I’ll Take 500 Sleeping Bags Please

January 23, 2024

4 min read


Everyone can still make a difference in supporting Israeli soldiers.

October 7th has changed every single aspect of our lives. Many people have shared that every night when they go to bed, they think of thousands of IDF soldiers who are sleeping on the ground, dressed and ready to return to their duties at any given time. Such seemingly basic necessity, as a bed with a mattress can no longer be taken for granted.

Recently, a group of volunteers from around the world has successfully supplied 500 sleeping bags to IDF soldiers.

My husband’s friend, Dan, who lives in Jerusalem, created a private WhatsApp group with a few friends that included two commanders of Tank Infantry units. One of them, Alex, is currently serving in Gaza and the other, Yakov, is stationed near the Lebanese border. Members of the WhatsApp group sent some financial support to purchase everyday items for the soldiers. Slowly, more and more people asked to be added to the Tank Infantry group, hoping to contribute whatever was needed – warm undergarments, heating pads, flashlights, binoculars.

Then Alex and Yakov shared that their soldiers would benefit from lightweight, waterproof sleeping bags, designed for cold night temperatures.

After some research, we discovered that such bags are available through Amazon at $40 per unit. We posted the Amazon link on our WhatsApp group and within days, just about everyone on the chat bought a sleeping bag and shared the link with others. Arthur, our friend from Philadelphia, volunteered his house as a temporary holding space for all the bags. His three young boys, ages 7, 9, and 10 spent their after-school hours opening Amazon boxes, taking out sleeping bags, collecting invoices, and repackaging them for shipping.

“I wanted to make sure my kids knew how important this mission is and feel connected to our homeland,” Arthur said. “They were excited to know that they were helping our soldiers. The soldiers sent us thank you notes with pictures of them in our bags. Those photos made everyone, kids and adults, feel incredibly proud, connected and grateful.”

Eventually we sent 500 sleeping bags to IDF soldiers, helping them through the cold winter nights. Taking concrete action and contributing tangibly to the IDF, in addition to our prayers, changed our lives.

Alex sent us this message from Gaza. "When we receive your gifts, to us it is much more than a sleeping bag or a helmet or a warm undergarment. This is the realization that we are not alone in this war. We feel loved and supported by the Jewish people throughout the world. Together, we will win."

Yakov wrote, “It’s so important for us to know that the Jews from all over the world are lending a helping hand to the IDF soldiers, spending time, energy, and money to make our path to victory easier. This is a fulfillment of the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. The sleeping bag campaign warmed not only our bodies but also our hearts.”

This labor of love is still inspiring more people to support and donate. Our house is full of boxes with more sleeping bags, warm jackets, gloves, rain gear, energy packs, shoes, heating pads, winter undergarments and other useful items requested by the soldiers.

Yakov shared, "When guys from neighboring units notice our newly arrived sleeping bags, they humbly ask if they could be added to the donation list.”

We will continue to do what we can to support our heroes who risk their lives on behalf of the entire Jewish people. One thing is clear: each and every Jew, no matter where they live, needs to realize that this is their communal mission. Act now to support Israeli soldiers.

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Sara Mandelbaum Beer
Sara Mandelbaum Beer
3 months ago

Great group of caring and loving people. So happy I found that group. Am
Israel Chai. 💙🤍💙

Sofya tamarkin
Sofya tamarkin
3 months ago

Thank you so much

3 months ago

How can I buy sleeping bags or other equipment for our boys.

Sofya tamarkin
Sofya tamarkin
3 months ago
Reply to  Jerry

Thank you so much for wanting to help. Please email me at howdoigrow@hotmail.com
Or just visit the site directly

3 months ago

How do I act now to support Israeli soldiers with sleeping bags?

3 months ago

We just created website
with links to Amazaon purchase list, WhatsApp group, YouTube channel.

Bracha Goetz
Bracha Goetz
3 months ago


Sofya tamarkin
Sofya tamarkin
3 months ago

We continue our IDF support campaign.

Today is Day 7.

We shipped yesterday 16 donation bags, bags just cleared through customs less than an hour ago.

Please see what we have done in a week since we started an Amazon purchases campaign:

709 items purchased,
663 items remaining to be purchased.

We received request from Special forces unit in Gaza for equipment bags, so it was added to Amazon registry.

Link below is Amazon registry for items needed by our soldiers.

Please buy what you can and share this list with family and friends.

For shipping choose "registry tank infantry" address.


3 months ago
Reply to  Sofya tamarkin

Hi.I'm reading about so much stuff super generously donated by people in US that I have become ashamed to be from UK !!Does anyone know about any projects going on in England? Is the shipping not cheaper from here as I would have thought its about 60% nearer...?

2 months ago
Reply to  E.R

You can buy items from registry, and coordinate with people at the tank infantry com.
Keep in mind that airlines, such as ELAL may give you better shipping rate as this is charitable donation
($50 vs $130 regular checked in baggage rate rate)
For receiving side it is more convenient when you ship 3+ duffel bags, so it's wise to cooperate with friends

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