Vacationing in Israel, I Was Called to War

October 16, 2023

4 min read


Dr. Chanoch Harow, an American emergency doctor, speaks to from the front lines.

At age 18, Chanoch Harow spent a gap-year studying at Yeshivat HaKotel across from the Western Wall. Then his Israeli friends got drafted into the Israeli army, and Chanoch went back to America to attend university.

Yet Chanoch felt a sense of obligation to join his friends in the IDF, and a year later he signed up for the Machal program that combines army service with Torah study.

Boca Raton doctor is ready for battle

After three years in Machal, Chanoch went back to America and became a doctor, specializing in emergency medicine. Today, he is Medical Director of the Emergency Department of West Boca Medical Center in Florida, where he treats patients with life-threatening conditions: heart attack, drug overdose, shock, massive bleeding, etc.

Hoping to use his medical experience to help the State of Israel, Chanoch applied to join the IDF as a reserve soldier. The offer was rejected. Yet after years of persistence (“knocking on a lot of doors and bothering a lot of people”), in 2015 Chanoch was accepted to a 5-week training course to become an IDF medical officer. He was assigned to a unit that specializes in multi-casualty triage and advanced trauma life support.

Every year since, Chanoch would spend one week in Israel training with the IDF. “Our unit is designed to operate only in specific war situations that require an emergency field hospital close to the front lines,” he says. “Our unit is so specialized that it was never actually deployed. It was like put on a shelf for a rainy day that nobody expected would come.”

On the Front Lines

Fast-forward to October 7, 2023. Chanoch was in Israel for a two-week vacation with his wife and four children. His son Aiden previously studied at Aish in Jerusalem, and this year his son Ami is doing the same.

The Harows

Chanoch describes: “At 1AM last Saturday night, I received a WhatsApp message, followed by a phone call, informing me of immediate mobilization. I got notified the same way as 300,000 other Israelis.”

On Sunday, Chanoch headed to an army base where he encountered “thousands and thousands of cars parked on the road leading to the base, belonging to guys who left their families, their jobs, everything.”

Chanoch says that morale on the base is very high. “Everyone is focused on the mission and the goal. We feel privileged to be fighting for the Jewish people. This war isn’t just about Israel, but about Jews everywhere. Of course, the security of the country and the well-being of Israel’s southern citizens was directly attacked. But a secure Israel is also deeply meaningful and important for Jews everywhere, and the harbinger of our redemption.” Furthermore, Jews everywhere are at risk.

Chanoch is amazed at the many care packages arriving at the base. “People are sending a staggering amount of donations. Socks and t-shirts. Home-baked goods. Cases of food from restaurants. And it always comes with a note: 'We appreciate you. We support you. We love you.' I'm hearing the same messages from my friends in America, loud and clear. Every text and note makes a big difference. And it's something everyone can do. It really matters.”

On the front lines, where life and death hangs in the balance, Chanoch detects a spiritual awakening. “Guys in our unit, who are not religious, are joining our minyan (prayer group) and wearing tzitzit. Everyone knows these are unique times. We feel Yad Hashem (God’s presence) with us.”

At this time, what should Jews abroad be doing to help? Chanoch says: “Prayer and Torah study are a huge part of who we are as a people. Understanding that God runs the world gives all Jews the confidence that everyone’s efforts are important for success in this battle.

“Also, buying Israeli products is a tangible way to support Israel and Israeli manufacturers. Most importantly, Israel has made tremendous expenditures of resources, with much more in the coming weeks. Donating to established reputable charities and buying Israel Bonds gives sorely-needed resources to the country to begin rebuilding and restocking when this war is over.”

Please pray for the safety and success of Chanoch Benyamin ben Fruma Shiyndel, and all the IDF solders.

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6 months ago

To Dr. Chanoch H. My deepest thanks to you and all of soldiers in Israel. Some sons and daughters of dear friends are there too. May HaShem protect you and look after you.

Andrea Hyatt
Andrea Hyatt
6 months ago

Grateful to each and everyone of you on the front lines fighting this War. Our hearts are broken over this nightmare no one could have imagined. Know you are in my/our prayers. Chazak Chazak V’nitchazeik! Your strength gives us strength. You are our brothers and sisters and we love you.

Stephen E Katz
Stephen E Katz
6 months ago

Thank You.

6 months ago

May HaShem continue to bless you along with all of the brave IDF soldiers. Am Yisrael Chai. 🙏🏼🇮🇱❤️

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