About the Author

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Sara Yoheved Rigler’s YouTube channel is "From Within the Walls of Jerusalem", where she relates stories, presents gems of Jewish wisdom, and teaches practical life tools. Her newest book, I’ve Been Here Before: When Souls of the Holocaust Return, is the product of 8 years of research into reincarnated souls from the Holocaust. She is also the author of six best-sellers: Holy Woman; Lights from Jerusalem; Battle Plans: How to Fight the Yetzer Hara (with Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller); G-d Winked: Tales and Lessons from My Spiritual Adventures; Heavenprints; and Emunah with Love and Chicken Soup. She gives a weekly Marriage Webinar for Jewish Workshops on a spiritual approach to marriage, with hundreds of members throughout the world. She lives in the Old City of Jerusalem. Her website is: sararigler.com.

The First of the Fallen

I was introduced to Dvir at his funeral.


Countering the economic meltdown with a spiritual climb up.


Sukkot and Judaism's bailout plan.

My Neighbors, My Heroes, Part 2

People who do great things become great people.

Moments of Choice, Lives of Greatness Part I

My neighbor, my superhero.

Let Go of the Mouse

An antidote for control freaks.

Out of the Mouth of Roni

How an 8-year-old is holding down the borders of Israel.

The Secret Diary

A diary written in German unravels a mystery that changes a woman's life.

A Holy Woman's Power

How can someone so great be so humble?

Only in Israel

The joys of living with the family.

The Catapult

Passover: Why redemptive things happen to good people.

The Atheist Crusade

A Jewish rebuttal to Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion

Nowhere To Run

One woman's experience of Israel's national nightmare.


What was the secret of her greatness?

The Beauty Wars

Why the Hanukkah battle isn't over yet.

Next Steps