Madison Grant: The American Eugenicist Who Inspired Hitler to Eradicate the Jews

December 19, 2023

7 min read


The prominent wildlife conservationist and friend of Theodore Roosevelt was a notorious racist who impacted Nazi ideology.

Madison Grant, a lawyer and wildlife conservationist, released his book “The Passing of the Great Race” in 1916. In it, he proposed the Nordic race from northwest Europe, who were white, were culturally and biologically superior to all other people.

He wrote, “Man has the choice of two methods of race improvement. He can breed from the best or he can eliminate the worst by segregation or sterilization.”

Grant was racist towards all non-whites including Italians, Syrians, Blacks, and Jews. He was anti-immigration, anti-desegregation, and advocated for white people to only marry other white people. He called white Americans with Nordic ancestry the “native Americans,” discrediting anyone else who emigrated to the U.S.

“The man of the old stock is being crowded out of many country districts by these foreigners just as he is to-day being literally driven off the streets of New York City by the swarms of Polish Jews,” he wrote. “These immigrants adopt the language of the native American, they wear his clothes, they steal his name and they are beginning to take his women, but they seldom adopt his religion or understand his ideals and while he is being elbowed out of his own home the American looks calmly abroad and urges on others the suicidal ethics which are exterminating his own race.”

Grant not only wrote about sterilizing non-whites and breeding more white people – he also advocated for these eugenicist policies in the U.S. government. Decades later, his dangerous ideas would catch on and inspire Hitler to pursue the Final Solution to get rid of the Jews altogether.

Who Was Madison Grant?

Madison Grant was born into a wealthy family in New York in 1865. His ancestors were some of the first immigrants to settle in New England colonies. His father, Gabriel Grant, was a surgeon and health commission who received a Congressional Medal of Honor for his work at the Battle of Fair Oaks during the Civil War.

Grant and his family would spend summers at their country estate in Long Island, where he explored the surrounding wildlife. He fell in love with hunting and was an early member of the newly formed Boone and Crockett Club. After studying at Columbia College (now Columbia University), he became a lawyer and spent much of his time going on big game hunting expeditions.

Madison Grant, second from left, councilor for the Save the Redwoods League, presented the dedication of the Bolling Grove in August 6, 1921, in honor of Colonel Raynal C. Bolling, the first American officer of high rank to fall in the world war.

Alongside Theodore Roosevelt, his friend and a fellow hunter, as well as some other colleagues, Grant worked to conserve parks and wildlife across the nation. As a result of their efforts, they protected the endangered bison in Oklahoma’s Wichita Mountains, which was one of the first national wildlife refuges in the U.S. He also fought to protect Glacier National Park in Montana, Olympic National Parks, and the redwoods in California’s sequoia forests.

Grant rose to fame and prominence through his conservation work. When he published his book “The Passing of the Great Race,” he tried to pass off racism as science. He advocated for eugenics, a scientifically inaccurate theory that human beings can be improved by selective breeding, and that white people are superior. The eugenics movement started in the late 1800s when Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton released his book “Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development” and argued that disease and health as well as social and intellectual characteristics were based on the concept of race.

U.S. eugenics poster advocating for the removal of genetic "defectives" such as the insane, "feeble-minded" and criminals, and supporting the selective breeding of "high-grade" individuals, c. 1926

Grant’s influence grew amongst those who were racist and against immigration around the turn of the 20th century. He served as president of the Eugenics Research Association, and he was a member of American Defense Society and the Immigration Restriction League, two anti-immigrant lobbying organizations. He also co-founded the Eugenics Committee of the United States of America to promote eugenics policies in the U.S., and he organized the second and third International Eugenics Congresses, which took place at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City in 1921 and 1932.

It was there that Ernst Rüdin, a eugenicist, became popular; he served as the chairman of the Society of German Neurologists and Psychiatrists in the Nazi party and helped write the 1933 German Sterilization law. This law led to tens of thousands of people being forcibly sterilized in the U.S. and hundreds of thousands undergoing the same torture in Nazi Germany.

By the time Grant passed away in 1937, his book had sold 16,000 copies in the U.S. alone, and it was on the fourth edition of printing. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge were said to have been influenced by the book, and it was often quoted by politicians on the floor of Congress.

During that same time, the theory of eugenics had become popular worldwide, with Hitler leading the eugenics movement in 1930s and 1940s Germany to destroy the Jewish people – along with any other minorities or disabled people that did not fit the “superior” mold.

How Grant’s Book Impacted Nazi Ideology

“The Passing of the Great Race” was the first non-German book that the Nazis reprinted when they took over Germany. Hitler referred to it as “my Bible,” and referenced it in his autobiographical, antisemitic manifesto, “Mein Kampf.”

Along with sterilizing hundreds of thousands of non-white Germans, Hitler euthanized at least 70,000 adults and over 5,000 children in Germany, Austria, and additional occupied territories. Hitler used Grant’s theories to justify his systematic killing of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust and a number of other people, including individuals with disabilities and the Sinti and Roma, who were not white and did not fit into his idea of perfection, the “Aryan” race.

When the Nuremberg Trials were held after the war, the German side used “The Passing of the Great Race” in their defense, saying that Nazi eugenicists were inspired by this book and other U.S. based policies to carry out their evil plans.

Grant’s Disdainful Legacy

While Grant may have been an important figure during his life, he left behind a disgraceful legacy. Even though he worked towards conserving parks, it is his eugenicist, racist teachings that will define him. In fact, in 2021, California State Parks removed a memorial to Madison Grant from Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, and ensured that he would be known for his racism and not for his environmental work.

“California State Parks and our partners recognize the dark truth behind some of the 20th century’s most prominent conservationists, including League founder Madison Grant,” said North Coast Redwoods District’s superintendent Victor Bjelajac. “Grant used his privilege to advocate for and influence the development of discriminatory laws impacting millions of people across the world.”

He continued, “While we value his contribution towards protecting ancient redwoods, we fully reject his racist ideology and are committed to creating a park system for all people, regardless of race, creed, or ethnicity. The Madison Grant Memorial has stood in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park for three quarters of a century. It is long overdue that we remove it.”

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Ralph A
Ralph A
4 months ago

The claim that Jews were killed or to be killed based on being Jews was actually based on their superiority, not because of supposed "white" superiority. Jews were historically known to be among the smartest, the most resourceful, the most talented, and the most skilled people on the Earth. Grant, Hitler and others of his ilk knew that Jews were far superior to the so-called "whites" and could defeat them in any endeavor. It was like D students killing A students so that their relative averages would improve, so that D students would be "transformed" into "C," "B", and "A" students based on the eliminations of the superior Jew actual A students. That was the theory, anyway.

Andrea Schonberger
Andrea Schonberger
4 months ago
Reply to  Ralph A

M husband has said that Jews have been accused of many things but never of being stupid.

Yair Daviidy
Yair Daviidy
4 months ago

The Nazis used Grant along with many others to buttress their own policies. Nevertheless, it is an exaggeration to conflate Grant with them. It is also possibly not justified. Grant had one idea. They had another. Grant wrote before the Holocaust and never called for the extermination of anyone. He should therefore not be categorized alongside those that did. in our time the danger to the Jews and tot he West comes more from the left and New Age Movement. They are the ones whose adherents are now against the State of Israel and all its Jewish inhabitants. The tone of the article was offensive in any forum and especially so in the present one. Nazis and Nazi types are not lacking so you do not have to find them where they are not. If Grant was pro-Nazi say so with a quotation.

4 months ago
Reply to  Yair Daviidy

If he really carried out - or caused to be performed - sterilisation of women, he can be said to have murdered apriori whole generations.

Ben Blue
Ben Blue
4 months ago
Reply to  Yair Daviidy


J Williams
J Williams
4 months ago

Eugenics is a totally discredited load of rubbish. Anyone who thinks he or she is a better person because he or she has a while skin is a waste of the Good Lord’s fresh air. I loathe racists and those who think they have the right to tell others how to worship. Just so you know I’m a white skinned gentile. I have Jewish and Muslim friends.

4 months ago

Ben - then are you saying that - G-D - got it all wrong - when He created man - in HIS IMAGE & LIKENESS - And that He should have used Eugenics instead? HMMMM - if whatever committee - was deciding then - who could be born - how do you know - if you'd have made the cut to be born - or you should have been aborted? Abortion - could be considered - MURDER Why?
When G-D causes/allows the woman's egg - and the mans sperm to UNITE. At the moment (mere seconds) that it unites - all its DNA is there to make a HUMAN SOUL. And - though it's like parts that haven't been assembled - and it's not in the form we can recognize. YET - it has become a SOUL - that G-D has created - in HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS! Therefore - it falls under His Written Torah Commandments and Laws of MURDER!

Betsy Dobrick
Betsy Dobrick
4 months ago

Thanks for this post. It is so relevant. C

Andrea Schonberger
Andrea Schonberger
4 months ago

When Grant meant White people he meant WASP and Jews clearly aren't WASP.

Andrea Schonberger
Andrea Schonberger
4 months ago

I've heard about this low-class dog--I saw a PBS documentary about the eugenics movement. The part about Jews taking the goyim's women would be hilarious but people took it seriously so it's nothing to laugh about. The sad part of this is that both my husband and I have family members who believe this junky science.

Bracha Goetz
Bracha Goetz
4 months ago

WOW, there's a lot to learn from this!

4 months ago

Often - people are blindsided by ideas - opinions - theories that - SOUND GOOD - but - under close scrutinization - are not GOOD SOUND IDEAS - OPINIONS - or THEORIES. UNFORTUNATELY - people all too often - take it for granted that - the person proposing the opinion/theory/idea - especially - if they have some sort of credentials/reputation - DID THEIR HOMEWORK. So - they don't need to VALIDATE its CREDIBILITY. They should beware that - it might only be a WHITEWASH JOB - to serve to make themselves - respectable - and garner a profit.

Charlie Hall
Charlie Hall
4 months ago

Theodore Roosevelt himself was quite racist, just not so much as Woodrow Wilson. His writings about American Indians are chilling to read today.

Donald Trump is now echoing Grant with his "poisoning the blood" and "vermin" comments. He has long demonized non-white immigrants.

Edwin B. Zaslow
Edwin B. Zaslow
4 months ago
Reply to  Charlie Hall

Teddy Roosevelt was not a racist! He sat down to dinner in the White House with Booker T. Washington in 1901. By the way, TR was a good friend of the Jews, unlike his Fifth Cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Last edited 4 months ago by Edwin B. Zaslow
Andrea Schonberger
Andrea Schonberger
4 months ago

Are you sure? You know that TR's mother came from a slave owning family, right? Sitting down to dinner doesn't mean anything--besides I believe it was lunch which is a less formal meal. Just in case you're going in that direction the Shoah wasn't FDR's fault. The fault lies with AH and those who committed the appalling crimes in his name.

4 months ago
Reply to  Charlie Hall

He was an antisemite who did not allow Jews escaping Europe to be accepted in the USA. All those Jews rejected by Roosevelt administrators were sent back to Europe, where all of them perished

4 months ago
Reply to  Moshe

You're confusing Theodore with his antisemitic cousin FDR.

Andrea Schonberger
Andrea Schonberger
4 months ago
Reply to  Moshe

The Shoah is a very complicated subject and not one to simplify or Monday morning quarter back. Before WWll started only Jews in Germany were in danger and approximately a little over 300,000 of them immigrated out of a population of around 500,000 so that's over half the population. I'm not even counting Austrian Jews after the Anschluss. Of the ones that came to the USA none were repatriated during or after the war. The Jews in countries that the Nazis conquered after 1939 were trapped--how can you immigrate during war time? Are you referring to the St. Louis? You do realize that it was never meant to land and the whole thing was just a big propaganda coup for the Nazis.

4 months ago

Wait a minute-- you are 100% incorrect in stating that before WWII only Jews in Germany were in danger. What about the pogroms that occurred in Eastern Europe that affected Jews?????

Andrea Schonberger
Andrea Schonberger
4 months ago
Reply to  Ana

As horrific as the pogroms were they did not constitute official government policy in the eastern European countries--they took place with a wink and nod from local officials and the perpetrators were never intended to account for their actions. The Shoah was official government policy. At the Nuremberg Trials all the defendents claimed the same thing: I was only following orders. Yes, as nutty as that sounds, they were obeying their laws.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
4 months ago
Reply to  Charlie Hall

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, you're one of them.

A woke white Jewish woman who's into every Democrat, Progressive, Liberal cause going.

You do know, don't you?, that all your Democrat, Progressive, Liberal friends hate you for no other reason than that you're a Jew?

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