About the Author

Emuna Braverman

Please check out Emuna’s new book A Diamond for Your Daughter – A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Shidduchim Effectively, available through Judaica Press
Emuna Braverman has a law degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters in in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy from Pepperdine University. She lives with her husband and nine children in Los Angeles where they both work for Aish HaTorah. When she isn''t writing for the Internet or taking care of her family, Emuna teaches classes on Judaism, organizes gourmet kosher cooking groups and hosts many Shabbos guests. She is the cofounder of www.gourmetkoshercooking.com.
Do you want to deepen your learning and enhance your connection to the land of Israel? Join Emuna in February for a very special trip. Just a few spots remaining. Sign up now: https://www.goinspire.com/trips/destiny-february/

Throw Away the Xerox Machine

Face it: Your child is not perfect. So try to appreciate their challenges and enjoy their strengths.

California Kosher

Balabustas throughout the Jewish world - unite!

More Passover Recipes

Passover cooking doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some simple, tasty recipes you and your family will enjoy.

Upside-Down World

Events in the Jewish world can sometimes only be explained while standing on your head.

Easy Elegant Desserts

Five out of this world, elegant and easy desserts.

A Beautiful Soul

Shaindel is schizophrenic and homeless -- and a beloved fellow Jew.

Spice of Life

Children are as varied as we are. Appreciating their ness will add immeasurably to your pleasure -- and sanity.

"You Incompetent Buffoon!"

With the hundreds of service people we encounter in daily life, we are all, in a sense, their employers.

Is Your Spouse Driving You Crazy?

Figuring out your spouse's personality type will unlock beautiful new dimensions in marriage.

I'm So Tired

I have become an expert in tiredness, and I need at least nineteen more words to express all its different aspects.

The Time Bind

Would you rather spend your time at home or at the office?

Going Back to Work

With the world changed so dramatically, how can I go back to business as usual?

The New New Year

Do you arrive at Rosh Hashanah stunned to discover that you're making the same resolutions as the year before? Here's how to break the pattern.

Parenting Teenagers: The Agony and the Ecstasy

Mature, childish. Detached, clingy. Selfish, caring. Respect us, scorn us. Stop the insanity! Some practical tips on raising teenagers.

Everything I Know About Leadership I Learned From Moses

Are you willing to stand up and say, "I'll make it happen"?

"The Surrendered Wife"?

I cringed at the title, but the book, "The Surrendered Wife," offers a surprising amount of wisdom.

My So-Called Mid-Life Crisis

I thought I was immune. What happens when a happily married woman hits a mid-life crisis?

Changing The World

By way of feminism, socialism and idealism, a small Jewish spark turns into a passionate flame.

The Not So Newlywed Game

Do you still remember why you married your spouse? Do you make an effort to keep the romance alive? Are you still cheering each other on?

Out of the Mouth of Babes

A child's perspective is clear and pure, unclouded by "experience" and cynicism. If we allow ourselves, we can learn much from a child's wide-eyed view of life.

It's Called "Commitment"

Today everything is disposable, from the trivial to the profound. It takes a dramatic shift to internalize the power of permanence.

Not Another Parenting Class!

Do we really need another parenting class? Isn't it enough to just follow our instincts?

Show Me!

Yes it's romantic to sit and stare into each other's eyes. But talk won't build a marriage in the same way that action will.

The Power of Reframing

Turning a negative into a positive is essential to strengthening a marriage.

My Son's Bar Mitzvah

"It's not about the bills, it's not about the bills," intones the mother, as the family gets revved up planning a meaningful Bar Mitzvah experience for the first born son.

Circus, Circus

A visit to Las Vegas shows up the seductiveness of illusion, and reinforces that there is no place like home.

Married (A Second Time) With Children

Forget the Brady Bunch. Here are six tools for coping with some of the challenges step-families present.

The Problem of Raising Typical Kids

Parents of kids who fight, forget their bathing suit and crumple their schoolwork sometimes need to be reminded that their kids are "normal."

The Restorative Power of Kindness

We read inspirational books to reassure ourselves that kind and caring people still exist. Yet, so easily, we could be one of them.

Marriage Dances

A common marriage dance is a two-step called "attack-withdrawal." One wants expressions of love and asks for it the wrong way; the other feels threatened and retreats.

The Winning Team

Little league has a bad rap -- frustrated coaches, over-invested parents and damaged kids -- but it is possible for it to generate a healthy Jewish experience.

Independence Day

A child's first driving lesson sends her mother into a panic.

Summer In the City

Call me Scrooge. Call me the Grinch. I hate (or rather, as we say around our house, I'm not fond of) the summer.


I don't know about you, but keeping my kids happy on Sundays is a major challenge.

Intensifying Love Through Giving

Are you silently keeping score of who does what in your marriage? Here are some practical tips on how to give unconditionally and intensify your love.

Material Girl

I was flipping through one of those women's magazines that no one ever admits to reading when an ad caught my eye.

Two and One-Half Hours a Day

Carpooling may be a nuisance, but it shows your children you truly care about their education.

Who Comes First -- Your Spouse or Your Children?

Children will go on to forge lives of their own, but the relationship with your spouse is forever. It fosters growth like no other relationship can.

Male and Female He Created Them

Men and women were created as opposites and their differing natures can elevate or undermine a marriage.

I Only Have Eyes For You

A happy marriage is one where intimacy is protected against any and all intrusion by impenetrable barriers.

A Weighty Issue

An obsession with dieting is not a Torah value, but neither is preoccupation with food. The challenge is striking a balance in today's fat-conscious world.

Shop 'Til You Drop

What is it with adolescent girls and shopping? One mother's battle for perspective.

The Joys (?) of Passover Cleaning

It is possible not only to enjoy Passover cleaning, but to find it to be the most meaningful aspect of holiday preparation.

No Ordinary Dinner

Meeting a real Jewish hero reminds us that we all have the power to make our dreams a reality - and the world a better place.

Blessed be God ... Who Didn't Make Me a Man

Jewish feminism doesn't mean wanting to be a man. It means thanking God for creating you perfectly female.

Quality Time

Quality time is a myth. Yes it sometimes happens, but scheduling it is impossible.

Effective Conflict Resolution

Disagreement is a natural part of marriage. Speak softly and definitely forget the big stick.

Clean and Free

There is a sense of freedom in having a clean house.

The Smallest Good Deed

What strong marriages are really made of.

Today's Doctors

I think casual has gone too far.

Next Steps