Hearing God’s Call

March 17, 2024

2 min read


Vayikra (Leviticus 1-5 )

This week’s Torah portion starts off with the verse, “He [God] called (Vayikra) to Moses…” Our sages tell us that Moses was scared to enter the Tabernacle, so God called Moses to summon him to enter.

Why was Moses apprehensive about entering this holy Tabernacle that God commanded them to build?


The Tabernacle was built as a special meeting place for the Jews and God. God’s Presence dwelled in that place. That could seem overwhelming, even scary. When God gave the Torah at Mount Sinai and the Jews received national revelation, the experience was overwhelming. In fact, the Medrash says that after hearing the first two of the ten commandments, their souls jumped out from their bodies; they could not handle the experience. Revived, they asked Moses to be the intermediary between them and God.

Now God’s Presence is dwelling in the Tabernacle. God asked Moses to enter but he was apprehensive.

A famous Torah commentary, Ramban, expounds upon this, explaining that God lovingly called (Vayikra) Moses to the Tabernacle, explaining that the Tabernacle was built to enhance the relationship between God and His special nation, not to be more distant. God could have simply allowed His Presence to dwell on Earth periodically, without a permanent home. However, God wanted a much deeper relationship; He wanted a partnership, a close relationship with His creations, and thus asked us to use materials that He created to construct a holy place where His Presence is tangibly felt. That tangible connection comes through a beautiful synthesis of partnership between man and God, demonstrating how much God desires a relationship with His creations.

But sometimes, like Moses, we feel intimidated. We are struck with awe and pull back in fear. But God is telling us that though we cannot completely understand or experience God, we are His creations and He wants a relationship with us. And a healthy relationship is not based solely on fear. “Come in, come close,” God beckons, “don’t fear. I want you to come into my sanctuary so we can have a relationship.” God didn’t just call Moses; He lovingly beckons all of us. And just as Moses hears God’s loving call and stands at His service, we too can hear the call and respond similarly.

Exercise: Talk to God today. Ask Him to help you strengthen your relationship with Him.

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