About the Author

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is the rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue.

Israel’s Moral, Existential Fight

Do not despair. Am Yisrael Chai.

Every Last Crumb

On Passover, the tiniest amount of chametz is prohibited to teach us how important everything, even what seems so small, truly is.

Should You Get Dressed Up as an Israeli Soldier This Purim?

The IDF uniform is not simply a costume and it should never be confused with a symbol of warmongering. It’s the holy garb of a holy nation charged with a holy mission. 

The Grammys’ Tribute to the Victims of the Nova Music Festival

I am grateful that they addressed the atrocity, but here’s why it was woefully inadequate in truly honoring those murdered and advocating for the hostages.

Mother Tells Israeli Soldiers: Don’t Blame Yourselves for Accidentally Killing My Son

Reframing the picture of our lives, not as victims of the past, but as the arbiters of our future.

Antisemites Thrive When Jews are Embarrassed about their Judaism

#The October 8th Jew must not only lean in to their unapologetic Zionism but must embrace, live, and promote unapologetic Judaism. 

Seeing Hope When So Much Feels Hopeless

Hanukkah and the power to see beyond what is and envision what will be.

Is it Better to be Loved or Feared?

Hamas, Hezbollah and antisemites should fear the power of our love, for it will always defeat them and whatever they plan.

Do Jewish Lives Matter?

Where is the birth of a movement to stand with Jewish lives while there are growing explicit vile threats against innocent Jewish lives? 

Unsettling Times for Jews Everywhere

The last few weeks have been an enormous wakeup call to Jews of the Diaspora. 

The Meaning of Am Yisrael Chai

We always knew how to die together. The time has come for us to know also how to live together.

An Open Letter to My Fellow Jews in the Diaspora

We cannot simply go back to living our normal lives. Here are some of our marching orders.

Judaism and No Regrets

Why regret is an essential element to real change.

My Brain Is Smart, My Body Is Dumb

My blow-away experience meeting the developmentally disabled young men and women at Camp HASC.

The Main Thing Is Working, So Why Aren’t You Happy?

Despite everything going wrong, we are living in incredibly blessed times.

Why Giannis Is Wrong: Failing to Say Failure

Owning and learning from our failures is essential for propelling us forward.

How Do You Love Your Neighbor Like Yourself?

Cut through the differences and focus on your shared commonality. Believe it or not, deep down it’s there.

The Best Shortcut to Happiness

If you want to increase your happiness and health, it’s more important to give than to receive.

The Blessings of Unanswered Questions

It’s not wise to think you know everything.

Confronting Antisemitism: Some Questions and Concerns

Whether you found Dave Chapelle's monologue amusing or offensive, one thing is clear: we must respond thoughtfully and effectively to antisemitism.

Why Being Too Busy Isn’t Healthy

Hectic busyness has become the symbol of achievement. It isn’t.

Why Even God Blew It

The key to attaining greatness is how you perceive failure.

Shemini Atzeret: Don‘t Stop Holding Hands

Let’s keep unified and refrain from going back to dissension and pettiness.

Why Bats Sleep Upside Down and The Secret of Yom Kippur

Why Yom Kippur is one of the happiest days of the year.

Coronating the King: 4 Ways to Prepare for Rosh Hashanah

We may not be invited to King Charles coronation, but we’re all eagerly wanted at a more prestigious coronation – the installation of the ultimate King on Rosh Hashanah.

Transforming the Pain of Tisha B’Av to Active Responsibility

It is not enough to hope for redemption; we must be the catalyst for it.

Why Get Married?

The marriage rate today is the lowest it’s ever been. Does it matter?

Did Anne Frank Have Privilege? Do You?

For a Jew, privilege doesn’t mean access, opportunity, or favors. It means responsibility to set an example, to live elevated, meaningful lives.

What Happened to the Truth?

Destroying lives through false accusations, innuendo and distortions has never been easier.

The Stockdale Paradox

Surviving what life throws our way requires maintaining the sometimes-contradictory attitudes of hope and optimism, and realism and pragmatism.

An Uncle’s Liver Donation Saved His Nephew’s Life – and His Own

Kindness goes in both directions.

Pivoting from Funeral to Wedding

How do you change gears from the death of a young person to the celebration of a marriage of two young people?

Why Is Israel One of the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World?

Despite the daily dangers, Israelis are remarkably happy. Here’s a Jewish secret to happiness.

Judaism and Privacy

The more valuable and treasured something is, the more private and protected we keep it.

A Woman Called Me and My Family Ugly Jews

The frightening incident reminded three reasons why the Holocaust still matters.

What Is Freedom?

Yosef Mendelovitch was free even while behind bars in a Soviet prison.

Marijuana and Judaism: What Does Jewish Law Say about the Subject?

Medical marijuana is permissible, but recreational use prevents us from being our best selves.

Hanukkah and Breaking Free from Mindless Routine

Imagine eight nights of quality, uninterrupted family time.

Dr. Henry Heimlich and Being Someone's Angel

Proactive step up and step in to make a difference in the lives of others.

Thomas Edison’s Mother: The Power of Words

Words can be weapons that diminish and destroy, or they can be tools and instruments that create, encourage and uplift.

Beacon of Faith: A Conversation with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Rabbi Sacks on faith in God, making prayer meaningful, Jewish music and more.

To All Those Who Doubt You, Including Yourself

You don't have to listen to that voice that weighs you down, holds you back, or causes you to give up on your dreams.

For Those in Recovery, Be a Blessing

Take whatever blessing you have and use it to become a blessing in other people’s lives.

Learn about the Mezuzah

The mezuzah is hung on the doorpost as a subtle reminder about our values every time we enter and exit our homes.

The Facebook / WhatsApp / Instagram Outage and the Flood

How are we using the gift of increased time?

The True Legacy of 9/11

The enduring image of 9/11 must not be people falling from buildings but of a nation lifting each other up.


Why We Blow the Shofar

A powerful tool to wake up and live mindfully. It's a new year, and a new you.

The Only Thing to Worry About on Rosh Hashanah

The judge is in fact our Father. He understands our struggles and He wants our success.

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

The key is not to prioritize your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

Why Keeping Your Word is So Important

Don’t say anything you won’t keep, and keep anything you say. That is the basis for integrity.

Next Steps