About the Author

Rabbi Yitzchak Zweig

Rabbi Yitzchak Zweig, author of Shabbat Shalom Weekly, Shabbat Shalom Fax of Life, is President/CEO of Talmudic University, the umbrella organization for a consortium of accredited schools ranging from pre-school through college and graduate school. The schools and their educational programs are located on three campuses in S. Florida and one in central Pennsylvania and are significant presences in the Jewish community.

Rabbi Zweig has developed many programs and initiatives to help strengthen the local South Florida Jewish community including the Miami Kosher Ko-Op; free of charge bereavement service; a free loan society for short term loans to needy individuals; two hospitality suites for families with members in the local hospitals; and several other community programs.

Shabbat Shalom Weekly, the Shabbat Fax of Life, is a weekly inspirational religious newsletter that is read by hundreds of thousands of readers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, worldwide every week. The Shabbat Shalom Weekly provides insights into personal growth, information on Jewish holidays, social commentary from a Torah perspective, and includes lessons from the weekly Torah portion and is available in English, and Spanish.

Rabbi Zweig has served and continues to serve on many local boards as well, and currently serves as a chaplain for the Miami Beach Fire Department.

Parsha: Bamidbar 5783: The Fragility of Responsibility

Parsha: Behar-Bechukotai 5783: When Bad Things Happen to Good Titles

Parsha: Emor 5783: Providence NOT Coincidence

Parsha: Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5783: Uh Oh! The Future Might Already Be Here

Parsha: Tazria-Metzora 5783: When Half Truths are Whole Lies

Parsha: Shemini 5783: You Are What You Eat

Parsha: Passover Edition 5783: Don’t Passover This!

Parsha: Tzav 5783: Your Wish is my Command External Inbox

Parsha: Vayikra 5783: Exponential Potential

Parsha: Vayakhel-Pekudei 5783: Time to Climb

Parsha: Ki Tisa 5783: A Sleuth for Truth

Parsha: Tetzaveh 5783: Until The End of Times

Parsha: Terumah 5783: Begins at Home

Parsha: Mishpatim 5783: Prone to Loan

Parsha: Yitro 5783: The Artifice of Sacrifice

Parsha: Beshalach 5783: If I were a Rich Man

Parsha: Bo 5783: Examination of Procrastination

Parsha: Va'eira 5783: Rituals - Habitual or Spiritual?

Parsha: Shemot 5783: Root Cause of Antisemitism

Parsha: Vayechi 5783: Your Life - Your Legacy

Parsha: Vayigash 5783: Jacob’s Life: A Primer on Parenting

Parsha: Mikeitz 5783: Hanukah and the Secret to Happiness

Parsha: Vayeshev 5783: This Calls for a Celebration!

Parsha: Vayishlach 5783: Amalek: Rejection and Disaffection

Parsha: Vayetzei 5783: Purpose of Prayer

Parsha: Toldot 5783: Thanksgiving and the Jews

Parsha: Chayei Sarah 5783: Grandchildren: God’s Compensation for Getting Old

Parsha: Vayeira 5783: Three Years Later

Parsha: Lech Lecha 5783: Failing Forward

Parsha: Noah 5783: Increase the Peace

Balak 5782: Why are Fast Days Usually Slow Days?

Parsha: Bereishis 5783: Order from Chaos

Parsha: Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah 5783: Seventh Heaven!

Parsha: Ha'azinu 5783: A Time for Unity!

Parsha: Vayelech 5783: Regret and Repent

Parsha: Nitzavim 5782: Begin with the End in Mind

Parsha: Ki Tavo 5782: Benedictions and Maledictions

Parsha: Ki Seitzei 5782: Here Comes the Sun

Parsha: Shoftim 5782: Law & Order

Parsha: Re'eh 5782: On the Arrogance of Man

Parsha: Eikev 5782: Bu-rning Questions

Parsha: Va’etchanan 5782: A for Effort

Parsha: Devarim 5782: Understanding Tisha B’Av

Parsha: Mattos-Masei 5782: For Heaven’s Sake!

Parsha: Pinchas 5782: Dream of Self-Esteem

Parsha: Balak 5782: Why are Fast Days Usually Slow Days?

Parsha: Chukat 5782: Let’s Play the Blame Game!

Parsha: Korach 5782: Visit to Lift the Spirit

Parsha: Shlach 5782: You REALLY Shouldn't Have!

Parsha: Beha'alosecha 5782: Campaign to Complain

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