av: Disaster and Consolation

The same covenant that promises suffering, promises redemption.

Tevet: Lost in Translation

Tevet is a time of return and redefinition.

Kislev: United Colors of the Rainbow

Each of us has to fight off darkness in his or her own way.

Shabbat: God’s Perfect Universe

Why we rest on Shabbat.

The Hebrew Month of Nissan: Blossoms of Redemption

The month that moves us out of being enslaved to our egos.


Crash Course on the Ten Plagues

A fascinating overview of the significance of the plagues.

My Big Fat Greek War

Who are the Chanukah heroes who saved our people?


Crash Course on Chanukah

A fascinating overview of the history and meaning of the holiday.

The Autumn Triad

How the High Holiday season actually culminates with Chanukah.

The Bitter Month

Cheshvan is when darkness reigns, yet growth begins deep beneath the surface.


Crash Course on Yom Kippur

A fascinating overview on the meaning and customs of the holiest day of the year.


Crash Course on Rosh Hashanah

A fascinating overview of the holiday and how to maximize the power of the day.


Crash Course on Tisha B'Av

A fascinating overview capturing the meaning of the holiday.


Crash Course on Passover

A fascinating overview capturing the meaning and joy of the holiday.

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