An Open Letter to My Fellow Jews in the Diaspora

October 17, 2023

7 min read


We cannot simply go back to living our normal lives. Here are some of our marching orders.

Dear Fellow Jews,

We are living in extraordinary times, days in which atrocities about which we pledged “Never Again” have happened, with dozens of pogroms, over 1,400 brutally and barbarically murdered, and unthinkably, 200 Jews taken hostage, among them babies, infants, women, and elderly, even Holocaust survivors. Hundreds of thousands of young, beautiful souls – our children, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, nieces, and friends – have been called up, asked to risk their lives to protect our people, in Israel and around the world.

We cannot and must not be leading ordinary lives. It isn’t only the media and elected leaders that need to be careful about their language, their attitudes, and their focus. All of us need to be more sensitive, aware, and thoughtful in not only what we are doing, but what and how we are messaging. I don’t believe people generally have malicious or bad intentions, but our words online and offline matter, they can lift and support and boost morale or they can deflate, cause pain, make our brothers and sisters in Israel feel very alone.

Don’t Move On:

Nobody in Israel has been able to return to “normal” or move on. Hundreds of thousands have been called up to fight. Their spouses, children, parents and family have had to pick up the slack, all while worrying non-stop about their loved one’s fate. Cities in Israel have no men to run businesses, pick up the garbage, or serve the roles we take for granted. Restaurants and food establishments have take-out only. This war has barely begun with a ground operation imminent and 200 hostages still not home.

There may have been events or tragedies in Israel in the past that caught our attention – we prayed, we said Psalms, we attended a rally, maybe called a Congressman, but then we more or less got back to normal fairly quickly. This cannot be our attitude right now. Our brothers and sisters in Israel have not returned to any semblance of normal and neither can we. It is up to each individual and family to decide how to continue to live life, do what needs to be done, and yet remain acutely sensitive to what is happening in Israel. We must be careful not to judge one another and how we strike that balance. But one thing we can do universally is not move on.

Think About the Captives:

There is so much pain and horror to absorb, so much fear and concern on our minds. We grieve and try to comprehend 1,400 funerals and shivas, we worry about half a million soldiers in uniform, but we must keep at the top of our minds the terrifying fact that there are 200 innocent people, including small children, being held by Hamas right now. When three boys were taken nine years ago, the Jewish People held our collective breath and didn’t stop praying.

There are 200 hostages being held in ways we don’t want to imagine. We must be inconsolable until the fate of those 200 is secured.

We Are All Part of this War:

Israel is battling on the front lines, but this is not only their war. The horrific massacre and atrocities in Israel have revealed the ugly reality of Hamas sympathizers who live in major cities around America and Europe. We have watched supposedly educated, respectable people not only fail to condemn brutal murder, rape, and kidnapping, but defend it, identify with it, and reveal that they would be perfectly fine with it being perpetrated against us, their neighbors, not in Israel but around the world.

Hamas has in its charters not only to drive Jews from Israel but to kill Jews around the world. You are not a spectator to this war, you are not on the sidelines. We all have skin in this and we should be acting like it.

Use Your Influence:

Every one of us can and should be having an impact on other people. We are responsible for influencing neighbors, co-workers, friends, and family by educating them on this war and advocating for Israel, or recruiting others to pray, learn and earn merits for our soldiers and for all Israel.

When soldiers are risking their lives, you are not defeating the enemy by insisting on going about business as usual in America, by shopping or going to fancy restaurants, setting a beautiful table, or focusing on fashion or planning your next vacation. On social media, this isn’t a time to mark birthdays or anniversaries, display desserts or décor, get vacation advice or post anything that is tone-deaf and callous to the crisis facing the Jewish people everywhere. (Of course, we should continue to celebrate milestones, particularly our children’s. But we need to take extreme care with what we are posting publicly right now.)

This is our Family:

If you don’t have a close family member in Israel, it is time to start acting like you do. If a member of your immediate family—a parent, sibling, spouse or child—were God forbid in crisis, in the ICU, or missing, or fighting for his or her life, could you be distracted? Would you look for or welcome distraction? Would you not be drawn to any news, any update on their well-being?

As one person online posted, when asked by a co-worker, “Do you have any family in Israel,” he responded, “Only a few million.”

IDF Press Office

Our genuine pain, anguish, grief, and worry should not just be expressions of sympathy and empathy for what another is going through. This is our pain, our anguish, our fear, and our lives, our priorities, our focus and our time must reflect it.

Focus On Practical Things You Can Do:

There is so much we can be doing. Check in on people in Israel or who have loved ones there: text, email, call, show you care. It takes a moment and it means the world. Also: pray! Each and every one of our heartfelt prayers matter, they mean something to God and also to those who know we are pouring out our hearts.

Learn, do mitzvot, perform acts of kindness in the merit of those we who cannot be doing those things right now. Advocate, write letters, reach out to elected officials, protest those who are telling the story inaccurately and thank those who are supporting Israel the way it deserves. Pass up on a luxury you were going to afford yourself and send support for equipment, supplies, and an economy hurting badly. (Also, be mindful of where and to whom you are giving. Give generously, but make sure you’re giving to someone you trust and who is making sure the funds are being used appropriately) or a known organization.

Pace Yourself:

It is understandable that you can’t make it to every rally and can’t and shouldn’t be (nor is it healthy to be) tied to the news 24/6. All indications are that this crisis won’t be over quickly. We need to pace ourselves. Be aware of what is happening but let yourself take a break from your phone and don’t let it interfere with other responsibilities. Take a moment to catch your breath if the alternative is burning out. The challenge of keeping up with the intensity of the efforts and opportunities to help right now must not be an excuse to abandon all of them altogether and return to “normal.”

My dear friends who live in the Diaspora – this is a gut check moment. We will forever be defined and remembered for how connected we feel and act to the Jewish People and to those in Israel at this time.

Our hearts, souls, and every fiber of our being must be in and with Israel, wherever we may physically be right now. We need to refuse to be too comfortable, refuse to be distracted, refuse to move on or go back to normal until this war is won with the help of God.

With great love, respect, worry and concern,
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

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5 months ago

Yes.I am astonished and even appalled to see the weekly Jewish magazines barely mention the tragedies we are going through!
To my thinking the world has stopped for so many people in Israel and beyond. I have no idea WHAT publishers are thinking when they are putting out silly recipes and frivolous articles...that really nobody needs or cares about right now.Klal Yisroel is under attack everywhere! Stop glossing over it.It would be helpful to have more articles on what people need and what we can do to help each other when the world has turned on our people.

Harry Pearle
Harry Pearle
6 months ago

SHA(LO)M can be broken up, into two words,SHAM and LO, HIS name.

One way to bring more SHALOM, peace, might be to give more credit to another person, LO, to say a think in the name of the person who said something (Avos 6.6)
(You should know that whoever reports a thing in the name of the person who said it, bring deliverance to the world, as Esther told the King in the name of Mordechai)

This is mentioned in the last of the 48 Ways to Wisdom, by Rabbi Noach Weinberg.

6 months ago

I love the article and the message it carries with it. I do, however, think (pretty sure) that we must do more. As the war intensifies and more and more footage will come from Gaza, the more support rallies and radicalization will incur, we are more vulnerable now than we ever were in the US. The current state of affairs, in the world and in the US politics, is causing the focus of federal and local Law Enforcement agencies to be placed elsewhere and not focusing on protecting the land and particularly Jews from Lone wolf attacks and local terror cell.
The "No Credible Threat" phrase is a excuse to keep us calm, there are thousands of "assumed threats" that we (Jews) no nothing about. (its not about guns, gates, dogs and guards (It is only 20% of a security plan)

6 months ago


Victoria Nidetch
Victoria Nidetch
6 months ago

I am praying and donating as much as I can. My friends ask if I am ok, no I am mourning as are all Jews and normal will never be again. I am going to learn more Parsha in merit of the dear soldiers in Israel.

6 months ago

Many thanks, Rabbi, for exactly the right words at the right moment. These are words I needed to read, reflect upon, and now I shall share with close family members and friends. I have deeply felt exactly what you so precisely have written since 7 October, 2023, and I am so grateful.

Now I can just keep calm, pray, forward this message, and continue on: Am Yisrael chai!

Shabbat shalom.

6 months ago

As said many times, I have deceased Jewish ancestors, from 1200-1400AD and 150AD back to 325BC.
Called as an intercessor, my heart is bleeding.
Interceded strongly during the Schalit time; this is far worse.
I'm speechless, but can continue in prayer.
A heartfelt Shabbat Shalom to you all.

6 months ago

Send them to paradise ASAP

6 months ago


6 months ago

Thank you Rabbi for your encouraging words and giving me hope and ideas on how to help those in need during this crisis. I am deeply disturbed by the details and video I saw and i cannot unsee them. I think sometimes death is better than being kept Hostage. I have donated. I pray those in captivity are being treated humanely, those that are suffering, I pray their pain is eased. I pray for the soldiers safety, everyone’s safety. I pray everyday. I pray for Israel.
I will light Shabbat candles on Friday. I am not even Jewish and forgive me Hashem but I will light those candles if it will help and elevate the Jewish Nation.
From a non Jew that loves Jewish people.

6 months ago
Reply to  Virginia

Omg what a beautifully kind person you must be behind this comment.I cannot imagine feeling like that for a people that were not my own.How heartwarming in the often callous world we live in.
From the Jewish people; Thank you

Victoria Nidetch
Victoria Nidetch
6 months ago
Reply to  Virginia

You are a gracious person, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I know now not everyone hates us.

5 months ago
Reply to  Virginia

What a kind and beautiful message in a world where we seeing so much evil.

5 months ago
Reply to  E.R

Ah, I belatedly noticed the massage before mine is so similar!! 😊 Which just makes it even better.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago

We are Jews.

What does that mean?

It means we do not run, we do not hide.

Instead, we stand and fight.

And if we die, we die.

But Victory will be ours.

After Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other assorted Jihadis have been sent to see their Allah, what happens then?

I think Israel needs to become a National Security State, there being a one state solution to the Palestinian problem. Israel becomes like Canada, with the Palestinian areas being given autonomy like Quebec.

Jewish women must commit themselves to having 4 babies each so that our population doubles in every generation.

Numbers matter and ours are ridiculously small.

Last edited 6 months ago by Robert Whig
6 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Excuse me? It's not a time to laugh but who are you to tell a woman what to do with her body?! Preposterous

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago
Reply to  E.R

Excuse me but who are you? Do you think it's a laughing matter? Do you know what's going on?

They're out to kill us for no other reason than for being Jews.

You have no idea what a National Security state actually means.

Tell us what your solution would be?

Hug a jihadi?

Last edited 6 months ago by Robert Whig
6 months ago
Reply to  E.R

This is a commitment for each husband and wife to make together. That includes a realistic plan for finances for a large family. Young men and women should be educated with job skills so that they can find work that suits their abilities.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago

Hear! Hear!

6 months ago

Myself daily pray ALMIGHTY MOST HIGH GOD ours to bless this child's .

Fay Niederhoffer
Fay Niederhoffer
6 months ago

Thank you for your words of encouragement. I sometime feel paralyzed,very distress and hope I could do more.I agree this is not normal times and we all have to realize this.
I agree, we are all in a state of mourning,yet comforting each other.
May Hashem help klal Israel to get through this war safely and swiftly.

6 months ago

God Bless your people!! I pray for the soldiers. That they may all come home to their families!
I started to donate and have a few I trust. this is a way I can try to help. I realize that I am getting a little burnt out spending too much time watching everything. Thank you for your encouraging letter.

6 months ago
Reply to  Nancy

Same here.I think a lot of us feel like you.

Judith Peleg
Judith Peleg
6 months ago


Judith Peleg
Judith Peleg
6 months ago
Reply to  Judith Peleg

Yes , all your words are true and resonate in our hearts .

6 months ago

Thank you for sharing your wisdom. 🇮🇱🙏🇮🇱🙏❤️

Selwyn Jankelowitz
Selwyn Jankelowitz
6 months ago

Thanks for sharing this with us your extended family around the World. Shalom from Johannesburg South Africa. I pray for all of our brothers and sisters for the well-being of our soldiers, returning of our kidnapped people!!! Kol Hakavod 🇮🇱💔🇮🇱💔🇮🇱💔

Neil Becker
Neil Becker
6 months ago

We in the United States are mourning, and we should behave accordingly, as if one of our own has died.

6 months ago
Reply to  Neil Becker

Well said!

Noel Rusnell
Noel Rusnell
6 months ago

Praying and grieving with brothers and sisters. What breaks God's heart should be breaking ALL of ours, and motivating us to action. Immediate aid should be approved by US congress and delivered to Israel, post-haste. I trained to fight for the U.S. I would gladly fight for Israel...even if not permitted to do so in active combat, then in rescue efforts or other support roles. Prayer continues, regardless.

Noel Rusnell
Noel Rusnell
6 months ago
Reply to  Noel Rusnell

The public school systems have failed us, in criminalizing Jews and elevating and giving comfort and support to terrorists, and raising up generations of woke and deluded children who lack critical thinking skills, and while determined to remain Godless, are quick to support and adopt depravity and praise terrorist actions against Jews and Christians.

6 months ago

I want to have a kosher kitchen in the merit of everyone in Israel.

lar cotral
lar cotral
6 months ago
Reply to  anonymous


6 months ago
Reply to  anonymous

Inspiringly beautiful! This is the kind of action we should all be doing: taking on or improving the observance of a mitzvah for the merit of our brethren -- the captives, the soldiers, the injured, the grieving -- so many to pray for!

It's been suggested that the women of Am Yisrael strengthen their level of tznius (starting with mode of dress) by learning the relevant halachos and keeping the name of a person in desperate need of our tefillos in mind.

6 months ago
Reply to  BBS

And what will the men commit to?

6 months ago
Reply to  anonymous

Oh wow.Comments like this make me so proud! And also ashamed that I'm not doing more.Kol hakavod.Commitments like this will lead us to victory.

5 months ago
Reply to  anonymous

Omg wow.Im so inspired by people who do things like that ehen tragedy hits! Kol hakavod🧢

6 months ago

Hear hear!

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