As a Jew in Manhattan, Something Has Changed

October 25, 2023

5 min read


Walking the streets of Manhattan today, I am reminded of the fear I felt growing up in Iran.

I walk down the streets of Manhattan, where I had my first job, where I attended graduate school and where I went on the first date with my husband, and I am terrified. I pass by the graffiti of a swastika on the side of The Second Avenue Deli and tuck in the necklace I am wearing with the Hebrew names of my children.

I send a quick text to my daughter who is a student at a city school and tell her to tuck in her Star of David. She sends me a curt “No”. I smile at her love for her Jewishness, her passion for Israel, and the pride she feels for our people. She got that from me and her father.

But these days, I am scared.

The Manhattan I fell in love with over 30 years ago is not the same. Thirty years ago, I was an Iranian refugee and my head spun at the height of the buildings, the colorful people and characters and my mouth melted when I tasted my first New York style pizza. Today I quicken my steps and my eyes are constantly on the lookout.

Being a Jew now feels like a bag of mixed emotions, filled with fear, sadness, and outrage, sprinkled with feelings of pride at our unity.

In Iran, I never told anyone I was Jewish if I could help it. My family tried to hide our identity as best as we could, but teachers and neighbors always knew. We were the lone Jewish family on our cul-de-sac, and we kept quiet, interacting with our Muslim neighbors only when absolutely needed. We celebrated our holidays quietly and tried to not draw attention to ourselves in schools or markets.

Once a teacher pointed to me and said to group first graders, “That Jew is a Zionist.” They all looked at me, aghast. I went home and asked my mother what a Zionist was, feeling that it was something terrible. The stories in our school books about the plight of the Palestinian people who longed to returned to their homeland confused me. Wasn’t Israel my ultimate homeland?

But my parents warned me not to speak up, so I said nothing. I shrank a little more into the wooden bench of my second-grade class, hoping no one would point out the fact I was Jewish. By this time, I considered myself a Zionist, even though I never spoke the words. I knew what the punishment would be for such a declaration.

I can still hear the angry chants of “Death to Israel”, thousands of miles away and some 30 years later.

On my way to school I’d pass by murals depicting Israel and United Stated as the enemy of Islam, slogans of “Death to Israel and America” everywhere. On days of celebrations, or commemoration of deaths of Imams, flags of Israel and America were burned side by side. I can still hear the angry chants of “Death to Israel”, thousands of miles away and some 30 years later. Those words sent a chill down my spine. As a little girl I learned that there are people would want me dead because I am Jewish and love Israel.

Little did I know that Hamas terrorists with the backing of Iran, would do just that years later, not in Iran, but on the land of the Jewish people. A land where I grew up believing would be a safe haven for all of us. Little did I realize their hate would drive them to commit the worst horrific massacre towards Jews since the Holocaust, shaking the nerve of every Jew around the world.

Walking the streets of Manhattan today, I am reminded of the fear I felt growing up in Iran. When I moved to the United States, I never thought I would have to hide who I am, or be afraid to be Jewish. But history has a way of repeating itself.

In Iran, when passing by the police or a rally, I would pull my head cover around me a little tighter, hoping to be invisible. Now in Manhattan, I hide my Hebrew necklace, feeling guilty to be afraid.

I wonder: Is this how the Jews felt before the Holocaust happened? Is this how my grandfather and father felt walking the streets of Shiraz as angry mobs attacked the ghetto?

Jews are quite familiar with an existential threat. It’s embedded into our genes, and tattooed on our souls like the numbers the Nazis tattooed on their prisoners. Israel is engaged in an existential war, a war that affects all Jews around the world.

The other day my daughter and her friend put up countless flyers about the kidnapped victims of the Hamas terror, demanding their release. Today she calls me, her voice shivering, to tell me they’ve all been taken down. She found some of them ripped up and thrown into trashcans around campus. I am heartbroken for my daughter and for all Jewish students who have to face the reality of hatred towards Jews.

My experience with antisemitism in Iran was not one I ever thought my children would feel in the land of the free. But something amazing has transpired too. These days, my daughters and her friends are attending many rallies, wearing their Jewishness with more pride than ever before. We feel united with Israel, in pain and pride. We are strong and our voices will not be muffled.

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3 months ago

I'm so sad and so sorry. For you, for me, for our families and for the world.

Robert Korngut
Robert Korngut
4 months ago

Kept voting for Democrats so this is your new reality. Wake Up

5 months ago

I am a Japanese Christian. I am deeply saddened by the loss of many innocent lives due to the Hamas attack on October 7th and the fact that Jewish people have become targets of their attacks, influenced by false information from Hamas.I wish for peace in Israel and the safety of all Jewish people, and I pray everyday.

5 months ago

We need to recognize that - this isn't happening - for NO REASON. All the pontificating - and rationalizations - will not stop G-D's punishing us. We as the Jewish Nation People and Converts - need to turn to G-D - and ask Him - to once again - openly - clearly show us - WHY - He has allowed 87 POGROMS to take place since the C.E. - and this latest POGROM to take place - as He told us in His Written Torah Commandments and Laws He would cause. We need to accept His answer - and take our responsibility - to do - what He has shown us to do.

Robert Konilorea
Robert Konilorea
5 months ago

Israelis stay put and fight against the devil. You are only one chosen by the ALL POWERFUL CREATOR. HE promised that you would go through such pestilences until when HIS to judge you emerges.

Not long you will know the Original TRUTH which now you have no idea about it. Then you will remove every gentile from the kodesh Eretz Israel. I can see that you always stepping towards the Original TRUTH.

5 months ago

Your history is our history, brother. I stand united with you, as do all Jews. We may not get the approval of the world, but know your entire Jewish family loves you so much.

5 months ago

Unbelievable that the American alt-left is acting exactly like the Nazis and white supremacists that they purport to hate. They are showing themselves to be nothing but racist hypocrites. All of us who are true Americans, especially those of the Muslim faith, should be condemning Hamas for the atrocities they committed. They are criminals, not freedom fighters. The innocent people living in Gaza are their victims and prisoners too to their brutality just as much as the Israelis. Hamas is made up of cowards, rapists, murderers, and baby killers. Victory to God's people over evil. 🇮🇱

David (UK)
David (UK)
5 months ago

Is it now time to make the move to the Land of Israel?

I am strongly beginning to think so.

Christine Tranchell
Christine Tranchell
6 months ago

My heartbis broken. My faith in the G- d of Israel remains strong. My father was Jewisg. I wear a star of David.

6 months ago

Thank you for posting these flyers! I saw one on my street corner, on the Wall Street Bull, near a bus stop, and I was wondering who was behind it. Whereever I go I see them; and it reminds me to continue to pray.
I am inspired that you are brave enough to stand up for what's right. I think this project is very powerful. It brings an awareness to people who may not have it.
Please continue being a proud Jew and spreading light and kindness to the world! We have so much to be proud of.
And ultimately, light always wins over darkness. It's just a very hard war...

Alan S.
Alan S.
6 months ago

The ideal way to think about America is as the world's 'melting pot'. But I must quickly add that it must be a 'melting pot' of like-minded people. As much as it kills me to write this, like-minded people are those who believe in Judeo-Christian ethics. This does not mean that Buddhists, Hinduists, or other religious nations cannot live here, because much of their teaching abides by Judeo-Christian thought. It could apply to Muslims and other Islamists who are interested in living peacefully in 'our world' and abide by our laws. However, there are large elements of Muslim and Islamist teachings that cannot abide by Judeo-Christian ethics. Extremist ideology, including Jewish extremism, is often antithetical to Judeo-Chrisitan belief.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago

All American Jews must take full advantage of the Second Amendment and form militias in which all of the members are Jewish men.

Every Jewish man must have some form of military training whether in the US army or in a militia.

It is simply inexcusable and unforgivable not to be prepared.

Last edited 6 months ago by Robert Whig
Dveed Dvora DeAngelis
Dveed Dvora DeAngelis
6 months ago

This not only effects Jews, everywhere, But everyone. For as the Jews go, so goes the world. We, B'nei Noakh stand with you, The Righteous of the Nations. We are ALL in exile! Israel is the hub of the wheel of the life of this world. The hatred of Hamas, Hezbollah and any others are actually shooting themselves in the foot ( or I dare say, the head) as they keep abusing, attacking and killing the nation that will lead us all to Redemption. Hope they wake up.In the meantime, Peace to Israel and may the Full and Final Redemption come soon and in our day!!

6 months ago

I feel your pain. When I heard what happened my first prayer was "Adonai: clean out the hornets nest"! I'm one of a few Jews who live in Oklahoma. I wear my Magen David w pride. Here, everywhere I go, people ask if I am Jewish & they generally respond with that they are praying for the peace of Israel. I'm also part of 3 prayer groups who are praying daily for the release of the hostages. I believe Adonai will prevail. I've been in New York- ppl seem very angry there. The planet is travailing for the coming of Messiah. I refuse to walk in fear, but I will not cease to pray! Am Ysrael Chai!

6 months ago

Get a gun. If the Jews in Germany in the 1930's had had guns, there might not have been a holocaust. Get a gun and learn how to use it. At least when push comes to shove, you won't be a cowering helpless sitting duck.

6 months ago
Reply to  Paul

Check out this organization
Jews for Preservation of Firearms Org

6 months ago

Come Home🇭🇳 it's tragic and scary right now, but it will end - and but your daughter wili never have to tuck her Magen David in her shirt

6 months ago

My heart hurts when I hear these stories, but I can't help but wonder whom did she vote for in the last elections...Did she vote for Lee Zeldin? Did she vote for Trump who brought us the Abraham Accords?
Did she vote for the party of the Squad and the Black Caucus that says white people are supremacists? Did she support BLM that has shown its true colors by supporting HAMAS?
Democrats are the party of anti-Semites, like it or not... they live there and have a voice...will the Jewish voters wake up now? They have voted to support their enemies. It is time to stop.
I am a Jew; I stopped voting for Democrats long ago because their political party is infected with hate and identity politics. It was destined to happen because hate is a rampant disease.

6 months ago

President. Biden is a a strong supporter of Israel. SecState Blinken is Jewish; so is Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff. There are many Democrats I oppose, but not all.

Barbara Mitzner
Barbara Mitzner
5 months ago
Reply to  Rachel

Biden is giving millions and millions of dollars to Iran and Palestinians. Don’t kid yourself. He created this war.

5 months ago

Wake up and smell the coffee, you do not know what you are talking about. Please show me proof of the Democratic party against the Jews. I have been and worked for the Dem. Party for many years, they are here for the Jews , the Afro American , the Muslim, so again show the proof from your mouth.

6 months ago

Sadly I fear the same. I’m 72 and I must say I always through my life have recurrent dreams about nazis taking me. I feel such pain for the people of Israel and very scared for the future of the Jewish people all over the world. I also felt we were safe having the State of Israel. What on earth happened that these people, our people were not protected? I pray for this war to be over and for the parents who lost their families and have their loved ones a hostages. This kind of situation will never end even if the war is over and there would be an agreement. It will never end, unfortunately

Miriam Mendel
Miriam Mendel
6 months ago

I am proud of you and your daughter. For standing up for what is right. America is changing. I am from Oregon and my home state has changed much for the worse. Even though we have war and terror attacks between times I am glad we moved here to Israel. It is our home. Someday maybe you can join us here.

6 months ago

We are strong. Thank you for your touching letter.

June Weissman
June Weissman
6 months ago

I am proud of you and of the Jewish people. Am Yisrael Chai, and may G-d protect us.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago

Wear your Judaism with pride!

6 months ago
Reply to  Robert Whig

Yes! I am currently wearing the Chai necklace that a friend gave me many years ago. Btw--I appreciate your thoughtful and intelligent comments.

Robert Whig
Robert Whig
6 months ago
Reply to  Nancy

Thank you!

Hug @ Nancy

Last edited 6 months ago by Robert Whig
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