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February 20, 2022 | by

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21 comments on “Sheryl Sandberg Documents Hamas’ Sexual Violence”

  1. t was a well done video. Any arrested protestor (should be 99.99999% of them) should be lockd in a cell and the Israeli controlled video and this Screams Before Silence should be played 24/7. The snowflake empty headed useful idiots have zero clue what they are even protesting. A real Testament to the education system and the quality of subjects and teaching .

  2. That Owen Jones is absolutely awful. I heard him say that he saw the October 7th 43-minute film, and he didn't see any evidence of rape and what was shown wasn't proof enough. A few weeks later, he interviewed a Gazan woman claiming the IDF was raping, and he did not ask for any evidence or any other witnesses. In short, Hamas can confess to rape, Israelis can say they were raped and that is not enough for Owen Jones. But one Gazan woman makes the claim, and he is ready to believe it all and more without a shred of proof.
    (I don't know why the algorithm sends his videos to me, but sometimes I watch to find out what the other side says, and I feel a duty to comment to confront his twisted lies.)

  3. these women groups don't protect jewish and/or israeli women, if they were there on oct 7, the same thing would of happened to them, some of the pro palestinian(so called) protesters don't even know anything what is really going on, it is pretty scary to see going on in 2024, and not in germany 1930s/1940s

  4. While rape may be “common” in wartime, it is prohibited in the Geneva Conventions. So are all assaults on civilians. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

  5. Send this video to Biden, congress, the UN and everywhere else it’s needs to be seen and understood what we’re dealing with

    1. Biden and the UN is very anti semitic, and congress is divided i think by democrats and repubicans, the democratic party is hijacked with woke, progressives, and especially the hate squad, and Biden wants the muslim vote, the hate against jews and israel started with Obama, and unfortunely jews voted for Obama, and jews also voted for Hitler(may his name be erased), and read the book 'mein kenif" in german, the muslims read the book "mein kenif" in arabic, most americans are naive and don't know what their up against, like before in germany, it started with the jews, and then ended with most of the populaton, i hope most americans wake up and smell the coffee , it is not only a jewish and israel problem the whole world is in grave danger if the enemy is not stopped

  6. Part 2 of 2

    It means: The answer and the deliverance must be sought from My God above.

    Understand: The evil of this age has reached such a level as to exceed all prior civilizations combined.

    It is our last age, until the Moshiach arrives and we have approached the 11th hour.

    The quickest, easiest way to release all the sparks back to Heaven, to complete this requirement for his arrival: The food you eat; to bless, appreciate with gratitude and humility; to give proper thanks each and every time, all through the day, all throughout the world.

  7. Part 1 of 2

    No matter how many times it is written, it will not make a difference; because, we know the truth, and they know it too.

    It is not about the truth, but deliberate denial, and falsehood. It is about bullying and ganging upon; dimishment to end the existence of us.

    It is about the rise of The Evil from the Underworld increasingly into the minds and hearts and souls of humanity.

    It is about a Battle, the War of which we must win. We have been there, done it before. Today there is no room for cowardliness.

    It means we should keep proceeding forward, ahead, and to continue to document, and to hold accountable those responsible, and through all legal means possible.

    1. They have also attempted murder upon My God by slapping Him in His Face, to trade truth for lie, and to make it appear fair-seeming to the world.

      1. You talk a lot. “Attempted murder upon My G-d”? Knowing G-d you would know that statement is impossible. “Slapping Him in His Face”? If you could only see my face twist in confusion. And to write privately, something’s up. My instinct, which thankfully and graciously was instilled in me by the Mighty One, thinks you are trying to put fear into this forum of readers. If you know Him and trust Him, you know that the covenant we have with Him is external and behind our fight you will find the One AND Only LORD, Blessed be He! Please take your fearmongering elsewhere so that we may focus on fighting the GOOD fight with the Lord, our G-d, in our hearts and in our minds. Best wishes to you!

        1. It is a figurative illustration of cause and effect.

          How did you confuse this?

          The fear is meant for antiSemites.

          How did you not understand that?

          Stay safe. Be well.

        2. Thank you for the best wishes. I wish them for you as well. I do not know who you are, but I have studied using this site almost 25 years, and studied in the halls at Aish Jerusalem. I only write what I religiously know is truthful and correct and called for. I am sorry this caused you upset. As far as conversion, this springs from your mind and heart, not mine, My God forbid, I assure you.You will have to evaluate your own thoughts. Kindly refrain from attacking and insinuating against me in front of My God. I Am doing His Good Works, even if you do not understand or recognize the mechanics.

  8. The Be a Mensch Foundation ( has recently compiled an educational book on October 7th and beyond ( soon to be released)
    Run to the Bottom Climb to the Top
    The book is a comprehensive view of the event and includes the Silent Cry, documented with reference all what happened on October 7th as well as chapters on Human potential, The Psychopathology of sexual abuse Resilience and Unity- the saving grace

    1. Part 1 of 2

      What occurred on October 7, 2023 was pre-meditated, long-term planned criminal trespass; criminal murder, criminal mischief, criminal mayhem; and, criminal abduction.

      It had nothing to do with grievances, which is a cover for the goal of world domination, the removal of all free will, and the death of true faith; to end the world, and before the Moshiach arrives.

      You are in the 11th hour for the arrival of Moshiach.

      1. Please stop trying to convert us, whatever the hour. That’s just as much annihilation as physical destruction - cf. both Hanukkah and Purim.

        1. How is it that you do not understand the party referred to in the comment are the heinous animals who peretrated the savagery on 10/7?

          How is this in any way an attempt at conversion, and to what?

          It is saying their actions and their so stated reasons for what they did on 10/7 in reality have nothing to do with each other, and are driven by a much larger hidden agenda.

          Many have been blind sided by them due to pre-conditioning through historical terror.

          Stay safe. Be well.

          1. From "In His Hands" by Yaakov Salomon

            Reb Yosef: Know that life is in the exclusive hands of the Almighty. It is He and He only who determines the fate of we, who are but flesh and blood. No matter what happens here today, you must continue your vital work. You have been given extraordinary talents and you must use them without hesitation, remorse, or vacillation. For it will not have been you that failed, [if unsuccessful,] but rather the will of the Creator that has spoken. I hope you understand."

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