About the Author

Rabbi Yaakov Salomon

Rabbi Yaakov Salomon, LCSW is a noted psychotherapist, in private practice in Brooklyn, N.Y. and Lakewood, N.J. for over 35 years. He served as a Senior Lecturer and the Creative Director of Aish Hatorah's Discovery Productions. He is also an editor and author for the Artscroll Publishing Series' and the Artscroll Mishna Series and was a member of the Chavrei Kollel of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath for over 30 years.
Rabbi Salomon received his B.A. (cum laude) in psychology from the City University of New York. He graduated with Honors from the Hunter College School of Social Work, from where he got his Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work. He worked as a clinical supervisor for the Jewish Board of Family & Children’s Services and was an Adjunct Professor in the Master’s program of Long Island University.
Rabbi Salomon is co-author, with Rabbi Noah Weinberg z’tl, of the best-selling book, “What the Angel Taught You; Seven Keys to Life Fulfillment,” and the author of, “Something to Think About; Extraordinary Reflections About Ordinary Events,” and “Salomon Says,” all published by Artscroll.
He is the co-producer of the highly acclaimed Kiruv films, “INSPIRED!” and “INSPIRED TOO; KIRUV ACROSS AMERICA.” He is also the Creator and Director of “iProd,” “HIDDEN YIDDEN,” “THE SHAKE,” and several other inspirational films.
He writes a weekly column, Out of the Box; Musings on Timely Issues for the Flatbush Jewish Journal.
Rabbi Salomon’s video blog, “Salomon Says,” on www.aish.com, was seen weekly for ten years by hundreds of thousands of people across the world.
His speaking, writing, and musical talents have delighted audiences, from Harvard to Broadway and everything in between.
He lives in Jackson, NJ, surrounded by his loving family.

What A Waste

What's in your garbage pail? (2 min.)

Travels with My Ego

Rising above life's ups and downs.

Fill 'Er Up

Your chance to end the gas crisis... (2 min.)

Separate Gender Education

Old-fashioned or New & Improved?

Where Are You Right Now?

How do you spend your time at work?

Your New Seder Companion

Here's a simple idea that can transform your Seder experience.

From Parent to Parents: A Passover Letter

In a world dominated by distractions galore, Passover affords parents an opportunity to connect with their kids in a most meaningful and magical way.

Play Ball

Opening Day: What's all the noise about? (2 min.)

Hatred at Harvard

New players with old tunes join the 'Blame the Jews' team. (2 min.)

Thank You, Dr. Sultan

One woman speaks her mind. (2 min.)


Some numbers will never fade away.

Spiritual Flight Insurance

Is your pilot really 'good to go'? (2 min.)

The Heavenly Blizzard

Is your Weatherman really a False Prophet? (2 min.)

Taking Pot Shots at Cheney

When is a double standard okay? (2 min.)

Shop n' Drop

How much is a little sleep worth to you? (2min.)

Peering Through the Rainbow

I found my pot o' gold in the place I least expected to.

Cartoon Craziness

Does freedom of expression have limits? (1min. 40sec)

Will Hamas go Broke?

What happens when the money dries up? (1min. 45sec)

The Misleading Memoir

Oprah comes clean. Sort of. (3 min)

Re-claiming Kabbalah

Don't believe what you read. (2 min. 31 sec)

All Together Now

What can we do to nurture Jewish unity? (2 min. 11 sec)

Monday, Monday

Think you're having a rough day? Think again.

Sabbath: Day to Pray or Day to Play?

Who decides Community Center policy? (2 min. 27 sec)

Salomon Says: Unfriendly Skies

Are rules meant to be broken? (2 min. 30 sec)

Salomon Says: When Kids Curse

Are they breaking the law or just letting off steam? (2 min. 24 sec)

Salomon Says: Creationism Vs. Evolution

Does it belong in our classrooms? What's your opinion? (1 min. 55 sec)

Salomon Says: Target Practice

How much charity is really enough? (1 min. 36 sec)

Salomon Says: The Great Google Rebellion

Can't live with it; can't live without it (2 min. 11 sec)

Not So Trivial Pursuit

Maybe winning really is everything after all.

What's Hiding in Your Freezer

Priorities, priorities, priorities... isn't that what it's all about? (1 min. 29 sec)

Mind Over Matter

Putting your "emergencies" to the ultimate test. (1 min. 39 sec)

No Baggage

This Yom Kippur, leave the guilt at home.

No Baggage

This Yom Kippur, leave the guilt at home.

My Modem Speaks

Sometimes speed can make things slower.

Building Your Own Temple

My 11-year-old daughter came a lot closer than most of us ever will to really understanding the true meaning of Tisha B'Av.

Under God's Canopy

In about 10 hours you will be a married man and Mommy and I will be doing the whimpering thing.

For Just One Week

What would you like to do for just one week?

The Heavenly Report Card

Maybe you're not such a bad parent (spouse/friend/person) after all.

You're On the Air!

Imagine how careful you'd be if those around you were watching, listening, and analyzing your every word. Guess what? They probably are.

The Possible Dream

Sometimes dreams come true. And sometimes the truth becomes a dream.

Thursdays with Chaim

Which is harder: Saying goodbye or saying hello?

Zaidy Says Hello

Advice to my newborn grandson on his first day on Earth.

Friends Don't Grow on Trees

Why are some people blessed with wonderful, caring friends while others seem destined for loneliness?

Sukkot in Spanish Harlem

That night in the sukkah, I learned a painful lesson about complacency and security.

Go for the Gold

Achieving your personal victory this Rosh Hashana.

Heavenly Prayer

The advantages of praying 38,000 feet above the ground.

In the Waiting Room

What do you do while you wait for the doctor in the waiting room?

To Tell the Truth...Sort of

Deceit and insincerity, both subtle and blatant, permeate our lives.Jaded, we either miss it or shrug it off. Neither reaction is acceptable.

The Mystery of 1964

A child's shocking discovery of his father's painful past.

Bondage: Circa 2004

Remembering that success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.

Next Steps