About the Author

Rabbi Shraga Simmons

Rabbi Shraga Simmons is the co-founder of Aish.com, and co-author of "48 Ways to Wisdom" (ArtScroll). He is Founder and Director of Aish.com's advanced learning site. He is co-founder of HonestReporting.com, and author of "David & Goliath", the definitive account of anti-Israel media bias. Originally from Buffalo, New York, he holds a degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. He lives with his wife and children in the Modi'in region of Israel.

Parsha: The Impossible Dream?

What went wrong with the spies?

Parsha: Higher Than Angels

Parsha: Greatest Test of All

Parsha: Nine Holy Words

Parsha: Human Degradation

Parsha: Toxic Purity

Parsha: The Mistaken Laugh

Parsha: Speech and Unity

Parsha: Aaron's Hesitation

Parsha: Touching and Eating

Parsha: Moses Hits the Rock

A timely lesson about effective Jewish education.

Parsha: Point of Unacceptability

Parsha: Fighting for God

Parsha: The Up-and-Down Offering

Parsha: Remembering Amalek

Parsha: Love and War

Selling Model's Eggs

Selling models' reproductive services reveals a society that idolizes superficiality and externality at the expense of depth, meaning and inner quality.

40 Days to a Better Self

Prayer is not waving a magic wand and hoping for the best.

I Can Do It

I conquered because someone believed I could.

To Pray Or Not To Pray

The saying goes: "God giveth and God taketh away." Is it all random? Or is there a deep message that we can tap into for personal growth and actualization?

ABCs of Kosher

Which animals are kosher? How must kosher food be prepared? And why keep kosher in the first place?

Make the Omer Count

Instead of counting "down" toward the big day, we count "up" from one to 50. Why?

Rebbetzin Jungreis on the Holocaust

As the new Yad Vashem museum opens, a survivor of Bergen-Belsen speaks of Jewish courage, resistance and triumph.

Building a Sukkah - Basics

Have your hammer and nails on hand? It's time to build a Sukkah!

Olympic Champions

A Jewish look at the quest for greatness.

Shrek's Mazal

This summer's blockbuster hit is peppered with Jewish messages, thanks in part to one scriptwriter and his own wild Jewish saga.

Revolutionary Illumination

A new invention allows you to turn the light "on and off" on Shabbat. No timers, no switches.

The Chosen People

Appreciating an often-misunderstood idea.

Tabernacle of Time

Shabbat is an anywhere-in-the-world, expense-free holy-time vacation.

How To Be a Good Shabbat Guest

A guide to making your visit more pleasurable for you and your hosts.

Do Jews Believe In Jesus?

For 2,000 years Jews have rejected the Christian idea of Jesus as messiah. Why?

Final Boarding Call

Through life -- and death -- a young mother teaches us to appreciate the grand eternal plan.

Babylon's Fallen Tyrant

Saddam Hussein saw himself as the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar. And he suffered the same ignoble fate.

Judaism and Vegetarianism

Where's the beef? Examining the pros and cons.

Missing in Action

Memorial Day is especially painful for the families of soldiers whose fate remains unknown.

Family Fun with the Ten Plagues

Add an experiential, dramatic element to the evening.

Fifteen Steps to Freedom

The Sages designed the Passover Seder as 15 steps to make you enormously successful. Here's the key to unlocking the code.

Pet Food for Passover

If Fido is hungry on Passover, here's what you can ― and can't ― feed your family pet.

Kitniyot on Passover?

Everybody knows you can't eat bread during Passover. But what's the deal with not eating rice and beans, too?

Seder Preparations Checklist

Seder means "order" because there are so many details to remember.

Laws of the Seder

A practical guide to the Seder night.

Ramon's Legacy

He embodies some of Israel's highest aspirations, most painful memories, and the dream of Jewish unity.

Shushan Purim

Are you a resident of a "walled city"? If so, you'll celebrate Purim on a different day than other Jews.

Four Parshiot

In the weeks surrounding Purim, four special Torah readings inspire the rest of the year.

The Festive Purim Meal

Get out the silly string afor the wackiest time of the Jewish year. But don't forget the rules.

Gifts to Friends and the Poor

Giving food and money spurs feelings of camaraderie and unity among Jews. It's also a special mitzvah on Purim.

Reading the Megillah

The laws of reading the book of Esther twice on Purim.

Fast of Esther

The fast of the 13th of Adar is intended to hone the soul and galvanize Jewish strength for the challenges ahead.

Drink 'Till You...

L'chaim! What's behind the mitzvah of getting drunk on Purim?

The Book of Esther: A Summary

A detailed summary of the Purim story - the next best thing to reading the whole megillah by yourself.

Next Steps