is Looking for Great Writers

February 20, 2022 | by

Are you passionate about Jewish issues? Can you articulate your opinions in clean, unadorned prose that's engaging and culturally relevant? Are you able to write thoughtful, authoritative, factual pieces about Jewish history, food, philosophy, holidays, current events, wisdom, or the intersection between Judaism and science geared for a wide Jewish audience?

If yes,, one of the world's largest Jewish content sites, is looking for writers. Please send two samples of your writing – published work is better, but we'll accept blog posts or unpublished pieces, too – and a blurb about your background, interests, and experience.

We're open to any style – being your genuine self is a must – but appreciate edge, personality, humor, and even some snark. We pay competitive rates for quality writing.



13 comments on “After Adir Mesika Was Murdered by Hamas”

  1. I am two days shy of having lost my only son two months ago.

    This is now my second child who has predeceased me.

    One can only mourn, remember, and move forward in a positive fashion, and accept My God's plan.

    Prayer. Study. Serving others.

    Stay safe. Be well. Shavua tov.

  2. I am sadness by the death of innocent Adir Mesika, mighty Lord God preserve him, and protect Israel and Yerushaleyim

  3. how sad to hear your son was murdered, your son was your diamond, and now in his memory soldiers give their fincee diamond engagement rings, hopefully one of these couples will name their child after your son

  4. Diamonds are the hardest substance known to man. As such, they never break or crush or are damaged by the weather.
    The love you have spread with these diamonds will be Adir's (Hy"d, obm). legacy forever and will be passed down from one generation to the next forever. As long as they exist, so, too,will the memory of Adir and his story.
    You are doing a truly beautiful thing.
    May you be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

  5. O.M.G.What the Mesika family are doing has me in tears. Again.These PEOPLE are diamonds! Every single story is precious and we need to hear them.

  6. This article had me crying- because of the sadness but also the hope that the diamond mitzvah gives

  7. I was raised in an Observant home in Glasgow - of course the family had been survivors of Russian Pogroms.
    I have lived in Haifa and now that I am 90- My life in the Homeland is now just memory then I read this and it comes back.
    My father of Blessed Memory said “ I’ll never be truly dead if you speak my name once a day”
    You have suffered the ultimate loss which every family can’t even comprehend and how you have come through this is incomprehensible- I am a Jewish Mother and my heart will always be with this mother who remembers the day she gave birth to each one of her heroes.
    I am not a violent woman but I am not interested in peace talks offered by Goyim.
    Wipe the Mamzerim off the face of the Earth before we have another World Pogrom 💜🕎

  8. May your son’s memory be a blessing; May HaShem comfort you along the mourners of Zion.
    A beautiful article.

  9. Your story brings me to tears. B"H what inspiring actions your family is taking. My deepst condolences to on the passing of your beloved Adir. May Hashem comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. May Adir have an ilui neshama. And may all your good deeds help bring the Mashiach and the Geulah Shleimah. Sending you love.

  10. Tenahamu Min HaShamayim, May Hashem comfort you and your family and may you continue to feel connected to Adir’s love for you until the coming of Moshiach
    We are praying with you

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